In-Depth I * onlinued from Page* HUT. IIISl'l Is .111(1 disc,|sc take then toll on trees, espei i,ill\ tile older ones Between turn • mil ltIH.V l t> billion Ixi.irtl teet ot timber was destroyed be cause ot disease and insect damage "If the forest is not < ul and regenerated either naturally or replanted l>\ man nature her self is going to harvest Ilia' for est bv tire 01 disease 01 some thing else. Stewart said "We lose a great deal ot valuable raw material lor the lores! prod in Is industrv Stewart concluded In stating that the present rate ot ( lilting is sustainable loi both tile ei on oim and the en\ ironinenl "The present rate is a siis tamable rate ' he said "()bvi ously it's not a sustainable rate at whii b old grow th ( an be (.re ated on the forest nobody wmild claim that "But we re talking about the tree grow ing abilitv of the \\ i 1 l.unette National tores) he said "We grow more than we cut. year after vear I' 's the whole definition of sustained yield We believe that is the soundest possible polu \ that vou i an run a lores! on (luuds on the hori/on? William Atkinson, head ot the forestry engineering depart ment at Oregon State t'niversi tv said that like it in not the timber induslrv is headed tin ( hanges According to an OSI lorestry studv released Nov in timber harvesting and produi tion in most areas of the stale will lull hv at least I f> pen ent All esti mated 7..UMI jobs in the Indus trv will be lost in Oregon bv I'm , The studv . Timber lor Ore gun s Tomorrow The 1‘iH‘t I p r We Buy Quality • Stere<»equipment • Videt > ret1 >rders • PA amps l< >1 tv )u*i 2 block* from campus" Stereo Workshop 1621 E 19th 344 3212 M-F 9-6, Sat 10-2 V__/ (I,ilr," is .1 follow up lii ,i report released in 1‘irii !i\ forestrv prnfessiir |ohn Hunter, which also warned that the industrv s i lit!inx levels were Ion high ()l the jobs lost. 1. Mill vs III lie line to autom.ition .nnl other i h.ingiiiK technologies, .mil the rest will disappear as com p.lilies run out nt areas to i til and trees that ale ot harvestahle M/e \tkinson said that u Idle tin limhei induslrv mas he m for probalilv 14111111; In llic limber imiustis is nsilit abuut tin' kind ul inmnuimties 111 Whit ll tlll'S IllOslIs ('Mil. Ill' said (iiiknilgi* ('mis lllrs .1 ri• in trouble I Ann is 11li tilt' loss nt timliri lulls tin’ ( )St ri 'port pretlii ts .in .111 iiul the econotm will absorb some ol the losses Atkinson e\ plained (fregon's unupie prob lem ol being stu( k bet w een ( aliforni.i whit It pr years ago \loic w;iiing In Its! to study forest rs an? t housing to studs forest ret reation and vs ildlife I lie voting people todas are mui h more interested in that than thes .tie in the more tradi I tonal parts ol iorestrs al though sse see a lot ol people that do the planting and forest is engineering Atkinson said Hut the big boom is in multiple use And of the future of the in diistrs. Atkinson said file trees planted in the last 21) sears will begin to come on line in fa in 20 years, and the companies "are going base evers hit as mm h wood as sse did during our most buss time, bid it's go mg lo lie small ss ood nil 1 Ml ( I I II K \l FOKl M I’KISIMS WOTHI K III KI I \(.l Ml Sl( ( (INI I K I PRAIRIE HOMK COMPANION RKOll.AR CLAUDIA SCHMIDT < I.null.i St himill sings vivid storirs t.f jmm11y11* thrir Invrs and lossus. lull ot humor ami i ompassinn Shu vviavos tradition and innovation as sh«* strug gh*s to halaiu ** the fort us ot vvhnusv and despair V\ hen ( laudia sings a song it stays sung' WKDNKSDAY. NOVKMBKK li‘> • »:(>(» I'M THK UK ROOM I Mt. I KK MKMOKIAI. IMO\ - I NK I KSI I’Y Oh OKI (.ON S:i.50 l of O STI DKNTS • $7.00 (iKNKKAI. IM BI.IO riCKKTS AVAII.ABI >. AT. IHK KMI MAIN DI SK \\l> IIAI I ADKKK Ml Sl( al Kirril SI RKKI PI Bill MAKKKI lliiimiiimimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiittiiimiititilltiill FREE FOOD (4-ttpm daily) Springfield 535 Main St. ■iiiiiihiiihiiiiiiiiiumiimimmiiimiihumi UP SyNC II BEGINNING WED. NOV. 29th CHECK EOR DETAILS!! LIVE MUSIC (9-2am Mon-Sat) 747-0107 | lltMllllllltllltlllltltfllllliHIHIIlS PIZZA 342-8111 TINO’S ' • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours Mon -Thur* 1 1 00-Midnight Frt. 11 00 I 00 a m Sat. 5 00 1 00 a m Sun 5 00 ' i 00 p m j UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( (Ml SH l S \l (H K M W UH \I IOM • | ( >\\ I S I \IKf \K1 S WYW III K! • I'l KS( )\ \l I/I D l'K( )! I SS|i >N \l SI K\ l( I • INS I \NI I l K All I*\SSI S • S I I I >1 s, I WDM)! I II 1 \H I S • IN II K N \ I |l >N \ 1 Sit I >1 N I I \( II \ N< .1 11)1 SI UN ( \K I > • Wl I K \K • I \s i < i >M 1*1 ii Kl/i D kl si in \ I K ins • (ON VIM I N I ( Wll’t S 1 ( )( \ I ll >\ • i k ki i i>i i i\ i in 683-5577 I ( )| I I kl I 1 SIKI SSS I •')') lit )l KS K (H) 1.1 S tu \l I \| I M \ It Ik ( kl I )l I ( \kl)S \( (I I'l I I) GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-We $3.50 «Bg m SI 492 E 13th ill JW 686-2458 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fa*,! Convenient Relaaing Affordable unShowfr n campus Mtatra fry »«*• •