_Alpine Import Service I ho V( )l \ O Spo( i,ilis(s 12th & Main Winter Fitness Ananlysis • Oil t hango, genuine V'OIVC) tiller and 4 quarts of oil • ( omplote maintenant e < her k of major r omponents • Inspection of brakes, exhaust, suspension, u joints, battery < barging and starting sys tems,! ool start systems, heating and tooling systems, tires, yyipers and all lluid levels For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO UO Continuation Center Community Microcomputer Program Students Welcome! * Ten hour* ot hands-on computer Instruction per class. • Open lab throughout the term. ~ Ten pages ot free laserprinting. - One credit special project option available. • Extensive classroom manuals provided. > Data disk of example documents. * Classes held at Condon School, 18th and Agate. - Cost Is only $48/$35. Session runs December 2-17 •* Introduction to Computer* One two-week section Mondays nnd Wednesdays, Decemhcr 4 Id, 9 dO a m 12:00 Noon Kw is $49 - Introduction to the IBM-PC One two week section: Tuesdays nnd Thursdays, December 5 1 4, H dO 1 TOO a m. Keels $4h •* Introduction to the Macintosh Two sections otTerisi Mondays and Wednesdays, December 4 Id, 6-.d0-9.00 pm.; or Saturday nnd Sunday, Decern her 9 and 10, H dO a m -2:00 p m Fee is $4H » MS-DOS: IxjvcI I (IBM) One two-week sta tion Mondays, December 4 nnd 11. 6:110 9 00 p m. Fee is $dS. •* Hard Disk Management (IBM) One two-week section Wednesdays, I )©cember 6 and Id , 6 dO 9:00 p III Fee is $dS - Hard Disk Management (Macintosh) One weekend section: Saturday, December 2, H dO a m 2 ()0 p m Fee is $3S. •• PageMaker: Level I (Macintosh) One two-wot'k noction Tuesday* and Thumday*, I)t*cc*mb4*r 5 14, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Fee is *4H WordPerfect 5.0: I>evel 1 (IBM) One two week auction: Tuesdaya and Thursdays, December fi 14, 8:30-9:00 p m. Fee la $48 «> WordPerfect 5.0: I^vel II (IBM) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, December 2 and 3, 8:30a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee ia $48 Microsoft Word 4.0: Ixjvel I (Macintosh) One two week aection: Tuesdays and Thuradaya, December 5 14. 1:30-400 p m Fee ia $48. dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM) One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, December IS and 17, 8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee ia $48 Lotus 1-2-3: Level I (IBM) One weekend aection: Saturday and Sunday, December 9 and 10, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m Fee ia $48 Microsoft Excel: Level I (Macintosh) One two-week auction, Mondaya and Wednesdays, December 4 13, 1:30-400 p.m. Fee ia $48. =3* AutoCAD: Level I (IBM) One three-day aection: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 4, 5 and 6, 12:00 Noon-6:00 p.m Fee ia $183 To register or obtain more information, call 686-3537 Sponsored by the University of Oregon Continuation Center 1553 Moss Street, Kugene OR 97403 Police relations forum to be held Mi l TiXt.S Student (ampaign lur Dis.it m.inient is holding .1 meet ini', tonight .it ii .it the Kiiitmni.i ( elltel 1)11 K 1111 .ml St I he lamilv Housing I ask I nri e u ill meet u itli I nuet _Kt als_ l\ I lousing Office administr.i lion todav .it 2: 10 p m in the Will It ill I lull t I 111 I ere IK e Knoll) ( .1 mpus ( rusiide fur ( hrist s I’rimetiiile meeting is tonight .ind ever v Tuesdas night .it ill in Knoll) 204 I nndun I111 1denl.1l fee ( onimillee hnliling .1 he.iring tonight .it in I All I enliirv Room A I nuersitv ol (I regun I in \ ei s 11\ id II Salvador Sister I niversitv I’riijet I u til linhl 1 general interest meeting In night it t. in the I All \\ alnut Rnnni SIM AKI KS Wl) III n Kl S I’netrv Reading and Disi us sion' s tin- tsiI. ■ . m in llio I.MI' U .ilnul Koom I he presentation will he m Russian with simultaneous translation into I nglish Nora < romlev .nluu ions duet lor from (Jregon I lealth Si lent es I ‘niversilv's Sr.hool of I)eutislr\ . u ill he on (.unpus tonight at 7 m the I Ml Oak Koom Alter tier presentation she will lie available Ini piles t ions I’enple and the Oregon ( oast is showing an informational slide show tor students inter ested in spending spring term at the coast I’ll*■ show will be tonight at 7 in KM I ' < teuton Room I MINI I I I .AM I II S l’olii.e-1 iiiversiU relations is the topic of a forum to he held tndav at I III p ill in Koom I 'ill Columbia The forum is spoil COLLECT HOLIDAY , . GLASSES! bmmr HOLIDAY < FULL MEAL " DEAL $2" Includes our Homestyie Single Burger, fries, 16 oz. soft drink and 5 oz. Dairy Queen sundae plus this great holiday glass by Libby. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT Only at partiripatlnfl Dairy Qoreri Brunei it ore*. Gluwi limit r »*») <"J* Aw 1>Q C*Mp in*'*?'' mn A"- t- ‘i • , Mf* « M». .!«*• , A sored liv tin- Kiigene Police IV parlment and the ASt'() An orientation session will lie Ill'll! tllti.lV .ll 2 .10 |> 111 till students interested in p.nlii.i paling in a coniputiTi/i'il ri'ft'i ral program foi securing t areer riilali'il siiinmnr employment Sign lips and Mission minima linn an1 available in Konm 1 ‘ I Ifiidrii ks A ( D-KOM tutorial on tin AHI Inform database will hi held today at 2:10 p in ill llm Reference Department. knight I.ibrarv Pi (.amnia \!u an intrma tinnal honor societv in social science will hold its ri'i 1‘ption lor mm iiii-mhiTS tonight at 7 m ill. I Ml (hiimvood Room I'ni vim sit\ President M\ Ins Hrailil will didivi'i tilt' kevnilto ad dress, and cert it it ates will In awarded. All memhurs are nil couraged to attend to witness the the reception ol I to new memhers Deadline lor submitting Id al.s to the Kmci.iid trout desk KMl ’ Suite lilt), is noon the da\ before publit ation Id ills run the d.n ol the event unless the event ori urs before noon I’le.ise submit Id als the il.n be lore the\ are In run only. Xotii es ol events with .1 do nation or admission < barge will not he at t epted Campus events .mil those si beduled nearest the puhlit ation dale will he given priori!) The I m cmI(1 reser\ es the right to edit nntit es tor grammar and st\ Its * MJNDCRIANP * GRl AT \ OR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5^uincn allgameswork V',UCU WITHNICKELS GAMES admission 1 so bIM STHtIT PUIIIC MARKET • EUGENE • 683-8464 HALLEY'S COMET ALLAMh BR05 COFFEE 45