University Presentation to be given by leading Russian poets MITMM.S Sur\ i\ .11 ( enter . imii ei > • > gv group Li Mei meets tonight .il 7 in l-AU ( 1‘iliii Kniim I Ail interested people are invited to attend i.arthdav I nun (audition meets tonight at 7 it) in 1-All (iedar K< mm I) _Et als_ l.atin \merit an Support ( amutllttee meets I to in I AH ( aMitlirv Room I All people interested in < orient events relating to Latin Mnen i a as well as upcoming events on campus are welcome to at tend l\TI KVII U S Sign-up spare is available lor the ltd lowing roi ru iters: • \m S'l \ ! s (Iron11 meeting is hum tt to n to a.m in 1-All’ Lenturv Room I) Interview s w ill lollovv • \tn to krai! Roods Ini (sales representatl\ e| Xerox ( airp (sales trainee), • Dei I I an o 11ii | prodm turn management trainee; ai i minting managnincnt iMinunl • Dim H llou.iitl Inltn :i \ ( • rusumn tinadlinn lur tlusnd si hnillllu (rntr\ Invnl ,ii i imsult.inl) SI’l AM KS AM) I I MI KI S ' ( .mil I’tililit ,iI I tic in I uningr.iil lodav" is tlm 11 tie nl .i prvsnntation In In' givnn li\ I 11• niin .mil \ ladi mu t' tun uf llii- Savin! I ninu s IimiIiih: pouts The pm snnl.itmu In bn givnn m Kns si,in with .siimiilannoiis Inglish translation, will bn Imid toda\ ■ it t It) p m m llm I Ml \\.11 nut Room. Deadline tor suhmittiiii: It .ils to the Kmorald hunt desk I 'Ml .‘'Kite Kill. IS noon the '/.II hetore puhln .(lion Hi ,tls run the (/.a nl the event unless the e\ent occurs hetore noon I'le.isn submit I I .ils the tl.l i he lute thei are to run onl\ Notices of events with ,t do uni he .ucepted (run/ills events .nut those siheduled ne.iresl the puhlii .ition dole w ill he itnen /niont\ the Km nrald resen es the nvtht lo edit unities tor iti.inun.u .nut stvle Fall Car Care Special! firestone W AMERICA S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE [ LuiiTcHLAFiLTER' ' Who can you depend on lor their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties^ The Masters of Master Care, ol course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR1 ALIGNMENTS Guaranteed to last a minimum of 6 months'6.000 miles' We align c ars with computerized precision Thrust Angle & All Wheel Mastercare Alignments tor prolonged tire life, better mileage and improved handling. FRONT THRUST ANGLE 4-WHEEL s2795 s3795 S4795 rea. W15 reg *47” reg. '57*' l TUNE-UPS | Trained Technicians Solve Over | 2 000 Eng Problems Every Day' ® • Install ne* resistor plugs • Adjust 'die Speed • Set timing Test Dadefy A I system • Inspet t «ey engine systems 4 parts I 4 Cylinder s39” I DIAGNOSTIC TUNE-UP...$59.77 1 All me above PLUS Mastermind' computerized engine analysis A quality con £ trot printout 1 1 Most elec eng cars 6 4 8cyi slightly more Tuvw'se V 6 eng & arc mertemnce ” L——— No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene—East 11th store only 345-1593 Stock up on film from the UO Bookstore. Scenic mule Sin,lent-, r/i/m n.itun■ e.ilks si <Pf AT FOR F’ARTlf S AND BiHTHDAVS 5/fVIHFn All GAMIS WORK V,,ULU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION I so STM STRUT PUItlC MARKET • EUGENE • 683 8464