University FOmm Continued from Page I "There .ire not anv differ en< !■> m terms iit crimes re gardless of religious, politi cal or sexual preference." Rutledge said "II someone ran show intent to harass .1 person liecause of prejudice against their lifeslv le it i .111 he .1 crime under the protect ed i lass law instituted on Od 1 Rutledge said training in this area for polii e oflii ers is very limited right now, but explained that a training program on sexual orienta lion and homo|iholua would begin in lanuarv or l-'ebru ar\ The department is still Irving to locate experts to in itiate and i undue t the pro gram for all HIM) stall and ol tii ers KIM) has also ( hanged the wav ( rimes have been 1 e ported I 01 the last six months hate ( rimes have been trni ked and catego rized for each protected 1 lass rather than lumped to gether as harassment said Rutledge Re( entlv the HIM) 1111 >\ ed hate i 1 i■ lies to a pi 101 itv one status vvliii h ((insists of life threatening situations Dur ing Man h of last \ eai rai ial ini idem es be< .one a ( 11111 munitv ( oik ern "II hei a me a priorits when minorities began to demand that we take it sen ouslv ' Rutledge said "We i hanged t he v\ av v\ e responded to those types of 1 alls as a result id i (immuni ty feed bill k Rutledge said ' ( rimes are reported and of filers file a written report whether or not an investiga tion takes pl.u e now Transients and their .if fc( Is on businesses in I n gene was also addressed Sergeant Greg /ahar from the ( lominunitv Response Team said a survey i ni Ini I ed by (he polii e department stums that aggressive pan handlers, and disorderly i ondur t In intovii ated null viduals are some of ihe main fears of men hauls i ustoni ers and community mem hers Kn hard (ireene im nei of Rainbow ()pti( s on t.lth \venue said there is a real problem with aggressive transients w horn he i alls "predators Greene said that he has seen .1 marked ini lease in deterioration due to these predators during the past I.' years Ins business lias 011 u pied I till ,\y mine These people make it their business to harass oth er people yy Im h makes it ilillii ult to i ondiK I a bust ness Greene said I get phone i alls e\ el \ day tl'om i limits yy ho refuse to i nine to this tai 1111y bei aviso ol this preihlem ( Ireene said Ills workers are also harassed by these people '( )\ er halt the employees are women and there isn't one ol them yy ho hasn't been harassed by predators ( Ireene said I I’ll is try ing to < hange this lear by mi leasing polii e patrol in the business dis tru ts ol lingerie said Rut ledge ROMANCE LANGUAGES WINTER 90 PRE-REGISTRATION FOR IUNIORS, SENIORS, DECLARED ROMANCE LANGUAGE MAIORS AND STUDY ABROAD STUDENTS NOV. 29, 30, DEC. 1, 1989 9 AM to 4 PM ROOM 212 FRIENDLY HALL call 686-4021 for more details 300 Ert> Memorial Union 10 00 • 2 00 M F 666-4381 • Typesetting • Design/Consultation Rainforest Action Group meets tonight Ml I 1 INI .s (iollege Kepuhlii ans mn l In nielli .it "i ill in IAII ( enturv Room B Druids nii’i’l tonight .it n in KMl ( nil.ii Room II H.ill.ii ( nmpus \ssim i.itmn nwels tonight .it ii .it I hi- Bnlt.ii ( enter I I >H Alder St Sludrnls tor Creative Anm h riinism will uii’i’t and hold _Et ills_ ■ l.iin c 11rin In !• tonight .it It tit in tin- I Ml U .limit Room Rainforest Action (iroii|i meet tonight .it i in in tlin Sin ( i’iiti'1 ntln i• I AII Suitr I |rw ish Student t nion is holding .i genera! meeting to night .it ' III ill llie |SI ullii e SI’K Ms MRS AND I It H Rl S Mike I ew is \l.e ,ii til l-1 will speak mi the I ol the I \son \ aide/ oil spill tonight at *i in the IAII Hen l.indei Rooin The presentation is sponsored 11\ the Survival l eu ter I lie Australian l .iiniK and the I ses ol t’sv< ho-pathologv is the title ul a lei lure In he glv en In I'ml Kim llallord tudav at norm hi I Mi l ed.ii Rooms \ and H 1'eople are welcome to Bring a I uni h The presentation is sponsored In the Australian Studies ( aimuilttee Mist i i i ani.ois '• t he ( iani’s Are hiving" the title ol Kalatozov him about Intel s separated In uar The I i I in is in Russian President Brand's Open Ku ril m nil! he held toilav at 1 ul Roimi I >11 t ailumhta Hall A (d)-KOM tutorial on the I RK (eduiatioul d.ilahase will lie held todav at I p in in the Kelerent e Department, Knight Library Student Mass will be licit! In night .il 'I .it tlic \ev\ ( i'ii ter IH >0 I. mu -1.1 li I St ASIA) Women 's (.enter vs 111 111' holding .HI opfll house III night I rum ' lu 'I All .lie u el ! time Students interested in sum mer employment with l bmp .ire asked In submit llieir resume lu Room II! Hendricks I bill In (.in I "(■real White Hunter" is I be title id a video .iliuill boating mi main ut the West's legendary i lass \ 11\ ei s mi lulling the \\ en.ill bee l i mits .mil South I i il k nl the I'.n elle I lle s ideii will lie shown lixl.n .it I.’ Ill p m in KM! Koom .M Ihuullinr tor submittinp ft •il~- lo ihr l incr.ilil front itrsk I Ml Siu lo Mil. is noon I hr tl,n hrtorr pnhht .ition I t ,ils run Ihr iLi\ oI Ihr rvrnt unlrss llir rvrnl tutors hrtorr noon t’lr.isr submit H .its ihr da\ br torr thr\ .irr hi run onl\ XoHers ol rvrnts with ,i ito tiiilion or nit mission i Inirpr n ill not hr lit trplmt < mnptis rxrnls ,uitl thnsr si hrtltilml nr.urst llir publication il.itr will hrpnrn priontx Ihr Km iT.iltl rrsrrxrs Ihr riplil lo milt noth rs loi .uni st\ Ir c 0 u p o N BUY 1 get 1 FREE* PIPES • POSTERS CD'S • TAPES $1.00 OFF AMY PIPE Selected Regular priced poMerr. only Lazar Bazar 1 8 yr.if minimum 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall 687 0139 c 0 u p o N I II! I Ml Cl 1 1 1 K.\l K)KI M I’KKSKM'S WOTIIhK III Kl I \(.l Ml SIC CONCI KT PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION REGULAR 71 CLAUDIA SCHMIDT ( l.imli.i St i i ii 11< 11 sin^s v iv id shuns n! |M*Op|i* thlM! lovt’s .111(1 lussrs lull III liumur hikI c tiinp.tssiun Sin- weaves tradition and innov.itniii as she si my; gles in halant •• the tun t-s of v\ hnnsv and dospiiir When I landia sings .1 st>ng il stays sung' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2\I • B:OU P.M. THE EIK ROOM i mi: kkb mkmokiai. i \ion -1 ni\ KKsrn ok okm.on S ! 5(1 I ofOSTI DKM S • $7.oo(;knk:kai. im bi.ic III KHS AV AIUBIK \ ! 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