Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Page 13, Image 12

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Lucas i
ontinucd trom P.iur 10
U hen Munson and Ins st.ill
i .line lo rm house they sal
down v\ ilh m\ mom ami un
IrilkmI .ii adnmii s I ,ui .is said
Ih.il rn.illv impressed m\
mom and me." he said "Other
si hools talked about basketball
I li st. hut the (Jregnn ret ruitei ■■
reall\ stressed the ai ademil
side ot college and then talked
about basketball
Lucas said his tirst priority
while at Oregon is to earn a ile
glee lie said he remains re.ills
I n about his i ham es it a pro
lession.il basket!).! 11 I alee:
People always ask me about
the \ HA I an as said I In
NBA is great and I would go in
a second
'' Hut the percentage ol < ol
lege players who make it in the
MBA is not very high, he said
"I have to he realistic The de
gree is the major reason I t nine
Along u ilh petsoiial on
piny eninnt Ian as sees im
provement over last season in
Oregon's basketball team The
ItlKH-H1) I lucks finished i t > in
the I'.u 10 and H 1 1 overall
I an as said hard u ork and im
proved attitudes will lie a key
to an improved lUH'l 'Ml Oregon
basketball siptad
'Cats move in poll
The Arizona \\ 11<It .tls ()re
foil's opponent tins lliursdav
night. moved Iron) sixth to mm
one! on the Assoi iated Press
men s tollege liaskethall poll
Arizona heat national i lianipi
on Mn higan in the I ipott ( ’las
sn last weekend
Syracuse, ranked third Inst
ueek moved into first pl.it e
without having played a game
tills season
Nevada I.as Vegas dropped
from first to sixth m the poll .it
ter its loss to Kansas in the pre
season NIT tournament K.m
sax unranked last week was
fourth alter heat ing INI A
Louisiana Stale and St john s
lor the \l I title
t.eorgetown and Missouri
were rated third and fifth re
spei tivel\ in the poll to round
out the top live
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"There's no question were
going to improve." I.uias said
U i' ll' going lo lie ,i Inn learn
.mil .m enthusiast!! team
Vmi're going In see guvs wnik
illg their hearts out
Ian as said part nl the 1 )ui ks
problem last season was sour
mg alliliiiles when things went
hail This veai that w itl im
Last season whenevei ue
hit a low point. it just i om
pi > 111 it lei I itsell hei a use out
team iliilu I have gooil alti
tuiles he said
I his \ eai v\ e hav e a lot . it
plavers who are enthusiast!!
about | it .ii I ire and wot king
hard." he said
It is that kind ol enthusiasm
both as a basketball pl.tver and
a student that I til as hopes will
make him a sut cess in w lintel
er he does
Oldham nets first team honor
IS\ Wilt'Y ( onklin
I mer.ild Sports Reporter
I VfensiY e |>,n k and k i. k re
tin ner (!hr is ()!<i!iaiu u .is tin'
nnl\ Oregon toothall pl.iYer to
lie named to tile first te.im .ill
I’.It itn III ( onlerem e u In'll
the iill-i onlerrni e le.ims vveie
.milOUIlt eil I,ist u eek
(tldll.nn. .1 sennit Irnin S.n
i.imento. ( .ilit u.is n.iuieil to
tin' lust te.oii on defense Ini
I lie set ond time in .1 mu .liter
finishing set onil in the league
u illt si\ mteri eptions He u.is
.dsn n,lined lust te.on retnni
specialist .liter leading the
i imfeienc e in kn knit return
.iver.ige at ,.'tl 7 vards per re
Senior i mining li.n k I kook
I.uvilli1, u lii ■ was lullrlh m ihi'
I’.ii lu in t nsliiny, u.is namrtl
In lilt’ sn mill li-.ini fur lilt' si'i
mill straight siMsmi
I )llirr I >iu ks ii,imi'il tu (hr
si'i ullll If.till otlcllsc VVI'I'I' si'
mm llanki'i IVm • llitv sr
mm tut k If lull IK kes .nnl
snplimnmi' 111.11 !• kit ki-i (In-UK
Mi I .11111 n
l (In I ii -1 .uni' I )i 1'i‘iin s all
Iiiiii' It'.nli'i m ri't mi iiik \ aril
n>i' this siasmi vvliilr Mct'al
111in si'i siiHilf suasmi rn unis
(m hi'KI uuals anti |>mnls
St tilt'll
(linim 11 ni'li.nki'i I'l'tfi
liianllt'V anti srnim tinsr
Hii.inl 1 lav nl ( iisann vvrri'
n.imi'il tu tin' tli'lmsivi' sn
mill li'.im
Mrantlrv n'i*isli-ii'il 111
s.u hs this season and tied lor
fourth on the team with '0
till hit-*. ( aisann inten i'|ited
two passes and was set unit on
tlio squad w itli 70 tai kies
luninr quailerbut k Hill
Mllsi;ra\c w ho led the I'ai 10
in passing vantage and tom It
(low n passes ret eiveil an
honorable mention
( Ithei ol ten si \ e plav ers re
t eivinq honoiahle mentions
w ei.' senior tiillhai k I at in
Her ia and ollensive liiiaid
( In is I lushn liotli senior s
(li'i'Kon deftmsw e pla\ el s
who earned honoiahle men
lion status were senior line
lint kei Mai k hear ns senioi
toe safety I telek Morton and
sophomore defensive end
Mall Iurllnnnty
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