Sports Duck cagers remain undefeated against Pilots with win By ( jm Sivesind ! morale! Sports Reporter Oregon's women's basketball team remained undefeated in their eight game senes against Portland liv defeating the Pilots Ha 7I> .i( rd game >ind wen* pushing llir I >.t 11 down thr court which also its I'ffi'i t on the’ Dm ks said Oregon coach Klwin Ileinv Our opponents helped out h\ pushing the li.ill up the i oort and took its toll on Working on that mammoth , holiday f( | shopping vv Visit the University of Oregon Museum of Natural History gift shop for unusual gift ideas. 1680 Hast 15th Avenue, Kugene Open 12-5, Wed. through Sun. 686-3024 v* The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12") One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (.Just ask for the Special) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. IIV I lolll\ Salt! I'll.' Duc ks came apart at the M'.iiih early in ihe >4.1 im- .1 problem Heim thought might have hen due to Ills earl\ sul) st it lit 1 nj4 We started falling apart ear l\ maybe I shouldn't have subbed su much lleim said I would hope for more c ousts time \ 111 the future We re not as sharp as ue need to be in 01 der to be a good team Martha Sheldon paced the I’i lots with 17 points and team mate lindgrtt Smith dumped in 20. The Pilots shot a respite! able Vc pore out Irom the floor making M of ">tt for the game (ilher statistic al leaders lor the Ducks included Met artne\ with six rebounds and Semelliuk with six steals As a team the* Dm ks shot a poor III pen (Mil from the field making onl\ 11 of 7I> .iflernpls Oregon was 2d for 20 from the free throw line for a 70.1 mark Nemeniuk was 111 tor 10 from the tr<*«‘ throw line fuesday's gnrne was the third m the Ducks' six-game opening road swing Heim said all the fatigue Ills team is e\periem mg is not all phvsi ( al "I don't think it s as much physical fatigue as it is men tal." Ileiin said I'he I)ui ks winil out their road trip in Texas when Ihev fraud to the f.'ellular One KimI Haider ( lassie in l.uhbor k Dei 1 and 2 The 2-tlh-ranked I)ur ks will have to tar e 2.1 rd tanked Western kentuckx in the opening round Two netters placed on all-Pac-10 teams Oregon's Mu lii’li- krebshai h was (inr ill 12 players seine li'il lu iIn- .ill I’■<< itii id (.'onfereiu i v ollev I >.i 11 li’.im .iniiiiiini i’il Monil.n In I’m in ( ommis sinner Thomas I iimsen \ senior ouisiili'i hitlei from IImvnot ( .ilil krebshai Ii leil I lie Dm ks In ,i tie tor timi ill in I lie I1,n III tills se.isun ,is well .is ,in ill er.ill III.Il k ill 2 I H Ore Kim 111»ens Nil ,\A lournamont plat on Salurdut against I’m Id foe Arizona in I in son I) ,n er.Ill’ll I ‘III kills .out I 17 lilt’s per game this season and had a Inllint! peri outage ol 21 . krebshai Ii was a sei ond leam all I’ai III i (mil e in I'lltli w Inle also being the i niiteifin e freshman ol the t ear She was also an all North west region pick last season as well as being ,| set ond team all Norlliwest pu k ill llIHt> In addition to krehsbai h so mor team captain Stephanie Snviiei was named III the I'.H in .ill-.11 ademii Snyder. from fountain \ .11 lev ( aid is majoring in join milism oitit av erago I he I’m 1() all-star team was dominated by players from run ferem e ehanip I 'CI.A who plai ed three playeis on the first team led 11 \ senior middle blocker Doiva Tomkus. the Pat. ID player of the year, the set oml rear in a row she won that award Hruin i o.k Ii Andy damn howski won the coach of fin year award for file second straight season The conference coac hes so looted the all I1.n 10 team the all freshman team, and the player freshman and i oar h of I he \ e.n aw aids The all ai ademii team was pit ked b\ sports information direr tors thinnghniil Ihe c on terenc e lo he considered for the all academic team players had to i ai i y a I 2 ( d’A and pi is ses', sophomore standing I offer only good with Jsettv. Marla, and Kathy ILLUSIONS"""*' 1511 Lincoln. Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS customised tor vour nf jv' of on ‘ rrt-j'fd f 'jir mav be extra LOOP RODS - SPIRALS starling at 39.95 HAIRCUTS NOW s6.00 I .—IllUolUlla • 0*43*10 IU ■ I ! i i i •Cats ask for it by name " CAM I HAVE A Cftpy Of “LUCty pABBlTls' ?e*uTy/ ?ie*sr: Now Sold At. Hungry Head Books Mother Kali's Books Emarold City Comics UO Bookstore [haminiat t-unmaa F-rom How Do You Spell tt Productiona