Regional Senator sees defense cuts ahead HAM K ()rr l AI *) Sin Boh f’ai ksvnod sas s ri‘< cut i vents in K.istern I'nrope slmnlil .illoss the ( nileil Sliiles In rediu e ils defense spending In .in inters less ss ilh the Bilker I krmni Her ■ilil I’.u ksvonil said Defense Set re lars Dn k (dienes is predicting .1 SlHO liillion de 1 lease in defense needs usei the nest three sears Two llnrds ut savings shnuld lie used In redui e the federal ilefii il he said I lie rest nf the mimes should go to fight 1 rime and drugs as ssell as to support edur .itinn "I lie (‘dm atiiin and drugs together lie said adding that the 1 nuntrs doesn I need more ('oast (in a rd 1 utters and airplanes to fight drug imports Instead, a heller drug edm utinn program is needed lie said it might take It) to 20 sears for the message to get through hut iiw.leased edilialion esentUiills svmrld hegin to 1 liarige attitudes to sv.ird drugs 111 the svas tiles have heen 1 hanged toward using seat hells and disrouraging smnk tng In another matter I’m kssood said ( (ingress learned a lesson svlien It repealed tile lull suppls lllg lalastrophil health (.tie foi the elderls I he program ssas established to help the nation s el dials hut thus were asked to help pas lor it ss ilh .i surtax Hi* likrnrd I In* xi’l up In .1 user (it .1 nd said tin* usrr*> said thrv'd ralhrr mil havr thr (it ■ mil r.ilhi'r not li.ivc (hi* srrvii i* It'll In* some prriod of timr ho fori' \vi* ,ip pro,n li Mih)i*i 1 hk.iiii." (if* said I1.11 kwood prrdii toil tin- budgrt will drop to brtvvt m $lto Inllion .mil $U() I11II1011 next Its going in tlir right dirri lion hr said Thr srn.ilor slid hr saw nothing wrong with tlir p.i\ i.nxr ( ongrrss npprovril lor its rnrmhrrs Srn.itorx p.n will ini n .isr to $101.4(10 nrxl I )i tohri .mil thr\ will hr allowitd to krrp t Stiff 111 spr.iklllg fr*rs Mrinbrrx ol thr llotisr I .111 krrp no spr.ikmg frrs hut Ihrir wrrr in 1 rr.isrd to $