Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Copies • Binding • Laser Design
• Gourmet Espresso • Coffee
860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th
344-7894 344-3555
UO Continuation Center Community Microcomputer Program
- Ten hours of hands-on computer Instruction per class
• Open lab throughout the term
- Ten pages of free laserprinting
- One credit special project option available
•• Extensive classroom manuals provided
- Data disk of example documents
• Classes held at Condon School, 16th and Agate.
- Cost Is only *48/$35.
Session runs December 2-17
** Introduction to Computers
One two week ncction Mondays and Wednesdays, December *4
Id. 9 dO a m -12:00 Noon F«‘ lh $4H
** Introduction to the IBM-PC
One two-week flection: Tuesday* and Thursday*, December 5
14, H dO-1100 a m F«*c ia $48
•* Introduction to the Macintosh
Two fMdionH offen*d Mondays and Wednesday*, D«vembcr 4
Id, 6 dO 9 00 p m , or Saturday and Sunday, IWrmbrr 9 and 10,
8:30 a m -2:00 p m Fee is $4M
* MS-DOS: Level I (IBM)
One two wii'k auction Monday's, December 4 and 11.6:30-9:00
p m Foe is $35.
- Hard Disk Management (IBM)
One two wwk miction Wednendayn. December 6 and 13 , 6.30
9<K)pm. Fee U $35
•* Hard Disk Management (Macintosh)
One* w*»ekend section: Saturday, December 2, H 30 a m 2:00
p m Fee in $35.
•* PageMaker; Level I (Macintosh)
One two-week nation: Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 5
14. 6:30-9.00 p m Fee in $48
c3> WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM)
One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 5
14, 6:30.9:00 p m. Fee is >4H
•* WordPerfect 5.0: I^evel II (IBM)
One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, IWember 2 and 3,
H 30a m.-2:00 p.m Ft*e in $48.
•* Microsoft Word 4.0: I^evel I (Macintosh)
One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 5
14, 130-4.00 p m Fee is >48
dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM)
One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday. December 16 and
17, H:30 a m -2:00 p m Fee is HH.
Lotus 1-2-3: Level I (IBM)
One weekend aoction: Saturday and Sunday, December 9 and
10, 8:30 a m -2:00 p m Fee* is $48
Microsoft Excel: Ix*vel I (Macintosh)
One two-week aoction, Mondays and Wednesdays, December 4
13, 1:30-4:00 p m Fee is $48
* AutoCAD: Ix>vel I (IBM)
One three-day section: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
December 4, 5 and 6, 12:00 Noon S 00 p.m F«s- is $ 183
To register or obtain more information, call
Sponsored by the
University of Oregon Continuation Center
1553 Moss Street, liugene OK 97403
The latest music news ...
Every Friday in
the ODE’s Entertainment
Saturday Market moves indoors
Crafts will be sold indoors for holidays
B\ Hon Walker
1 merald Asso< i.ite l dilor
Most lit tile plodui N .III1 (ill
same till' booths .111' !In- same
and the smells .mil sounds .ire
the same but the iiinhieni e is a
bit different as Saturday Market
has mu\ eil miliiiirs w itb its
I loltd.n Market
l or anvone wishing to avoid
the polished and sterile envi
ronmeiit of a shopping mall
vet st,i\ out ot the rain, the I lol
i < I a \ Mai kit lli.iv In the solu
I In I lnlidav Market opened
Irid.n and will lie open fur the
next (oilt Weekends Most ot
the i i.dl vendors are lot al and
most of them are regulars at
Saturday Maiket which began
in 1070 and operates from
\pril to I let eiiibei
Instead ol setting up their
booths oil the downtown park
blinks at I iglltll \veuue and
( )ak Street the vendors opt i.rte
Irom the U heeler I'avdion an
dilorium and courtyard at the
Hi lie i ountv f an grounds or.
U 1 till Ave
\\ lute w alls a shim flout
and a protei tive roof are the
most apparent differenies t e
ramil s jewelr\ and artvvoik
atimmil lnlfrn.ilinn.il i uisine
.mil hourh entertainment still
i .in l>f tonn<i. .is i .in Is1 "i trot
readings r.n ks of tie dyed fab
in hulk im fiisf .mil the
world's greatest ' joke bonks
Kohh Bokich li.is sold Kohh s
I'illow I urniturf Ironi Saturd.n
M.irkfI lor I •. \ f.u s I If s.iill the
m.irkfl h.is tried .1 number ol
strategies to .ittr.ii I customers
during the pre (diristmas sea
(see|>iny> the dow ntow 11
booth- open through Deifinhfi
didn't work Customers just
didn't Irequeul ,111 outdoor mar
k. l in i old .mil mini w ealhci
the wav tbev did during the
suuitnei he said
Hutting 1 anopies ovei walk
wa\s and booths didn't wink
either Alter one heavy snow
tall the aw ning over Bokit hs
booth caved in
l lie tinniliiie was not realh
hurt, hut it was a real hassle "
lie said Heim; prolei ted from
the elements has benefited him
and Ins customers
Though business was slow
during the post Thanksgix ing
weekend lie said lie was con
tidfllt it would pil k op as
( hrislmas drew nearer
Hokich said the number ol
browsers <i11(i customers wa
I,truer because the market was
"We gel all the old people
but vve also get a Ini eil new
people who wouldn't considei
going out ml he lain." he said
Hill (aildsmith. I 'niversitv
graduate student and Snturdu\
Market general manager
strolled among the c olorful
booths and explained bow tin
indoor market was similar to
the traditional Saturday Mar
Most ot the people are tie
same people you see on the
park blot ks even week Fhev
are doing commerce in .1 non
i oinmeri ial environment
(ioldsmilh said
"It’s nicer to be inside dm
mg I )e< ember and it s mm h
1111 er lor our c ustomers It's mit
ipiite as e\i ding though
llolidav Market is an oppor
tunic lor i ustomers to find
handmade Christmas gilts
( aildsmith said
' I lie people u ho 1 ome lieu
are the people w ho huv e an up
preoiation for buying and giv
mg something that is one ot-a
kind People i are about what
lorn to Market, Page T
(NO W 58)
Vlc^ 1795
OvM * ■
(NO J 31)
ftcul QQ95
(NO MRW80)
Oiler Effective
Nov 27 Dec 2. 1989
(NO DB 25/DB 31)
—U O-Bookstore
13tn & Kincaid M F 1 30-6.00 SAT 10:00-6 00 686-4331