CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 105 PERSONALS EUGENE PREGNANCY HOT LINE GREEKS' ' WAlLY K I P and beaubfui. 22 a« barely over the hill) Happy B»r MATT H There s just something about being in a plane Wanna play in the snow’ I love you' Kelly NOMINA T I.’ )NS .VANN I 1 ' STANDING WRITING C. T F D ! ,-in/ GTF in English Composition help you become a better writer*' Here is your chance to say thanks If you wsh to nominate your Anting 121 122 •■» 12.) teacher lor the English Department* annual OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT TEACHER OF EXPOSITORY WRITING award please write a letter of nomination and send it to the Oimk tor of Composition English Depart ment 118 PLC Nominations will be solicited throughout the year PLANNED PARENTHOOD 1 I'u smears infection checks birth c ontroi & counseling Days A evenings Call 144 --11 ■ __ PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 687 8651 EX Rang happy 21st1 Love Nicole no LOST & FOUND - FOUND STYt FX WATCH in, Dec f Coming Soon The Annual EMU CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR DECEMBER 6&7 10 AM 5:30 PM EMU FIR ROOM Come hear live music drink tree hot '-1»v and by fantastic gifts Sponsored by the (' Mli ( - iM Center and Cultural forum for more -nto Call bttb 4 W 1 FUTONS! lot the student of the student BEST PRICES IN TOWN CHECK US OUT ROCK SOFT FUTON CO. Call Amelie 345 5678. eves OSHKOSH TO Mealtftte* great i >lbn* ■ ■ .< biidren xit Kidifuf* 6? W 13tr» 464 4488 VENICE BEACH Af'ite leather tl'nrl -.♦■.if*-- No* e*t elient buy A thing $100 *44 7004 115 BUT OR TUMI - THE BUY 4 SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Mu;. .»i n*>lru'tienlt, Stereos T . >is Photographs Equipment 361 W. 5th U5 CARS-CYCLES-SCl MM ATTENTION OOVf «NM{ NT St l/t £> VEHICLES from $100 Fof1'i M--1- •• des Corvettes Chevy* Surplus Buy ers Guide 1 602JJ38 8886 EXT A12164 7l DATSUN *;10 Clean rebuild e gme e*tra head and • ar buret or 1 • .iMer fj PM UivjM us CAR! !TWIi«iTiTTO: 81 MAZDA 626 Everything m i AC ste'e -uise -sunroof $«’ IWSOBO 484 V)26 150 mm CANNONDALE black body wlh red lettering $80o 1 j value t>est offer ,K.oepted Cali Joe j 688 4491 so SOUND SYSTEMS 1* «V? TRlAXlAi CAR SPEAKERS J’vf. F0AMP aith Ch*n<‘«* bufh brand ne* GREAT PRICE Can JO" 345 4152 160 SOUND SYSTEMS TOP Of THt LINf l: iCELli'NT CON OtTION PRACTICAUV NtW 01 NON 170 RESALE CLOTHING FASHION TflCASl’HfS i ‘ * » !*■> B . • • . • . I • • • • LAA DEE DAH MEN WANTED CASH paid for clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11TH 683 6501 We Pay More Gentlemen’s Encore P»y TOP dollar fo» Men % and Women % clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 TRY THE BEST 195 TRAVEL AIH TICKET f ug < i ‘ [.Nk 14 »nt Jan 7 14.’ 46 H ©vrn S.’*/) ZIP OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION EARN MONO RfADlNli BOOKS S 12 000/yea' poten bat Details iti t>02 H Pi E «t Bk1 MODI l WANTED '1 n Tues alter - jt .'PM ' • help •' present all ,<• ' grad protect 144 1949 NANNIES Wanted '• - f jsI < as! fame Hup cl teds of positions available Top sal a net benefits an *are paid One year fT-mitment No tees Licensed * INDISPENSABLES, INC. 1 800 356 98/5 (EST) NANNIf S Nl I DED Host:." No* t New Jersey Wj’.f Of T h*? N.V'ny Connei tn»M 344 41*>b NANNY WANTED M" J,i A t mg DC family Irdt an ,imi 14*» ‘»*> i' Martin |202) 4V6S20 OVERSEAS JOBS S90O 2000-m., Sum met Yr • .un ! All ountnes Ail fields f ree ,nt. Write UC PO Bo* *>2 0003 ■ • ma D« M «• i A want to be .1 nanny J!7S$20b a woek tr more edit be edits t ast ■ a-vt F am 1, 'HI O'ey N.i 215 HELP WANTED FINANCIAL AI0 NEED ANALYST Appl at tons are being accepted through Friday December 1 1989 for posd* ms -it f '‘.jnci.ii Aal Aid These am **>?0 hoof per **'»-k positions from mid January 1990 to mid June 1990 at appro*irnately $*■ per hour Duties in elude analysis of fm«rw ii aul apptica lions using prescribed methods budg et determination and packaging <»f aid Candidates must be Currently en rolled University of Oregon students and mtend to be enrolled at least 12 time W- ter and Spring terms A Strong academic ret ord and the ability to commumi ate and #ork *eti with numbers are a must Applicants should send a letter of apple at ion re some in' ,! IM ••• ... 