Monday In-Depth__ Timber ( ontinurd from 1 statewide Tin1 i mil* il n-pre sents about I >0(1 people Mthounh Wood agreed tIn■ t i nil mm inilustry lines i onlrihiile In (Irciinn s ei omnm lie said the industry will have in re ilm e its harvests in llie > oming \ ears \l the rale that ui n' i lit lillR, we luilieslK believe in live In 10 years that the lie slim linn that vv ill result vv ill he irreversible " he sanl Yon in.i\ have a few hivt trees m tin forest here ami there in abotil 111 veals hut v nn will imt hav > .III oil I v; I nw ill Inn-1 n nsvslem in .mother 10 Some have Nonnested that ev mi ll vv e sav e all ol the s|inl ted tiwi habitats todav that 0 III.IV .ll read V be Inn late lie said W e hope that is not the Wood said the imlnsliv has npeialed on the erroneous f»<• bet t lull past i uttilin lev els are at ieptahle todav even il those i uttinn levels are rleslrm live In the slates >•> ologv I he industry has said U i v e ■ III tills in tlie past sc I we i all |Usl keep nil c lilt mi! Wood said I llnse kind ol re marks don I mesh w ith w hat is realilv I he fai I of the matter is that il"s a finite resuun e t >f it is wlial keeps I hi* in dlisliv going Wood said add inn that the mduslrv 's histm v nl a nl and run w hen I he Ions run mil has I men proven bv its man.inemenl ol ( lirpm s for I hr |nnfil motive is inallv tlieir onlv motiv.ilion while llli'V ( nlllllllle to s.lV lulls |iilis lulls Not \ |ohs Issue Wood said half uf the t iirrenl harvest ill trees is sustainable lull lie added he disagreed with the i mi I niui i |uhs vs protei lion arguments tend to < ro|i up It isn't .in issue of jobs v s the em ironment he said I’oitei ling the eiiv iiiinineiil also means prulei Inn: |iihs It means pniteitiug |uhs in nut tourism industry, in our retire men! industry in our fishing industries All nl those gills .lie being impaired In the timber indus try's efforts to figuiat iv elv speaking mil the last big tree through the mill lie added Wood said a nimmiin mis take r to view (lees as hav ing a dollar value onlv after lliev li.iv e been i ill down and milled trees sometimes are more valuable if let! Ill the ground than when viewed in terms of rei real ion and tour ism I or I revui I )u k 1 Iniveisit v Survival Center's am ient forest i oordinator tin ansvvet to the i|iiestioii is st i a ight forward I here's a simple hottnm line we le i lilting loo nun li plain and simple lie said It s mv v tew lhat we have to stop i titling v l ■ I n.i 11 v all an (lent forrsls (.r.inli'il there's Mimi' Mn.illt’r It.K Is i .in In negnti.ili'il upon Hill \V Ill'll Mill look .it .1111 ri'si 111 ri i• .mil ‘12 In T. pm ml ill it is filin' .imi uill ni’vt*r i min' liai k s.ns in ini' il linn' In slop rxtr.u linn • rrsnun i- hr said ( imlnil I hr ( nil 11114 I «l I rom 1*1711 In I'lH'i i ills went lip 2'i prrrrnl link .ml . I < 111111 r; .ll (hr same 11iiK- rinplovtnrnl in lllr Indus In u r ill i It ill n III pun rn! link .ilsit s.inl Ihr limlirr unlusln should imrii miiir .ihmil r\ purling logs anil Irss ahnul rn i ininmriil.ilisls 'Slop exporting r very Sl II k III' s.l III II u r kr p| (luinlirr) hrir in Washington and ()n'goti nr houldn l hai>■ In Horn ahnul alii irnl forrsls I )u k i ilnl figures from lllr state rmploi mrill of till- ii huh sal rtiiployniillll in lllr sell li e industries Hrnl up In pro nil from IT, 0 III I'lH'i. llr also nolrd Ihr u I 000 proplr in Ihr slain rmployrd in ouldooi rri rration (.ft mil in Ihr forest anil sir ivluil the realities are mil there hr said 1 hat doesn't lie I hat s u heir the 11-a1111 is Standing in the middle ol a IMP .11 rr I Iran III is a pit'll! poll ri fill rxpriirni r Standing in Ihr middle ol an .mi irnl forest grove is prrili amazing also .. I hr limhrr industry supplier, jobs to 79.400 Orvfptniuns .innii illl I . > EMU Cultural Fofum in association with Parr Tower -D»«i S9 -^Vve ec' EMU Ballroom In A Benefit For Parr Tower i Mon. Dec A' 8:30pm i |f T Tickets on Sale Today At Face the Music, Record Garden, EMU Main Desk $9 Student • S12 General Day of Show s> We've got your cut. Vou don t have to go to the most expensive haircutter in town to be ,1 p.nt ot the newest toll trends in hairstyles. At free isioti tuts we specialize in cutting hair so you can count on getting the look you want. Work school ot play We ve got your cut PRfdsiON Li S s sZ ~ v * sm i\i ims n < rnisi, 2001 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 484-3143 every day C < C Doonesbury “i r "l r BY GARRY TRUDEAU i—r .v r f . w Pf&SJP&fr THIS IS A finai oeiAnevSunevui£ FOR. 1H£ MALTA SUMMIT !• TOUR FIRST MEE T/HS Mi TH GORBACHEV Mill TAKE- PLACE ABCARP THE USE. VANBUREN A CARRIER PROM THE foTH REFT ' I . Ih . A loeXe coordinated All The PETALS DIRECTLY iCTTH THE NAVT HJHtH ASSURES US THAT The VAN BOREN IS AT ThB HIGHEST LEVEL OF V PREPAREDNESS > 1 I CAN7 STAND IT. o School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave i CHARLES DOWD, Timpani & Percussion / Faculty Artist Series ’ with pianists Dean Kramer and Victor Steinhardt Mon., Nov. 27 8 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students & Senior Citizens UO PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE / Student Ensemble i Works by Cirone. Weiner, Carter, De Ponte & others Tuer, Nov. 28 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students & Senior Citizens UO SYMPHONY Student Ensemble Works by Mozart, Dvorak and Enesco Wed., Nov. 29 8 p.m $3 General Admission $1 Students & Senior Citizens or more information, call: >6*3761 (Music School)