Editorial Break ties with dirty El Salvador regime I'lii* recent guerrilla offensive in HI Salvador has moved the long civil uar in lh.it tiny tountry !<> •* prominent position at the top n! tin* front page Hut headlines are transient Indore the dramatic news of hotel seizures and death squad massac res fades and is forgotten by the Ameru an puhiit it is time for this country to reassess its i ornmitment to the brutal regime of Alfredo (Iristiam lire l ulled States pumps $1.5 million a day to prop up this country of !> million people This level of support has gone on. not unnoticed but < ertainlv un heralded. all through the Reagan decade The question must he asked: What has this level of commitment brought us:’ What have we gotten lor our money? Well, since I'.IHt). 70.OUtl civilians have been killed in HI Salvador, and until we withdraw its support of I fie right-wing government responsible for these kill ings. we must bear some responsibility in those kill mg'. He vo nought a lot ot moon sued won our dollars. The money sent to Cristiani, and Duarte before liim. was supposed to keep Marxist influence limited to Nicaragua and away from Texas, the vulnerable soft underbelly of the United States But the rebel offensive puts the lie to any so-called success the U S -backed counterinsurgency campaign could claim. There's also reason to believe U.S. support has only lengthened, not shortened, the unrest. In negotiating a possible peace plan for the region, the leftists claim to only want military reforms and the prosecution of govern ment officials responsible for the civilian massacre. As the war drags on. continued atrocities will only strengthen the leftists’ resolve and determination We’ve bought a lot of insecurity with our dollars. So why does this country continue to send the money to El Salvador? It's not enough that the Bush Administration is concerned over last week's slaughter of six Jesuit priests involved with peace talks. Cristiani and his death squads have committed similar atrocities daily. It's not enough that Cristiani was elected in a pop ular vote. Any leader who jails und kills his country’s dissident citizens is an outlaw leader unworthy of our support, no matter how he or she got into power. It's not even enough that the rebels are Marxists (gasp!) in this hemisphere. Drop the old Cold War rhet oric. We're in a new age where it's been shown that capitalist governments and communist governments can peacefully co-exist. There is absolutely no valid reason for the United States to continue to prop up this dirty little regime — Q»m r Changing colors still leaves plates ugly Oregon s new Ik ense plates ami lamnn Pave Hakker have a feu things in c ommon: nglv. gfliifiy c olors and c onstant makeovers On Pridav the state's Motor \’ehic les I )i vision began selling the newest in a long line of "new and improved" license plates. Originally issued in the new plates feature a tree in the1 c enter, framed by wood ed lulls and sk\ in the bac kground. I he biggest problems have been with the colors liven Nanc \ Westm.cn. the Portland graphic artist who designed the plates, was disappointed with the colors that were used lor the picture On the plate that was first issued, the tree was "golden." However, what some saw as golden others saw as brown and those who saw brown saw that the- tree looked dead Another hideous part of the plate was the orange sk\ which looked as though it was filled with smoke Coupled with the dead tree and the hazy blue hills in the hac k ground. the plates were basically a picture pcistc ard of a forest fire W elcome to ()regon So the colors wore c hanged. Shortly af ter the plates were issued, the tree went from (.rispy. golden brown to green .1 sickening shade of lime green. The color of the skv went from peach to blue, <1 good < h.mge Also pleasant was the hills' shilt from blue to a majestic, shade of purple. Hut even with the improvements, just how necessary arc? decorative, picturesque license plates? It must be remembered that the intended purpose of a license plate is identification of the ear to which it is attached. This means numbers and letters Not cowboys on buck ing broncos Not panoramic sunsets. And absolutely not day-glo trees and <1 dirty sky The State shouldn’t get involved with aesthetic attachments to personal objects, because aesthetics is <1 matter of personal t.iste You're not going to make? everybody happy, and it’s a waste of time and tax dol lars to try here. Fortunately, drivers still have1 the option of the basic: blue? and yellow tags Thev were* ordinary, but they did their job Letters and numbers didn't blend in with the- bac k ground, and no one had to gripe about sic k ening colors. Letters_ Less qualified I hr remarks m.uir In I mi Hughes mm erning (hr lining pr.ii In rs ol Ihr I l.