Regional Christmas rush gets off to hectic start over weekend (Al'l Kel.iilers s.i\ I In \ e\ |mmI ,i strong ( simp ping se.ison .liter .1 good pusl Ih.inksgh mi: st.ii I Shoppers i rowiled stores mnmd (tregon I i iihsv Hlismess is pletlv il.iril good, the store is ( mud ell; S.iul S.nidy Perr\ er ot lie (lovvntow ii Nonlstrom ilep.illinenl store in \\ e .lie busier ill.Ill l.isl \ I I .111 tell Mill U elf hits lllg .1 Hi ••■it 11.1 \ S.nil Pen s u hose stole i.‘i eiith i ompleleil ,in Sill it 111K m remodeling prnjei I It s .1 little imi Is In li'll ss lenple arc Inis mu this ( lirisl simsi>11. bill nr i .in kind ul eel smite lelldem irs she f.llll 1 .I'fltlll’l IS SITS I 111 JMII ,inl .uni ill i nurse le,iilici is .( ni;li |n n i- iii-iii Nmilslnmi ,iii At Vmir m is ii c" ili-sk ntli-ring rrsi.m .■■it ii it • u 11 s hotel ri-si-rv.iluins ,ibs diapeis strollers find •s en 11 ii11 >n • 11.1 s In AIImiis (• I |ui- s depart in-ill slim- managei ( .mi Smith was delighted lu see tin- morn mg s K.iiii makes people waul lo shop. Smith said Mill U illarnettr Valiev shop prrs looking Im bargains look advantage of s,ill’s on om- of thf busiest shopping il.ivs ol the vi'.ir \\•■ o' shopping lod.u hi* i .iiisi- Hr ir ills.ini', Dorn tin ( Liston ol l.i'hcinon who .it tin1 Alh.iin I .irgrt de p.ntnii'iit stun- with two (laugh tors anil a granddaughter Its Hirk il.i\ mil .mil we're nomy; Id slay hell! UllllI 111)011 Tary>cl ileik Sandy l\asom of Album was grateful tlinl midsI early morning shoppers had lead llir .ids and knew what i!ie\ wl ie looking lor They know what tlies uanl and have been prelly mill h sell sen my; '' she said ( ami liroek house passed out I .’0 i lips dI i olfee ill I', mm ules al the entrain e of tile I ar i;et store In l.ehuiion. shoppers al l’a\ / / BOOKS AT PRICES EVEN SCROOGE WOULD LOVE! HUNDREDS OF BOOKS AT LOW, LOW PRICES \\ ONE WEEK ONLY! KID'S BOOKS CONTEMPORARY BOOK HOLIDAY BOOKS COOK BOOKS GREAT GIFT IDEA! >±'1' 7a GENERAL BOOKS' PERARTiytEMT 2nd f LQOR -UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331 7* Less Drug Store were buying wad lies .iiici Christmas wrap ping paper, said l)emn Horton Ihe store manager "I can t believe how muc h wrap thev are buying. she said \boul ldtl people were wait inn at the doors to I’av 1 ess be fore the store opened at 7 a ill she' said Stores also drew ( rovvds in ( oos Bay on the (Jregon ('oast It's going to be a good day." said I rod Mover Store Directi.i Bob Addv . "and hope lullv it's an indie ation of a good strong season The I lliristmas vv rap and dei orations are fIv mg out of here," Addv said. "We've sold out of our first shipment al readv Sales and law uwuys were running ahead of last veal he said, "and that's always a good 111 (I it atm I fespite the eat Iv bom , shop pels were waiting outside k Mart in Coos Bav -’t> minutes ahead of opening time mating or Kuth But lei saifl I lot items at k Mart werev id eo tape and Christmas wrap. Butler said, w ith \inja Turtles Batman items and Nintendo games all draw ing lots of inter est on the gilt giv ing front ' 'There's lots of people out there saving this season s going to lie flat but I don’t think so Bullet said We were light on sales before Thanksgiving, but il looks like people were just sav ing up for this vv eekend What Jogged-Out Jocks Say About Onsen HOUMY HOT TUO denial CjII 345 9048 for r«»«rvjnorn Gordon Avi Eug*n# Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowrr on campus uy>mri »t »