Editorial Ducks' bowl appearance was pure salesmanship Hill Byrne doesn't sell Hoovers or cm vc lopedias. lit11 tin; Oregon <• Im ky to break oven cm the bowl game It is that they are going to a bmvl game in the* first piac e The significance of Oregon living in a howl game tor the first lime sine e t'Mi't lar outweighs tin* financ i.tl pai kage attac lied In the game In order to build any semblance of national recognition as head coach Ric h Brooks has been tr\ ing to do sine e 1077 the* Due ks hml to go to a bow I game When people talk about national powerhouses vent in and ve.ti out they refer to those teams that are annu ally in a bowl game An Independence Bow*I berth could be a step to Inggei and beltei things fin the I )llc ks (amshler .1 ir,im like Washington Stair I hr l mi gars play in I'ullm.m. Wash ami while hugene isn't a major media market, do you think Pullman isv > «*t. Washington State was being t onsidered for a bowl game again this year simply because they went to the l agle Mobil Howl last season and had .1 good showing How I im innbeiu \ is a very important thing The lai t is H\ me shouldn't have had to sell (begun to the Independentf Howl in the first place \lthough the Dm hs deserve .1 bow l game they should have gone to the lust round of .111 V A A football tournament 111 sit1.Ill Main 1 onsidei football the most important ol ail collegiate sports but the national < hampmnship lias been dec ided by tin; Assoi cited Press Top 20 poll ev ery year wbu h became the Top 2 > poll ibis season It seems ridiculous that the \( A A r annul put together some type ot football plavull system like it does for basketball, volleyball and baseball Hvrne should be highly 1 unintended lot his masiei till sales |oh in getting Oregon to the Independent!' How l lull the \( AA should go to a lootball playoll tor mat so atldetii direi tors like Hvrne don't have to do the \l AA A work ten them Sports Action should stay away from NBA As the football season comes to .1 dose .inti basketball (:diiii!s roaring in. tin* contro versial Sports Ac tion lottery filin' is looking to expand from the gridiron to the hard w ood \ toot lad I lot tei \ game was .1 good idea; state colleges needed the money generated li\ the lottery toi intercollegiate athletics While intercollegiate athletic programs would benefit Irom .1 basketball lottery game the time is not right, and a hoops game would lust not work I he appeal of Sports Action during the football season (.une from the interest of \f I. football. ()ne game a u eek is something the Ians i an get e\< ited about Sports At lion itself was also something new th.it caused a follow mg in itself Although am money generated from Sports Action is betlei than nothing sales were generally disappointing during the first 12 weeks of the game I11 tact the game had to add two new twists allowing bet tors to c boose only three games, in addition to .in "uvei under" line to help increase sales Saifs likt'lv would l><‘ vers small during .m Hit-game NHA season when tan interest is mm h lower than it is during football season More people would be im lined to bet on a Kansas (lit v-San Diego loot I tall game than on a ( iharlotte Sat ramento basketball game The proliferation ot a basketball lotter\ game would hurt itself rather than help With an im reuse in the number of lotten games, tit ket sales will undoubted 1\ he vers small. Altei mils one season, it is too earls foi the stale lotters commission to evaluate Sports \t lion foi the long haul and dc< ide il an AHA sports game would generate big hut ks and I it ket interest I he Sports Action football game was a good idea and was definitcls needed to alle viate the finant ial burdens ol the state's col lege at hlet it depart incuts Hut don't ruin a good thing by trying to expand it file state loiters commission should stas ass,is from an AHA lotters game and lease Sports Action lor the football bet tors .Letters Infiltrate