Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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( unturned from P.i(jo I
All three Soviets gave g/.is
nusl mixed reviews
"Then* art* more opportiim
ties for writers to lie |)iihlisheil
(bet ailse ot the reforms), hut
yon i an't w rite about itist am
thing miii w ant ." I 'fliand sail!
Although restrit turns still ex
ist there have been i hanges
l ieiiiin said Writers .ire now
using filasnost to lr\ to get
works published that the\
wrote years ago but th.it have
not been |iritiled
\ew works are also being
published, but only a lew
l 'fliand said
There is a government pub
lieutimi that is planning to pub
lish one of Joseph Brodski s
poems." he said Brodski is a
Nobel Prize laureate who was
imprisoned in l‘»B4 in Lenin
grad tor being a "stale para
site and exiled from the Sovi
et I 'nion
"But there are other poems of
Brodski's that thei dare not
tout h. ' he said
"I am i oiti ini ed that g/as
mist and treedom ol the press
are not the same thing
riband said 'Onlx members
ot the Writer's I 'nion halt* n<
less to publishing houses " he
said, referring to the govern
merit i.outrolled union
.S.imi/.dul puhlii ations at
tempt to i in univent state re
stru lions imposed bv the Writ
ers t Inion.
The main obslai le (to pnbli
i ationl is the existent e of the
\\ tiler s I nion I 'Bland said
"Only members of the Writer's
I nion liaie at i ess to the pub
lishing houses
Other writer's organizations
have been formed hut lliei re
main utloffii ial bet uuse the
government sees them as a
threat I 'fliand said
"Thei think that a second
w riter s union is equal to a sei
olid (polilit al) parti he said
I 'fliand and Kremin are both
members ol an utloffii ial organ
i/alion. the Professional (irou|i
of Leningrad Writers
Although it iloes not give
i1s the privileges th.it members
ut thr U riters I nion have it
somuhim protei ts our i ops
rights'' I lliaud s.ml
l III.mil is .ilsii .1 member ut
.mother unnflii i.il organization
( lull 8 1 started nut .is an under
ground group ol poets
Hut Club HI was eventually
allowed h\ tile l.emngr.id au
thorities in ortlei to relieve the
situation ut so mam poets not
being published he said
W hen filastwst began to ere
ate more opportunities to be
published. Club HI was ilivul
ed. I III.mil said
"The first group saw mm
promise as possible, the\ began
to be published in l rumgi.nl
magazines he said I'hen
there is the second group to
w hii h I belong W e i annul Imd
ai i ess to be published
1 'I'll.mil and Kreniin are both
leading poets in the Sos let
t 'iiion. set eat h i an i hum olds
one published work both ot
svhii h were published in the
t 'luted Stales
Tii.it then \\ oi hs were pub
lisheil in the West and not in
the Soviet I 'nion is nothing
new Mans Soviet emigre writ
els | is e III t lie W est
I la It lit I 'fliunds i lose
friends many ot whom are
prominent w liters livr m the
I 'lilted States in I rant e and
the other hall live in the Soviet
I 'nion. he said
As for the tuture ol Sos iet lit
erature all three Soviets said
tiles see Ilians line ert.unties
( )ther rei ent attempts at re
tin in that will attei.t w i iters in
i luile the ness Is annouiu ed
Lass ol the Press and the Mi
ilia Hei ause the Supreme So
s iet has only recently approved
the lust reading ol the measure
not mails' details ol its imple
mentation are knoss n I I
hand was familiar ss 11It the
lass's rough drafts howesei
and said that he ohjer led to its
lust point
"It sass the press must en
i nurage prii'slnnk.i (restrui tin
ingl and the development ol so
'Wait a minute! Isn’t anyone here a real sheep?"
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i irt\ hi* said I trodimi ot
sp«*i*« h .mil ul tin* pri'ss .lie in
tilii'iiiililc rights ”1 man It .ill
Iht* point*, ol ttif 1.1" follimi'ii
this it would in' .1 good law
Hut it it allows lor mori* \f
ro\ m.n tiiiifs thru Its a good
law In- said said with a
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The Emerald •*, private property The unlawful removal or us«* of paper
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