Community 'Small Change' holiday drive benefits local food bank Donations help kitchens, shelters By ( ntherine Hawley I merald Reporter Al some lime nr another one out of four people goes hungrv m lime ( ouniv .mil must turn lo Kugenes soup kill li i ns shelters or food ifon.ilion agencies for help. said I '•■mlim* I ii*iikI<* uf I ( M )l) for I..1111' ( ouniv .t Im al food bunk \\ liii h supplli’s t.minty organizations Now llii' remaining 7r> port rnl of I-iiif ( ouniv residents have tin? o|iporlumly lo feed Ilnur hungry neighbors liv donut him one pi*r< ent of Ilnur lulls to the food bunk every limn lliev go lo the store or eat ul u ri'sluurunl "VVliul vvi' are Irving lo do is broaden llii' liusr of supporl siliil Irengle In I ))•• past. I hi- food biink bus relied on large donations from a small pool of (.onlribulors. but rinuillv I In? numbiu and size of i ontribiitions bus sbrunk. Irough- said Now the agiun \ will relv on i ash do nations from more people lo help it sup plv food lo area soup kill bens, sbellers. food Imx distribution ugeni ies and resi dential programs I rengle said Although I I I.( kuked olf ils Small ( li.ingc 1 11.inksgi\ mu wrrk it is not just .1 holiday fundi.unit 1 irnulr WV unvision il .1*. .1 lung li'rin. nit ginng pingMin.'' I rt'nglr s.ud 'Ur .nr IrvillK In grl prnplr lip l.iki' Irspiiiislblll' U fill (Ml.l!) Illul frrd I he pi'iiplr v\lli> lin'd fi> l>r frd Muir 7(1 l uKi'lir ii'sl.nii.inK .mil Ipusiiu'sm's !i.ivi■ Ijrrn purlii ip.ding in tin- Sm.ill ( li.ingr pmgniin sun r \uv out .1 (Intuition ).ir ot use the s.tlcs t.i\ kc\ on thin ( ash registers to .idd one pen cut to ,i ( ustomer s liill I In' tot'll ,lllloll111 of (intuitions will lie added up ,111(1 sent to I I l.t trough' s.uil she did not \(‘t have am figures for tin1 lust in'll "I tin1 pro grant's opcr.ilion. but said participating liusini'ssi's Inin' been supportin' Hu.sinesses that are enthusiastii about (Small Change) are doing well." I rengle said Both Small Change donation |ars and the one pen out option seemed to he ‘I'Ve are trying to get people to take responsibility for (FFLC) and feed the people who need to be fed. — Caroline Frengle JO. and more an' Mining up ever\ d.n I rengle s.tul Musi partu ipating businesses are small. Icxallvowned stores anil restau lants. although larger businesses nun join the program as soon as thev get per mission from their headquarters. I rengle said businesses who partii ipate in the Small ( liange program i .in either put f.iirlv popular m Iheir first week .it Ore gun Homegrown Meats. IM.t.t llilyard St owner Hrian Kohler, who helped I rough' set up Small Change It was 11110 of our highest volume weeks, with Thanksgiving turkeys and everything.” Kohler said Tin looking a! the donation jai and it's (list full of money Customers often donated more than the suggested imc pen (Mil ut their loud bills Kohler said At Sundiini e Natural Foods. 748 K J4th Ave , donors .ire also ini lined to give more than one pert ent. said < ashler Martha (Ihristman I’eople are responding to both dona lion jars and 111.. percent payment. said Dave KesSegnie. head of the infor mation and rescan h department "We have hig signs hy the cash regis ter and people t an ask the cashiers (to find out more about Small Change)." KesSegnie said The Small Change donation jar at The (Kenwood Restaurant. 