ROMANCE LANGUAGES WINTER 90 PRE-REGISTRATION FOR JUNIORS, SENIORS, DECLARED ROMANCE LANGUAGE MAJORS AND STUDY ABROAD STUDENTS NOV. 29, 30, DEC. 1, 1989 9 AM to 4 PM ROOM 212 FRIENDLY HALL c .ill ()8(>-4021 for more details x*oC.000-0 ree Offer! Purchase an AMARAY MEDIA MATE 5 114 " Data Storage 50 at Only 9.95 and receive a .FREE . Douglas Stewart STORAGE 5 1/4" 5-PAK CARRYING CASE Purchase an AMARAY MEDIA MATE 3 1/2" Data Storage 30 at Only 9.95 and receive a .FREE . Douglas Stewart STORAGE 3 1/2" 5-PAK CARRYING CASE _Offer effecttve Nod 27 - Dec 2, 1989_ EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE A Division of the UO Bookstore Basement of EMU M-E 9-6, Sat. 10-5,686-4331 TOO t'b Memonal Union. 10 00 ■ 2 00 M F 6M-4361 I ypesetting Design'C onsultation University— I ilr photo I hr \h Hntisr. now otiufnrd b\ l nivrrsity l9rr**idrnt Mylrs Hi,mil has nurntl\ hrrn rrno\ ,ih‘d ,it ,i i osf of shJ.OOII Repairs made to McMorran House By Prior Stanley I meruld ( onti iliutor I Diversity President Myles >■ iit lintilev'aril mi the southeastern side tit the I hiiy nrsity I lie ruut yy lin h i ust SnJ .mill is part ul a si nes ul renovations done on the house to prepare it foi llrand Kepairs yvere also dune on the i him ney windows doors and on other mainlenant e Items I ‘in ii to hiring Brand the State Board ul Higher ! duration i onsidered selling the house I s president Haul Olum ret umineinled the sale herause the building needed serious repairs and lai ked si11111 lent tai ilities tor entertaining In stead the hoard derided that renovating the building would lie less expensive than finding .1 neyv one In .in appraisal a l.ugene realtor 1 ailed the house "a jewel ' and said it deserves the treat inenl ul any spin ial treasure There are so levy homes that offet the unique styling and an Intel tui a I design ill a lot at ion so desirable Mt Morrau House was one ot tour stately homes I mi 111 in the South I'niversity neighbor hood in l’tjli by yvealthy l.ugene residents mu; r\( 111 s I \ • * lesmrni 1,11 tomjxmim i.rniur Mi Morran .i merchant. built the house now used In Hr,ind in the I nglish Norman (Country style tor .1 ( nst nt S ’ » 0(H) Anolhet of the lour homes built on the hill above Mi Morran House is now or i upied b\ the (Irene n ('hum el lor ot Higher Hdut at ion. Thomas liartlett Treetops, as it is know n, was deeded to the t'Diversity by its original ow ner, (latnpboll ( hurt h on tin- condition that it be occupied by elthei the president or the chain elloi Tailing this i ondition the home resorts to (Ihim h's heirs I lie I dm i*fs i t \ ai (pined Me Mona n House in TI40 as a partial gift and a partial sale t.eorge Mi Murran ottered to sell donate the house to tire I'niversity tor Sla.OOO. about fill percent ot its value the Slate Hoard was unable to pav price and instead the facultv raised the money M( Morran House then became the president s house and ( oilier House, previously the presi dent s home, her ame the I’ai ultv ( Hub. Since I