Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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'Prancer' is worst film of season
Bad dialogue, art direction add to silliness
Bv C.errv Whitt*
f mcr.ild ( ontributor
So lew genuinely bad films
mi- m.icit' tndav tli.it it's 111 most
.1 relict to see one tll.lt puls,lies
with badness Almost
John I lam oi k's new lilm
I’r.itu ri is quite possibly the
worst 111 ill ill ret ent ineniiin It
pretends to tread a fine line lie
tween humorous and realistic:
situations and ends up being
sills . exploitive and pist plain
Although I must confess that
the film did leave me with
some questions /to f/ie Right
Tiling left me with questions
too I .el me pist make it as i lear
as possible tll.lt these were
questions of a different kind
l-'irsl and foremost, how in
the hei k did this pier e of gal
huge ever even get conceptual
ized, let alone made7 There
were several moments in this
film where that question just
seemed to jump out of the
screen and veil at me
The liasu store revolves
around a little gn I named |essi
i a (the first and hupeiullv last
pertoriii.ini e of a most nausea!
mg Rebecca Harrell) whose
mother has died and w ho is lit*
glei led bv her tough hut loving
father (Sam blliol).
|essica sees a wooden rein
deer tall from a (ihristmas dis
pi,iv and darn near kill some
one w Ini h turns out to he
I’ranr er (we know this her a use
it's the third leindeei in the
line) She then goes on to see
an ai tu.il remdeei in the
wootls it gets hurt her dad
wants to kill it. she wants to
love it e!t etr
/’r.rnrer's dialogue is so in
i redihlv poorh vvtitten that I
found myself praving that we
would see some more sit k emu
linnul si cues just because they
t\ pir ullv Were done sileiltlv
Ivon know they’re more pow
erful that wav I The kids in this
movie don t talk like auv '!
Veal-olds l ve evel met Quite
tranklv I hope 1 uev er meet am
•l-yearnltls that talk like that as
long as I live
The < harm teii/.alion is id
equally high quality, which is
to say that the i hai.11 ters are as
threedimensional as this news
pallet and as re.distil as Santa
llunsell I he only development
that the writer dreg Taylor
manages In at i omplish is that
everyone becomes a very nice
person in the end (awwwu
isn't that tout lung)
Indeed the ending ot this
lilin is probably the must re
y i ill i ng part of it be( ause it is a
blatant sii k. rip oil ol U alt I )e.
dune .ibtuil this si ripl Him
dui's tins suit ul thing h.ippi'ti'
\ u U I kttliu utl.lt III.Ills III
sun mil tlicri' .in' thinking
I ini'. I .ini .1 i nlli'gi' studi'nl
.mil in.in\ m.n hi' nt tin' mi
pri'ssiun I hill iiilh'gi* stuiirnts
dun I gi'UIM.ilU llkf i lllldri'li s
films I must s.iv lhal I dn likr
i hiltlii'ti s films .mil li'lrvision
u him il s v\• • 11 dune
I list'd tu sil ,it honif .mil
vv.iti h Scs.mu' S'f/ni't u ilh mv
Prancer is a film that someone found on
a trash heap.
ne\ 's I‘'i film I'nlls ,inn,i (.in
other i hildren's film I haled 1
\ii attempt whatsoevei is m.ill.
In hide the t.u I that tins ending
is stolen
Tin' photography m I'l.mi ri
relies on stupid lamer.i links
that I has e spi’ii si*\ oral millimi
times Indore There is a shut
when* (essii a and her dad an
driving alimg and the \aiimis
lights tut In-, headlights and
i reate little lines id i uliu all
along the si urn
t his shot evoked special
memoi ies tor me hei atise a
triend ami I did the e\ai t same
thing with his Sony \ ideo re
i oidel It s pist not that tough
to do In lai I the entire muY le
looks pit’ll \ mm ll like stull we
used to do vv ith that old rei ord
Not onlv is /'non it horrid
from a linn hank al point ol
view I found its i ontenl ahlim
lent as well I remember one
si ene where, in an attempt to
stop her brother and his friends
Iron) teasing I'rani er |essii a
threatens them with her dad's
Sli kle This seems a hit \ iolont
to me
I continue to ask in\sell how
this tilrii got made Didn't the
makers ot the film have stor\
i oritereni es or somethingf
Didn't someone stand up and
snv (Ireg. von le a nice gu\
tint something teallv lias he
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