Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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We 'i/ile yo i to eri|0y the ,.ime iu!..
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Quality • Service • Integrity • Since 1913
Group questions structure safety
Blueprints from arc hitect overdue
B> Peter ( oRswell
I merjkl Reporter
I he I'mversits is still wait
inii lot plans from .1 Portland
an.hitei tural tirm 1 iimi'mlng
tin' |irii|)nsi‘ii parking slim lure
In he hlilll mi the 1 Iirrenl site til
the \Icier Street tennis courts
s.inl Dan Williams viii'-pn*si
dent ut .11im1111sl1.ilion.
I lie plans were due 111 mid
\iiveilllier hot still have not ai
rived. Williams said
I he fmn id /im
inei dunsril I i.isi a Partnership
was hired in l'IH7 In studs
1 piestnms ul salelv and .mess
i.um etning the proposed lot
Many ipiestinns have tieen
raised lis neighborhood primps
ahnill the salelv ul the stun
Ail 1111.ilils potential .11 < 1
dents between hit vt les and mu
tm velrir les and 1 untlu ts w illi
the garage iipeialiuns are pisl
some ul the safety ipiestiuns
tli.ii h.i\c been raised
! lie I airmounl neighborhood
assoi nation lias some plans in
itiintl tn c hnngo the parking sit
nation in its neighborhood, ill
i luding Irving to have the .ire,i
designated as ,i parking sill kel
ate.i said Paul Nicholson, pres
ident of the I airmounl neigh
horhood assix iation
The I airmounl neighborhood
assoi ialion has not form.ills
filed with the i itv. however to
have these i hanges take plat e
U e hav e a study group that
is dismissing east campus is
sues and one thing that it is
disi ussing is the parking stii k
ei idea Nicholson said "But
no one has made a formal pro
posal to the i itv vet
Williams agiees that there is
a i ongestion problem ill the
I an mount neighborhood
I think that d \ou walk
around in that neighborhood
you will see mans c ars that he
long to both students and t.u ill
I\ Willi.ims said
l lic si.ill' legislature Milrii in
10H7 In issue $1 hii.'i million in
hoods lot parking relaled i on
slriK lion l lie mone\ w ill In
rep.ml h\ parking user fees
$200,000 luis been sel aside
In move the tennis i ourls that
are on the future site ol the
strut lure lo a site on east r am
pus that will lie named later
The I'niversilv is also spend
mg $401).()()() lo improve hike
lanes on hast 1 .itli Avenue and
elsew here throughout the i am
A sludv in 10114 determined
that there was a need tor 1.200
parking spar es in the i ampus
area While the proposed strut
lure will onlv have SHa spai es
the I’niversilv has taken oilier
steps In solv e the prohlem.
I he I’niversilv has int reused
(he i osi ut parking permits, re
din ed Ihe nuntbei of reserved
parking spots on ( ampus and
worked with l.ann Transit l)is
trul to provide suhsidi/ed Inis
tare for I 'nivcrsitv students
rSU continues president search
B\ Stephanie Holland
\ merald Reporter
I hr < )ret>on State Hu.ini ul
Higher l\du< ill ion s Presidential
Sr,in h ( ummiltrr is working
on sc hedlde .Hid expec Is to
i huusr .1 nrv\ president t<u
I’urll.md State l mversit\ h\
nr\l spfmu
I hr t.11 get IS toi appoint
mrni in April «tnd thru somr
lime m Hu* siimmri have the
new person iissumr his ui tier
duties s.nd Lirr\ Lai^e vuc
< h.mc ellor tor public affairs iui
tin* Oregon Stale System ul
11 n*hri I due .it tun
The search committee was
appointed last |une .is I *S I
1‘rrsiden! \atale Sit lire»
planned to resign horn offit e
1417 VillardSt.
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Kogei l.dgmgton lormerls vii i•
pn sident ill 111i.i11< i- and .id
ministration. is interim presi
dml until a |nTin.in*Mit replnt e
■ in■ iit is found
The lust advertisement foi
tlir presidents posit ion was
published in tile Nos la issue
id The ( limnii It- at lliglu-i ii 1
in.limn l.urgr said 1 he sei onil
ad appeared m the Veil York
Although the i.ninmittee has
lei eiveil some applit ations
Large said lie did not know the
e\,u t mimliei The cnrh ie
linns suggest mine people will
appl\ he said
before the ads appear, the
i ommillee spends a large
amount id lime nil duties sin h
as writing the job desr.ription.
i iindiii ting open hearings and
plat ing the alls
rluimas Hruggere. niemher ul
the State Hoard ot lligliet Ldu
i ation and i hair ot the sean h
i Oinnullee said the hoard i on
sists ot two hoard members
tour tai,lilts members one ad
ministratnr two i oniniunits
representatives one student
and one alumni hoard nremhei
l lie 11ininiiltee s duties are to
uiile the |oh desi riplion post
the ads. ask people to appls
and si reel! the i audidates.
Itruggere said
Alter the committee narrows
the i .mdid.lies lo about live
people, it lorw’finis the apple .1
I ions to the i ham ellor. u ho
torwards them to the state
board, he said
The (ommittee looks loi
"preferred qualities ” in the
i undulates. Hruggere said
The ideal 1 andidate would
have qualities sue h as terminal
degree, sui h as a I’ll I) . would
lie tenurable in a researi h msli
tution, would be experienced
in leading a universitx at the
provost or presidential level
and would have fundraising ex
perienr e
It's not expel led that the in
dividual will hav e lull pen enl
ot all the 1111.1111i< alions but
th.it s w b\ then re pridetred
quulilii at ions llrugerre said
The Ainerii an Llec.Ironic s
Association's proposal whic h
is one ol 1 1 other proposals, to
the (inventor's (aimmission on
Higher Kducation in the Port
land Mel ropol itau \rea to
merge I’M' with other state
sc bools will be a variable in the
1 ommittee s presidential
scare h. Large said
It's not t leal it that w ill at
tec t |the committee's deed
sion) lie said. "It depends on
x\ ha I (the commission) recoin
I lie University's Literal's and Arts
Journal is now accepting student work
Deadline for submissions: December X. 1989
Submit .ill genres ot double spaced poetrv or short fiction, and
black and white photos or line drawings Include 2 copies of
each work. I wuh name. I without All work must be- accompu
med b> a SI I I ADDRHSSHI) STAMPED envelope to be re
turned c o l iterary Society ASIJO Office Suite 4 HMD U of ()
or laurie loans PI C 30.
Graduate & l ndergraduate Awards • The Simmering Biscuit
Poetry Award • The Huffy Lover Fiction Award
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