Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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Five die in holiday weekend crashes
fAI’l lli'* death nt ,i Stavlon in,in on
Sundiiv bronchi the number ot Iratfic deaths in
(Ir'non In live during Hu- Thanksgiving week
i 'lid
Dave K I’ulver >1 w .is driving smith on
Intelstale i about i it) a m near Ashland
v\ hen his car t rossed I lie lei I lane In the shrill)
der and struck a parked traitor trailei rig ac
i ordiilg In a stale police report
In Ollier accidents Portland police were
iini-s»i«.)ln^ !ht> night hit .nut run
(truth of Hi vr.ii-iiltl I.mii I Smith .1 iunuu it
Mm!isnn High Si -haul riu* ytirl uus struck .uul
klllcil US stir inisslil u Ii.1rthr.1st I 'r. i t t. 11:, i
strrrt hut ilppiuftltly thoii* wrrr no u itnrssi
t )u Iriilm night, i“ Vi-.irnltt K.uiii-ll IVtlv
of Drum ill.lt il Ill'll .1 i .If skilhtril nil .1 i.imr
unit hit .1 roi k\ cnihunknirnt ubnul two milr
ninth of Sutlnirlin
C onlmucd from Pago (i
being sold, .md they (..ire about
u hat they huv
Three \ears ago. (.oldsniith
said ( rail \endors moved in
doors tor the Oregon Christmas
Tail. hut onl\ one fairground
building was used Hcfore that
a number of attempts were
made to keep the downtown
market open tor Christmas
Itolidav Market began Iasi
\ ear.
Peter Ames. Itolidav Market
planning committee member
said the indoor market has sin
( ceded in attracting customers
who normally would not tie
(|uent Saturday Market lie
sells handi ratted wooden
spoons and utensils from his
'‘Indoors is more (unitor!
able.'' he said I low e\ el. "We
tried to make ,is many aspei Is
ot it the same as we ( mild
Planning (ommittee i hair
Sandra S( tiempp said the cost
tor renting indoor booth space
is higher .md .is .i result .1 lew
vendors choose to leiii.im in .1
group outside the |i.i\ 11 (Oil
Downtown vendors p«i\ S
plus 1(1 pen.cut ot gross sales
to rent .1 sp.u e lh.it is H teet In
H teet S( llempp S.iul I or the
llolidm M.irket. though the
sp.u e goes tor .1 ll.it r.ite ot $Hl)
she s.iul
hi previous vears S.iturd.iv
M.irket lies .iltempted to 1 .iter
to holiday shoppers h\ keeping
the booths open for .1 full week
llovvevel without the Week
d.ivs tree the vendors did not
I1.1v e as linn h time to repl.u e
sold goods with newly <'rented
"During the Week, the veil
dois need the time to get then
stoi k replenished she said
I he planning ( ommiltee has
w oiked sini e January to organ
i/e this veal's market \lmost
gllll ( ratters from eight stales
are there, she said
The number of customers is a
reason the vendors are atlrai ft■ (i
Id tilt* market she said I here
is 10 limes the number ot pen
pie here tli.it we would tone .0
S,ilurd.iv Market d it was
rainv ' she said
This is an alternative lo Val
lev River |( lenter i as a I lirisl
mas marketplai e A wide \arn
tv ill nationalities is represent
ed 111 the crafts as well as at the
food t ourt
Si hempp operates the I lee
lam e l lnral booth w here she
sells wreaths troni greens and
v ines she grows herself
SalurdaV Market vendors an
among many artisans at the
fairgrounds. Si hempp said
I tie Inirgnninds are noted
as a key spot for i raft events
and unusual gilts she said
The fairgrounds make a tin e
base this tune of veat
I In I loltdav Market vv ill he
open Saturdays and Sundays
through I tei ' 1 from 10 a m
to li p III
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