444 THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER —TUME UP— Take Care of Yourself and Increase Your Mileaae I should go jogging, I shouldn't eat this cookie, I ought to eat more veggies, I need to quit smok ing...and since I shouldn't, I'll eat a double ba nana split and not enjoy a single bite. Too often we find ourselves trying to follow the “health commandments” because someone else wants us to. We do healthy things for a spouse, lover, parent, doctor or our friends. Doing certain things and avoiding other things because of a list of “shoulds” is a prescription bound to wear thin. How would it feel to make a choice for yourself that is enhancing because it feels right? Take ex ercising for example. You can “have to" or you can opt to take up a regular program because your body feels good in motion, rather than pur suing some cultural ideal that is today's “must." Stress is created by the mind set of “have to's." This stress has an effect on your health and well-being even though the stress is created out of following a supposed “commandment.'' When making healthy decisions for yourself, stress is reduced because a “should" becomes a “want." A decision made by you and for you leaves open the option to further change and ex plore, using yourself as a compass. Once we make healthy lifestyle choices for our selves, the question inevitably arises, ‘should I enjoy unhealthful things?' According to Fernando Too often we find ourselves trying to follow the "health commandments" because someone else wants us to. Vega. M.D.. "It's as important to enjoy downing a beer or a hot fudge sundae as it is to enjoy a pleasant evening with friends. When I enjoy something, I tell myself, I’m doing this for me.' "I tell my patients: when it is time to correct something we do, our attitude and motivation is as important as the desired end. It’s better to re fuse a cigarette, a drink, or a dessert with the positive attitude, 'I’m doing this for me,' than to refuse it because you have to or because some one else thinks you should." A starting point for making healthy choices is to figure out what you really enjoy and what you dislike. What are your goals and aspirations? What behaviors are standing between where you are now and where you want to be? Next, replace the "I should do these" with "I want to do these because..." If you despise a specific "command ment food" don't eat it! Remember that healthful lifestyle choices are made to enhance life, not prolong it. Heidi Reeder /P§0M THE HIP INSIDE THE STRESS DIET THE LITTLE VOICE AND MUCH MUCH MORE Are you coming apart at the seams? Worried? Depressed? The Crisis Hotline is available 24 hours a clay by calling 686 4488 In stead ot keeping prob lems to yourself, talk it over with someone who can help you keep things in perspective All calls are anonymous making this a low risk opportunity to seek help Do you need legal advice but can't aftord a lawyer? The ASUO offers free legal services to regis tered students ASUO Legal Services is local ed in 334 EMU and by calling 686 4273 It s bet ter to consult an attor ney and work things out than to worry and worry without taking any ac tion1 Support Groups are a part ot the Coun selinq Center program rrnng to assist students who are grappling with mental health issues Groups are currently meeting tor eating disor ders. adult children ot al coholics. women's is sues, people of color, gay men. and many more For more mlorma tion. call 686 3227 Don't let stress get the best of you. The Counseling Cen lei Student Health Cen ter and Lifestyle Plan ning Program all oiler support and counseling services tor tree To see a psychologist, call the Counseling Center at 686 3227. tor a psychia trist. call the Student Health Center at 686 4441 lor a health ed ucator call 686 4456 Pai