Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Page 11, Image 10

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Offenses could dominate Independence Bowl
learns lead with air attacks
By Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
The Dee 1(> Independent e
Howl between Oregon and IT11
sa could shape up as one of the
lies! m Independent e Howl Ins
While the only t nmmon tie
nominator between the (ioldeu
11urrit ,iiii' and the Ducks is that
both played Iowa this season
Iowa beat Tulsa 40-22 while
Oregon beat the Hawkeves 44-0
both teams have explosive
offenses that can score from
anywhere on the field at any
t i me
Oregon's offense shattered
many individual and team
school records this season on
its way to a 7-4 record Mean
while, Tulsa, behind quarter
back T.J. Kuhley and split end
Dan Hitson have one of the
most explosive passing at!a< ks
in the nation and finished ssith
a ti y record
The Ducks had their most
suu essful season sini e tun.I
this year, Iving Arizona and
Washington tor second plat e in
the Pacific 10( xinterence
bed by quarterbac k Hill Mils
grave. Oregon led the confer
ence in scoring with !2 points
per game and was second in to
tal offense averaging 4IH yards
per game The Ducks scored
over 10 points in seven games
this season and set a new
school rec ord with 02 points
Mlisgrave led the i onferem e
in passing vardage w ith 2.70 1
yards a new si bool record and
led the I’ac 10 with 20 tone h
down passes, another school
rei ord
The (iolden I In rrn ane are an
outstanding team through the
air as well with Rublev and
Rubles a junioi like Mils
grave has .dreads broken all ot
lulxa's career passing records
as ssell ,tx setting a ness career
ret ord for total offense This
season Rubles has thrown ten
2.407 sards and 17 touch
drissns but has completed mils
48 7 pert flit ol Ills passes
file most explosive weapon
the (bidden I lurric ane has
though is Hitson
lust a junioi Hitson has I ,4
pass receptions tor Ins career,
passing NTI receiving great
•Steve l.argent on Tulsa's all
time lisl and ranks second In*
hind I low aril Tw ■ 11<■ \ u ho
plaved Ini the Miami Dolphins
in the Pirn's
After caU liing passes tor
I . 1 18 \ arris and nine tour li
downs in PUUt, Hitson has been
even heller tins season, hauling
in 7i passes tor 1,425 yards
and Hi touchdou ns
Hitson was rcc entl\ named a
third team all \meri( an h\
Iuntil,ill Neu s and has had se\
en games with six nr more re
ceptions Included in that list is
a 14-i ati h 255 vard effort
against Iowa and 1(1 rei options
tor 2118 yards and tour tour h
(low ns against How ling (ireen
Not only can both teams
strike quickly through the air.
lhe\ each possess solid ground
games for a halam ed offense
I he Dm ks are led b\ seniors
Derek Lnville and I ..it in Hern
two of the best running harks
ill Oregon histor\ while Tulsa
counters w itfi junior fullb.u k
Hrett Adams
boville rushed for 877 yards
good tor fourth in the Par 1(1
and is the si fiord s all time
leading rusher with 1,2 11
yards Hern enjoyed the ties!
year of his career this season
rushing lor 521) yards, good for
seventh in the conference lie
also ranks ninth on the all time
si liool rushing list
Meanwhile. Adams led the
(•olden Hurricane with 1.071
yards and had six 100-yard
games tfiis season Adams was
also Tulsa s second leading re
cciver with 29 pass receplions
The ( adden Hurra ane hasn't
had any problems si oring this
year either as thev averaged
25 1 points per game and
si ored 10 or more points five
Despite the loss to Iowa I ul
sa all independent has posted
some impressive yit lories
I la- ( adden I lurrii ane defeat
ed l.ouisvdlc It 24. Texas TI
Paso 2 I 14 and beat ()k la lion la
State 20 10 In addition to plus
mg low as lough Tulsa also had
a good outing against ninth
ranked \rkansas despite losing
2(> 7.
Oregon has had its troubles
against high powered offenses
this season, dropping a 51 18
shoot out to Washington State
Comrrhai k Chris Oldham has had a hannrr srasun. hut will h.nr his hands lull with I'ulsa's
Dan Hitson in Ihr l)r< . Hi Indrprndrnt r Huh I
.mil falling I i ) I in .in explo
sive game with Brigham
I Ilf I )ll( ks li.IVf pi.in fil well
defensively lll'llllld ll.lVIll ( IIS
.urn Peter llr.intlfN .iiul (lliris
()l(lll.llll tills sf.lsilll with f\
i option i>l the Hashington
Stall* -iml BYI games
(Jregon u .is si t mill m thf
i onti'ri'iu f in total defense ,il
lowing I IP <l N.irds per game
.mil only lot ti yards pfi g.iiiic
Oil till' gll ill 111 I 1 Ilf I )ll( ks NN I TI'
onls seventh m the I’.k to m
pass (lelcnsc though giving up
(J I sarils through the ,m
A key m.ili h up in the game
will likely tie Oldham s cover
age on Ititson ( lldham is listed
as Oregon s left i ornerhai k lint
usually rovers the opposing
team's lies! receiver and has
regularly shut dosy n the best re
( fivers III the I’.K III tills sea
I he i'oalh.ill News tahhed
( lldham as a set mid team all
Amerii an selection yyhile the
loot ha 11 Writers Association ol
Amerii a ( hose (lldham as a
lost team all American giving
the I lie ks then I li st I u st team
all American seleitioii since
l.eyy Haines yy.is so honored hy
I lie /noth.ill .Yew s m 1‘llt i
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*9 or 10 pins down
on first throw
= Strike
| Contemporary Russian Poets
j Mikhail Eremin „,„i Vladimir Ufliand
“Cultural and Political Life in Leningrad Today”
(Panel: VI. 1-rcmin, V Ulliand, A Kovri/hnikh)
Monday. November 27. ll>K9
3:30 PM. Irb Memorial Union (Walnut Room)
“Poetry Reading and Discussion”
Tuesday, November 28. 1980
( JO PM. Hrb Memorial Union (Walnut Room)
(Both presentations will in niven in Russian with simultaneous translation, i
(remin and I lliund arc i«n ol the leading modern pints in the Soviet t tuon IihI.iv Vohel I .aureate Joseph Hrixl
skv intluvies them jinone Ins mentors in the art ol pnk-11s Mia Kovri/hnikh. an editor at t eningrad I dm Studios,
is aitne m 1 eningrad |S>li(ics their lirst visit to the I lined Stales is ei* sponsored In Dartmouth College Wes
levan I niversitv. the I niversitv ot Southern ( alitornia amt the (niversitv ol (fregon
S/Hiriv/rid In. t niversitv id Oregon Depaituieul of Knssi.m. Kiisstau and hast h urnjie.iu Studies ( enter , Oregon
Humanities ( enter, and I Ml it iiltural horuml