Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Twit e in this term I've seen
protests get out of hand to the
point th.it the polk .• ,irr i .ilh'd
In both cases ihr message of
tin- protesters seemed tpnte
In pot ritital
\\ hen these protesters don’t
gel vvh.il thev vv.int thev resort
to civ il disobedient e \ pro
tester's sign s.iid True de
mot r.it v Civil disobedi
ent e is not .1 form of tlemoi r.i
t v It s more like .in.in In .mil
in this t use tin tutorship.
These protesters s.utl it's
wrong for the CIA and I HI to
travel around the world tort ing
theii views on others II it s
vv rung for the l l.\ and the I HI
then it's wrong for the protest
ers to tort e their views on those
students that wanted to inter
This I rat t ion ol the student
liotlv was chanting Students
pav students snv 1 reallv
wonder vvliat the student body
US .1 whole Would Sil\ I’l'ISOtl
all\ I dun ! like someone rise
de< iding uh.it 1 think nr iin
It s great th.it students lake
issue it thev leel this strung It
you're )ius; to protest please
<ln it in a wav that isn't livpn
critical, that duesn t (on e vuur
\ lew mi others and don't
speak for the entire .Indent
bnd\ unless the student bncH
has been asked
Mike I’riti hard
l’h\ sii s
Greek recycling
In the lat e nl lodav s serious
environmental issues, the Ore
gun Student I’ublic Interest Re
scan h (.rouji is at the tnretronl
ut positn e i hallge
I n I OH t ( )MMK( . helped pass
legislation which reipiires all
garbage lolloition companies
in i ities with populations ovei
■t.llllti to provide tree curbside
ret vi ling pit kup lor all ol then
i ustomei s I allot tun.itulv the
law excludes apartment i out
100% Cotton Sweat Shirts
50/50 Tops & Bottoms
Batman & Misc. T-Shirts
Printed Sweat Shirts
Cotton Blend Leotards
20% to 50%
Next to U of O
877 E. 13th Ave
342 6375
od Through 12 16/89
"Cats ask for it by name
of “LlAtty p“rBBlT S
PCAun/.“ PIFASC? ..
now 5UIU Ml.
Hungry Head Books
Moth®r Kali's Books
Em«rnld City Comics
UO Bookstore
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Feminist Funnies From How Do You Spell It Productions
I ‘
"OK ... which of you is the one they call
'Old One-Eyed Dog-Face?’"
plexos .irul largo living ntg.im
/.itions ( tirrenlh Iiium'mt
OSl’IKt. s solid waste group is
hus\ implementing pilot ri‘
i \i ling programs in I imerstlv
.irisi apartments .mil (ueek
limisrs .uni finding wavs to
make ns vc ling ims\ .mil .k i is
slblt' In OV rt\ ono
V\ I> would like to t.iko tills
opportuniH to tli.oik .uni i on
gr.ilulate live sororities tin Ink
ing part in tins term's pilot ro
( \ ( ling props I I toll,i I toll.i I tol
In kappa Alpha rhota kappa
kappa (.amnia l’i Kola Phi anil
\lplia Pin have all boon in
volved in tlio noivli ostablisheil
(I rook Knv iron mental Organ i/a
tiou and art" in the proross ot
beginning re« v< ling programs
in their Ironies
Wo i hallongo other i hupters
on i ainpiis to help the laudlill
(lists and to i (intributo In the
salvation ol mn ouv irouintmt
I eigh ( Iiiiii li
liftfi I ngel
Delta Delta Delta
()regon l)uil\ _ _
1*0 H..\ ' I I m th.K.-.i Y-an
T* . . • •• ; . * « • • . r 1 W ! IV ” ;f • »•*. •
nam Ai>«<k .in! va* at ion* by the Oregon Daily Empiald Publishing ('.
University ul Oregon. Eugene Oregon
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