Hr ashamed protesters )usi • is ( basing transients from "mu comiliumU keeping the ( | \ ntt Dill Ciiniplls (illl'S 1)1)1 sol\ i1 tin* prohli'iu it onl) p.issfs it on to till* next prlsoil It corruption .uni ilisi rnniti.i lion .in* in i union somi'onr or .i group. nri'ils to infiltr.iti- tin* s\ sli'in .mil i It'.m it up loo tough:' Just like it was "too tough" lor M.iitin l.ullii'r king |t to li*,nl tin* ( i\ iI rights movi*tin*nl oi (iaudlii leading his countr\ from Hritisli op prrssion ? rii**s** mi'll died lor thi'ii i .mst*s Art* your convictions tli.it strong' II so. do something i onstriK live tor .i i li.ingr. it not get out ol im I .it e Kndnev Layton Li iinomii s True fans In response to "Once again" l()l)l: Nov It.| (■ r11m* gripe, complain. mm pi,mi i \ i'll I i nulil tin better M*ali. \■■•ill. 1'vr hi'.ml ll ,1 million times I in Ihti' In I r 11 vim you rr wrong You s.n . perhaps the proli Inin is not tin- plawrs but the i o.ii lung si.ill Perhaps vou’vc missi'il .1 tins things about K ii h Urooks I In look a I) li'.un .uni (unit'd Ilii'in into .1 Pill I II I Olllt'lllll'l I In* last til l' wars Urooks is liH-2H You do bi'llnr with the lack ol binding tin- l'ni\t'rsiI\ gives bun Urooks has ibi' ad miration ot I’ai til i oai bus and has bt'i'ii nation.ilK rri ogni/.cd Tin■ plawrs an' not at tault i-itliiT. lhr\ have plavi'd tin' bust tlii'\ i an Two Musgravrs an' too good to In- trni* It tin* Dm ks \\i*ri‘ (untied In the stall' (Oregon atbli'tu s arc tin* only I’.u It) atbli'tu s not state aided) we could have beltei facilities and attract a larger diversity ol plawrs and teams Urooks is getting tis there by making people notit e they have to i>la\ Oregon to beat them It you disagree with what I've said, talk to some players Attn .ill tills is |iisl niv liumlilr opinion I,ilk to l.atm Item m SI,ilk Kearns .nut srr \\ li.it lhr\ think nl vuur opinion (li 11 \ mi likr in i ompl.im go mill Ini l ung Hr,it h SI .mil leave the liur I,ins .ilnnr I lie lirvr I hr pl.ivrrs ami true I.ms shot)Idn'I have hi pul np with this slandering nl lilt- coaches ami train |oel Strimling lugrnr Judiciously Walking down \ga!r Strrrl recently. i llapprnni to witness at tile inlrrsri tion nl IKlh ami Agatr wliat apprarrii to hr an rvrr iimrr l ommonplai r event al tlir I'niversity Ihrsr ilavs A police officrr engaged in whal srrnirii a heated lirhalr with four students After the offii er was done will) ills business. I inquired as to what happened Apparenlh these guvs started to walk ai ross llie street while the sig nal was flashing red and were pmniptK skipped b\ ilw iitiii i'i Indore thin hint walked more than fiv«* feet I'he ( up then quicklv issued •nic It ill the tour .1 citation lur tlu'ii troubles S loll lur .il templed jaywalking. t!ll( h \,, quest ions asked \l\ point is this Judging Irom the tin reused hostility uiul diflii ultii's stemming between the polite nud I'niversitv stu dents. is this sort of action hen el ii nil to either party? The po lice should even ise more care ful judgment in similar itn i dents and base their reat lions in ui i ordain e with the severitv ol the cases Had these guvs been hut king beer buttles through window*. IM have applauded tin1 onp ■* efforts Yet I feel the punish incut In these urns was very mil,m In s,i\ the least, and I'm sure it didn't help po liie student relations .1 hit All it did was further feelings ut animosity toward the polu e force. I do leel the polii e are a vital and integral part of our com inunitx I also feel that in wielding that power they have .1 responsibility to use it judi 1 iousK and in .1 fair manner. Mark S Anderson Sociology -L_I—Letters Policy_ The Emerald will attempt to print all letters con taining comments on topics of interest to the Univer sity community. Comments must be factually accu rate and refrain from personal attacks on the character of others. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is sub mitted.