1.440 Alder St was not faring as well, said manager Cloria Preston It doesn't seem to he terribly popn lar. Preston said. "I don’t know if peo ple pist don't see it. or what." Small Change depends on the custom er to initiate donations without pressure from business employees, said Frengle t nless people know about it. they won't give." Frengle said "It takes ev erybody telling every body else " Other campus area businesses part it ipating in Small Change include The Faculty Club. Fall Creek bakery. Excelsior Cafe. Stuart Anderson's black Angus Kestau rant and Treehouse Restaurant PRESENTED BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS OUH I ON T Ml St T' MAMMY Ml T( Mil S MAM SPOT TAM ONI' WMf N YOUR WARDROBE S NOT f MOOCH TO Rf Al IY S S SHOW YOUR ST Of» l IKf A DIAMOND IN TH( HOOCH ✓ YOU NMD TOUT YOUR FIEl INCS SMtNt \ - OH If YOU Rt JUS! IN lOVt OH WANNA HI A C C CUT ABOVt YOU DON T Nf I D TO PUSH A SMOVf YOU DON T Nf t D TO STAND IN l INI I Pi u7a PU PU TA PUT A Pt XI PUHTA PH PU PHT T A PM T PU HUM PUTUPUTPU PHI T/A PHIT/A PU Pi TO SATISFY TMt ITCMII S TO ADO J J Jt Wf LHY TO YOUR STITCMIIS YOU CAN GO TO FT AMITY RITCMIl S A NO KNOW YOU Rl l OOKING t INI C Aur.l WHI N YOUR l OOK Nl I DS Ml Al IN TO HI SUM! ABOUT YOUR O O 01 Al IN YOU CAN THUST YOUH INN1 H f § I I IN AND KNOW JUST WHAT YOU HI BUYIN THf Y KNOW JUST WHAT TO DO TO UNO WHAT S HI Al l Y YOU WIIHVAIUI THAT'S T T THUI I11UI IT S HAHHY HI ICHit S t VI HY TlMt rr I PUTA PUT A PUM PUH PIT/ Pi T/ PUMT PUHTA PU PU TA PLUIA PIUTA PU PUTAPUTA PUT PUT Pi 1/ PUPUMPU Police Beat The following is a list ol i ampus area ( mm’s tiikfii from Offn.c ol Public. Safety and Ku i■ in• Police Department reports IrelweenNov 20 and Nov 27 • \ I>iiry*lar\ at tin- Phi Delta l lii’ta lrati>rnit\ at 1472 him aid St resulting in the tin'll ol a S'lOll ( annond.ilc bicycle was reported to I.I’ll Nov 27 I lie unknown suspect entered the house through the unloi ked I>ai k door and removed the hike e\t epl for the rear lire which was linked to a pole in the basement • Ihe theft ol a S t * I • video re i ordei from a room m the Kdu i alum Pudding was reported to I PI) Nov 27 Ihere were no signs ol Ion ed end \ to the room b\ the unknow n suspei t • I he tlielt ot a purse with ( on tents worth Sin Irom (lender son dormilorv was reported to OHS Nov 22 Thi: unknown suspet t entered the owner's room through the open door .old removed the purse while the ov\ nei was out • A $ 1 HO t.u nIt\ p.irkinn per mil stolen from a vehii le in the IM.l parking lot was reported to KIM) Nov J1 • I he theft ol furniture worth a total of Soo t from Walton (aim pies reported to OHS Nov JO The items a v at mini i leaner, a t offee table and two couches were last seen in various dorms in the complex There are no suspet Is • I he theft ol three lamps with a total value ot $10 from Kilev Hall was reported to OHS Nov JO The lamps were last seen in Ihe lounge There are no siis pet Is • OHS reports 0 additional hikes stolen and none ret ov eretl OREGON HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Today your high school counselors will be on campus to talk with you about your University experience. Where: Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union When: 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM If your high school is listed below your former counselors would like to talk with you for a few minutes. So stop by and visit with them. Schools Interviewing Former Students. Aloha Ashland Astoria Bandon Beaverton Benson Canby Cascade Central Linn Churchill Clackamas Cleveland Cottage Grove Crow David Douglas Douglas Forest Grove Gladstone Glencoe Gresham Hillsboro Jesuit Lakeridge LaSalle Lebanon Madison McMinnville McNary Milwaukie Molalla Newberg Oregon City Oregon Episcopal Philomath Pleasant Hill Rex Putnam Reynolds Roseburg Sam Barlow Sandy Scappoose Seaside Sheldon Sherwood South Albany South Salem South Umpqua St Helens Tigard Vernonia West Albany West Linn Willamette Wilson BMBdd fS PiMiM CHINESE RESTAURANT *4*1*