_Sports_ Oregon netters hit the road for NCAA tourney B\ ‘XshU'v Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter Oregon's vollevhall team was one of 12 teams un ited to the \( '.A A I ournameut u hen tour miment pairings were m nounced Sunday. hut the I )uc ks ha\ e to open the lourmi merit on the road ()regon will play I’ai die III (amferent e foe Arizona on the road SaturduN even though the 1 hit ks had .1 holler confernni e and overall rei ord and have a higher seed in the lourntn Alter finishing H HI hist sea son and finishing tied for ninth in the conference standings, Oregon rehounded to post a 10-8 i onfereni e ni.trk and a 2 1 H overall record this vear The Ducks finished lied for fourth in the i onfereni e w itfi i st: Meanwhile, the u uni ats were H in m I’ai 10 play this season and 11> 1-! overall An zona tied lor sixth in the con teiriii e w ith (lalitomia Despite the lieltei records the higher i onferenc:e liiush and higher seeding Oregon is seeded fourth, the Wildcats tilth it will lie the I tucks th.it w ill he tori ed to travel "I was verv surprised to lie seeded higher and have to trav el." head coach (Jerry Oregon said "It was an ei onoiim thing where Arizona could guarantee more Ians than we i ould and so i onsequentlv they (the selei lion i ommiltee) took Arizona I'he Dutjrs and V\ ildt ats split their two mail lies this season, w ith ear h team w inning at home Oregon won the latest match m three games on Nov 17 hut Oregon leels the two teams are very evenly matt hod ' I've got a lot ol res pet t lor Arizona." he said They're verv physical and verv talent RECORDS VH 7975 < Zit l 15th CD SALEM ALL CD'S reg *149’ &‘l5,'> MOW $1295!!! Qpe» until 6 !xjn Thurs open'til 8 fn &5at HALLEY'S COMET ALLAMM BROS COFFEE 454 (8»* U»»t—» »f » I think holh learns w ill pla\ .is well .is the\ i .in (lre>!iir> added "Holh teams are unud and I think it will he a treinen duns hard and 1 ou^h mati h The must enjovahle part of the I (in ks tournament selei lion is that it i omes alter last sea son's disastrous finish which saw Oregon lose it straight mail hes. (Iregors said "This is a reward tor the team '' he said I'hev hung to nether and improved attei last J M'.ison Tho\ To von stipporlnr ol oat h othoi .is wi*ll .is having .1 lot ol tfllont. (in*Kor\ said lusl Ii.iiiuiiik 111 tin'll' uni tlir jol> linin' Tile itint'r of (ho t irniinii \rizon.i malt h util tin o I he winnor ol tin- IVpponlino l (II.A 111.ili li in tin' sot ninl round Hu' Bruins wort' undo lo.itoil in t'.n 111 pins this sim sun .mil worn i.inkod sot mill ill (ho 1 uuiitrv Ini IVinsI nl 111* year bill Oregon leels the I hicks i oil Id beat I lM. A it the\ get past Ari/ona 1 lie writing was mi the wall tnr the \n t and \o > seeds that the winner would probably hav e to plas the \o 1 set d in the set olid round lie said 1 told our team that they are one ol I lie lew teams m the i ounti \ that i .in heat III A that is d w e i nil heat Al i/ona Oregon started the season winning its lust nine mall lies mi Imlin^ lotiriuimmtl > ham pit>ns)ti|>N til Ili<* I t,ill Iiiihii.i mi'til .mil tin1 ( lii'Kiiii In\ it.i tiotial III'' Dorks also li.nl i iiuuiist si\ m.iti li win stifiik m tlw miililli' ul i iiiili'ifiH i' .11 turn .mil nnlril tin' mmmiii uiiiiiiiii; lout ol llu'ir last siv mail lii-s Mlhiitinli tin- I tin ks haVi' now m.nlr it to tin- \( \ \ 1 utii'ii.iinmit loi tlm tlunl tilin' hi four \f.iis uiiili i (irugoiA thus Ini \ i' not i'n|i i v ft I muni sui t i'ss in tin- tiiurnaiui'iit WE’VE GOT THE STEREOS FOR > YOUR ACTIVE, LIFESTYLE! SPARTAN PORTABLE co PLATER , Auto ievC’ ar^he»V^;oaCipnone BEG. 49 96 -Bookstores i3lh & Kincaid M-F 7 30-6 60 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331