Edibles ■ Mil. ■ Sour Cream... In most recipes and dishes calling lor sour cream, you can substitute plain yogurt and save 349 calories per cup This substitution works es pecially well in salad dressings dips and toppings for toods like baked potatoes or chili You can also substitute yogurt tor half the mayonnaise when you make potato salad or coleslaw To keep yogurt from separating in foods that are to be cooked or stirred vigorously, first mi* 1 tablespoon ol corn starch with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and stir the mixture into the rest of the yogurt then add it to your recipe I)t*-fattinj» I)air> — It may not sound like much of a savings to buy skim milk (0 percent fat) or 1 percent milk (1 percent fal) instead of whole milk (3 5 percent fal) but the caloric difference is sig nificant 160 calories per cup of whole milk 130 calories per cup of 2 percent 102 calories per cup of 1 percent milk and only 86 calories per cup of skim milk In making a switch from whole to low fat or skim milk, do it gradually by combining the two. each time using a little more of the low fat and less of the whole Once you're used to the low' fat milk whole milk will taste more like crearn to you Fat is fat is fat Calorie-w isc... When it comes to calories, -it matters little whether you use veg etable oil. margarine vegetable shortening butter lard or suet per tablespoon, they each have about 100 to 120 calories However olive oil. canola oil polyunsaturated vegetable oil and soft margarine are less likely than the other fats to do damage to your blood ves sels Mullins come m ,ei •.11.ij • ■ iois lextums some a" qrainy hran y raisti , •. •. i t i • ■ an- qor slut', ant! sweet and ' me am pastry like Indeed some are no mom than < .ike m a muffin i up Beln ve it of not a Oran rnullin from Donkin Donuts contains 122 mom i atones than that same company's Bavarian creme laind i Ik isolate smiled donut' Anil it has t‘ !i > 40 percent more tat MuMie an t e a ■ tertui liieakl.e ! '■ the mn ■ tody h'e.ik hr tween i lass snai k But many • nmmrii nil mullin', il eaten frequent ly an a source of tat and sugar Sara Lee Rae>m Bran and Oat Bran multins contain 220 calorie:, each and 8 grams (or 72 ■ iloriesi it tat Ke.'tiler Ellin Loaves new nine mutts - feature IHi ' 2 •< s • ■ and 7 to 10 grams <>1 tat Sweeter multins really are a desert in disguise Poppy seed, (he.-, ate blueberry and other fruited muttirv are made with " sugar white (lour anil eggs the same ingredients as < ake It nuts are i Ided tat content ;s mi leased even lurlher l or the avid rnullin tan self■< t to.in muffins whn ti an slightly dry ei and the glossy soil variety The gooey texture is usually ml and egg When left to sit on a napkin or paper pi.tie any oily muf 1 will leave its linger prints as oil soot on the paper Consider limiting multins or en/oy them Put consider them pur! of your daily (at and sugar intake Also try making your own and storing them u the tree, ei so they don ! spoil helore you > an eat them Three Gram Muffins N i« Id-s 12 imitlinv; I 'll i ,t|oi m-\; |5*< i aloi ics fn»m tul: 16-' my sodium I nt|) brail UTCillibun ImtU. In.in OjkiM I cup dr> naliiu .il I nip whole wheal Hour m h.ill whnli lull mIiiui I I lisp baking powdci I ls|i cinnamon 1 ■ ls|i nutmeg 1 cup skint milk 2 cut; " I'iles I lisp honc\ or molasses I tlisp readable oil I cup applesauce ( hopped apple or raisins lopumuli Mix inuredienls lordlier vcr> well and bake at 4IKI°. Spra> imirtln cups with non-slick spru\ or use paper muHln cup liners. Hake 20 to 25 minutes for Iitihtlx browned iiitilTins. Cwk&i Sruujfeew Creating a demand tor a cracker has something to do with flavor and texture and much more with advertising What's important is not so much what the manufacturer puts in the box as what goes on it. An innocent cracker may ap pear to be a good complex car bohydrate- but many crackers are loaded with fat and refined flour For the avid cracker snacker this may add up and cracker ingredients begin to matter in a daily food profile For the cracker lover, here are some tips to tote to market Wheat listed on the ingredi ent panel usually means white flour Flour is made of wheat so, yes it is wheat flour But un less the ingredients contain pre dominantly 100% whole grain flour' or whole wheat flour' you'll be eating white flour, min imal fiber and minimal nutn ents Nabisco recently added whole wheat Premium Plus" to their saltmes The cracker is still white with little brown flecks Some whole wheat is added but the cracker is also mostly white flour and "caramel coloring' to add to the whole wheat look Look for "caramel coloring and wheat flour" on the ingredients list and if these are leading constituents, avoid these choices. Fat content is usually not in cluded on cracker cartons ex cept as an ingredient -not por tion information Interestingly, the most popular crackers are usually the fattiest ones with 40 to 55 percent of their calories coming from fat These include Nabisco's Ritz, Cheese Tid-Bits. and Better Cheddars. Keeblers Club and Town House: Sun shines Cheez-lts and Hi-Hos. and Pepperidge Farm's Gold fish Avoid crackers with Palm Oil. Coconut Oil and Palm Ker nel Oil these tropical' oils are highly saturated Great choices for cracker snacks which are high in fiber, and low in fat and salt are: Ryvita Crispbread and Crackerbread. Wasa bread in Rye. Wheat, Sesame and Crispbread. Melba Toast by Keebler. Ry Krisp Natural, and Red Oval Farms stoned Wheat Thins and Stoned Rye. Other cracker like choices for the nemesis of the munchies in clude bagels and bagel chips (try Humble Bagel s), breakfast cereals such as Quaker Oat Squares. Cheerios, Oatios. Chex Cereals, Mueslix. raisin bran, and shredded wheat with raisin centers, low salt pretzels and bread sticks that are baked with sesame seeds or herbs and spices Why .ill the fuss about fast food7 enthusiasts ask ’ Wtiat could be more convenient than an instan taneous hot meal, ordered through a speaker from a cat window and delivered through a small window at minimal cost? Fast food burgers fries onion rings chicken nuggets are high in fat and sodium, low in fiber and loaded with calories most of which are fat But at age 18 to 30. who cares7 Nutritional insults are the nemesis of 40 • individuals who are beginning to make radical changes to undo the effects of years of high fat eating high blood cholesterol, bypass surgery hardened arteries overweight and over fat, high blood pressure Good eating today is an investment that requires looking ahead What could be more satisfying than enioying health a supple body that moves well, feels good in motion and lives long—well into the 70s and 80s Quantity of life isn't the issue here —it s quality of life, feeling good and living well Before biting the burger, consider these figures Item Chicken McNuggets McDonald's Fries Big Mac Domino Pepperoni Pizza 2 pc Burger King Chicken Sandwich Burger King Onion Rings Arby's Roast Beet Arby's French Dip Calories Sodium mg % Fat Calories 323 220 570 440 670 270 350 386 512 109 979 1080 870 450 880 1745 ’The Recommended Daily Allowances foi sodium is 1200 mg/ dally biological need lor health and functioning is only 220 mg/ dally 59 (21 gm) 66 (12 gm) 55 (35 gm) 29 (14 gm) 55 (41 gm) 53 (16 gm) 39 (15 gm) 49(21 gm) The actual