\ ((1/1/ \m l'>| i mil,nil misleading inlnr ni.itlot) Hughes i I.inns hr was denied .111 interv iew u 11h ihr 1 IA hrt .msr hr is gav Hmvr\ ri .1 ( loser examination nl ihr uppliiulinn and interview pm 1 rss slums lh.it Hughes' 1 hum is i|iirstii)ii.ihlr Ihr siur\ fails in mention sonir impnrtanl details llnghrs' major philosophy was not itti hided in the list of majors lor recruitment In nr i onium e with ( .inn Planning and Platnnenl (’rnlei policy Hughes would have the option to plai r his Ind 1 ard in the. "rr laird majors' category which 1 ommaiuls the lowest priority lor an interview I hr information requested on the hid 1 ard mi hides name major 1ili/enslup status and sell reported ( d‘A rile I I \ up phi alum requires personal in formation, hut < ontains no questions addressing sexual orientation It appears Hughes was denied an interview lie i dllsr he was less qualified than lilt' ntliri ,i|)|)lic ,ints not I mm .nisi’ d! liis sexual prefer I'll! (' In i I,timing ilisi nmiii.ilion u lien none i'msis, I lughrs Imi ■ilizrs (In' i I,inns ill iiihi'is vvhn liii ■' tlir sin i.iI ey il nt prepidii i' .mil dors .1 great disservice In .ill diseufrant liisi'il proplr Dayid Knight M.itlii'm.iti< s No pity I in Hi months the workers nt Mmg,in \n nl.ii hiivr i Imsrn tn forego their ini ninr Sixteen months .it S't O') .in hour i mill's to around S.' t immi money th.it should have hern used to 'feed their families and pay their utility hills At this p<>int it tin workers were to lirt their S1 I n l an hour hark, it would take over five years tn make up for then losses Obviously main of these workers didn't take math in si liool Morgan/Nicolai lost money for three of the last five years Its not as d the company is bleeding Springfield yyith its greed \ prof it s It is unfortunate th.it so main lliiit nut .ill| unions tail tn mi ilrrsl.mil a i oinpain i an t lusr mimev and c ontinur to ii|irratr People ut \11 olai might want In i onsidel w hat happened to l as trr Airlines Koilnin l.avtnn Kugene Thankful I applaud the Im idrntal Ire ( nmmitter tor its dri ision to allocate much-needed funds to the i hild i are suhsiik program H\ t.iking this aition. < nmmit tee members have shown that the\ value the student-parent population on this i ampus so main ot whom could not In here were it not tin this kind of assistant r The li t! ob\ ioush lewis that providing Imam i.d help for i hiId care does more than help a small group of parents and their children, Iml adds to the prosperity of sot ict\ as a whole lit believes that the children who will soon enough he running this country have a tight Id cpialitv dav cure set tings that lielp them ac liieve their highest potential and he come produc tive citizens As a parent and a student. I .im thankful that the lit is making this investment in ev er \ one's future Kristen ifrandt Kugene Dump DeFazio? When I S Kep Peter lie I a/in was elected, to Congress a feu \ears ago. Kugene Spring fields large progressive c om munitv was justifiahlv happv Ue had apparentlv sent some one into the midst of that exec utive i onimittee of the ruling < lass known as the t S Cov einment who would defend the average working citizen and struggle within tin- beast to promote human rights in Latin Americ a \ou three years later, we hear that Defuzio has heeu heart11\ promoting further c uts in tlie c apital gains tax aimed at throwing salt on the wounds of the majority of our population by further padding the wallets of the ultra-rich. More recentiv (01)1 Nov 15), we are hearing that Latin America activists are not get ting any follow up" from Do Lazio's office at the very hour of the Salvadoran people's greatest struggle, that Del'azio w ishes to "choose his battles and the liberation ol an op pressed people is not one of bis ( boil es In light of Del azio's ini reus mg tendencv to ai t in i omplii its w ith the obs( enities proniot ed by the t' S i apitalist class the time is at hand lot a reas sessment of the left communi tv 's relationship to "our rep resentalive for too long now we have lent our support and out al reads overstretched resources to “progressive" candidates in an unqualified wav It Del'azio continues to place Ins political hide above the principles ot justice and decency, then he is betraying those ol us w ho ele< t ed him for his "progressiv ism' and we should consider with drawing our support for him Michael Dawson GTF, sociology