1 Pf R f BCJ S *1 ■ f • -w » ' A V AKA Hit NOW i ir .v< i g loan 1 Hvat« Parking f4 t'wmunth Eugem Mil’ ' M j> 4H4 ,’441 ?25 APTS -DUPLEXES BEYOND THf - I.*«r> these studios hdvtt ©da' paneling *,i i '»..j glass , i! atmosphere' 99*) « HTM 1.411 JENNINGS & CO AMPU‘> FURNISHED Mm} ' $ U-* *. pets 48ft 2&2^_ Ft MALE TO SHARE ? bedroom apt l2l7 mo 3 blocks Irom campul C*11 Sky# 344 11S9 KampuS T«rms 7 IS f 14lh 1 ■ ■<.(r> furnished Shar© kill hen l ' ■..•It© path $.•* • "• *< If' 1.0 ■ 1* posit $i7ft refundable U3 1009 or 7?6 ft4*>9 l ARGt « I t AN QUIf T J bdrm »pl l ft l Nr A Wprl »uiMi5fi.*.J p.i'» m.j 1 jundi y Hundf k 6638919 iARGE ' BEDROOM apartmem Ck>S© to ampus in a QuhH ;-rfrp»«« l ■■*■■■ « jf»ri *> PM 444 41 NEAR ( AMPUS i AHQE I tnl»ni unfur $ 946 f t9(Qtf Street) Qu*ol V IM Klein ENoperty Management 48ft 7/76 1 BORM ART M * k ft Uv 1 arnpus E ijf *'• 1 $340 V4‘> 7H7H .« Hi OO KS t ROM UO Large furnisf*.. ! 1 txlrm 4l)l l»*.isr thru August $ UiOrmo Oft street parking no pots Days 484 99«.’41 leave message ?io ROOMS QUALITY CHRISTIAN LIVING ChnstuS House Student Co «d Co op t g/sm prices start |if. 1834 Poller St 667 014ft 2*5 REAL ESTATE ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HC from $1 tU repair) Delinquent i.u orly Repossessions 1 602 638 888% fc * l GH12164 >Mf *. p»op 255 «KE IWTRACTS EE MAI t DORM -mt * :t Friendly end lun1 It s tor }4 3 3799 anil leave message 260 ROOMMATES WANT~ CLEAN QUIET MATURE FEMALE share 3 bdrm house f * Tr,n * \A2 6 )M ?io MEETINGS ?/b EVENTS EL SALVADOR The Current Contlict A FIRST-HAND PERSPECTIVE with Robert Guitteau who was a witness to the recent events in San Salvador. TUE. NOV 28 7 PM FIR ROOM $1 Spontofmt n> lASC GRAVES Rl CORDING SI RVlCl Uv» Sound Pr,,N * Ih« 1)1 PeSllCKJ«S I * .l-'t'A ■ * h * */■, M. (Jhl •» >fl lh« '. I jl • ’ ’ . • Mi l‘W Thu- ■ (Sly I 1 W fl*l -u<»m i m Gdtwff ••l- »«*80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Al" "■’ t *«(’ ICON A. ' *11 . f'oapiull C©*T» • .* . ■ ^ A ■ • f q<. t t /'.•v ©•»*'*• HIM ©« for .■mm. • •>*<« !•«'<<■ • I*n4»6 ©r f»o »*>o..l K«> ami SHIRLEY « VALENTINE . , . i >•>’ «if ,s« • **■ >M* 11 XKLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHT4, JWLA l g a •to NiqM tdm TfvSo $3 Su Wo $2.90 When Harry, Met Sally w 215 FOOD & DRINK The NEW MAX'S IS NOW OPEN We II have ii»« mu' • .i»hJ 4/p look j ' i*a wli'.i . t. 1 —-;-'»iy the if . , i -l-Mijn ;•» pflo* ; i. ' . « ul v olptiJ/PI An» interested ?95 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THE RAPE UTIC SWE DISH MASSAGE ft a Ji/ilit Rx 1(1/ lo/vw mu'll |Q& Jl ANINE VAN VACTOR l M T Phono 48‘> 8921 AFFORDABLE 300 COUNSELING PROBLE MS i .im !h« U..*0 (Sms . !»♦« *i>/ i/timediair* iie/aonji ‘>unapl*/'>.j SI' 11> ''lulenlial f»iJ6 \AM ju3 ocnfiuco GORGEOUS WINDOWS Window Cleaning Residential A Commercial 'i ll! I l S I iMATf N* /»' < )NSTRUCTlON IAN UP ‘ ■( OUHiroiJ*. QUALITY WORK* •AC.CRT 01Tf {)• CALL TODAY 344 9761 RLSUME TIMF IS Ml HI AND YOU Rf THERE ?Mf DON'T Df SPAIH LET POO HELP YOU ‘Wi INTERVIEW -Wl ANALY/I WE FORMAT WI PRINT /Ye provide you with /*> (i[mi>*j o' ; iuui resume plun .1 over letter ,m , - dfd (>n fiM«> ()udlily pa'*.r menf Ai l FOR ONI VERY l <>W SPECIAL STUOI NT RATI PDO PROf ESSIONAL RESUMI SERVICE 1 800 *»4S 0808 n NOEL NOTES COMING DEC. 11th Wish your friends or swooti* HAPPY HOLIDAYS With a special greeting DEADLINE: 1 PM THURS . DEC. 7th r We Buy Quality • Stere< > equipment • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv’s "lust 2 blocks from campus Stereo Workshop 1621 E. 19th 344 3212 M E 9 6. Sat 10 2 WW- ” BMM0 m ti-PMLldft Q ( Hirst si ” Rf S l AURAN I imit Oriental Bullet Lunch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Downstairs M Th 1 I 00 7 00, I Sj 11 00 4 30 Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs M Th 4 JU 10 00 r SaSOO 10 30 Closed Sundays at • I !7S Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson