Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1989, Page 11, Image 11

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Razorbacks drop Duck cagers
in season opener at Little Rock
By Tracy Sumner
Emerald Sports f ditor
I’he Oregon men's basketball
learn opened its season Simdax
with a t()l’ 7a drubbing at the
hands of the ninth ranked \i
kans.rs Razorbai ks in l ittle
Km k \rk
I or .1 time. It looked like ()re
gnu was going to make a game
ol it u ith the I logs Alter sti ng
gling to within I _! at halttime at
') 1 t'l the 1 tin ks i rept to w it El
in se\ en .it till a t u ith 1 ! min
ules lett in the game
Hut the defending Southwest
(onlereiK e ( hainpion Razor
bar ks led h\ the senting ol
sophomore guard l ee Mavber
r\ used si oring streaks ol mile
eight and 14 points to put to
getlier a I7 n run and lake leads
as large as :)"> points on the wai
to the 77 point \\ in
Max hei r \ led a balanr ed \r
k.msas attai k xxitli 7tl points
followed In I odd I lax with 10
Lenzie Howell xx itli 10 and I’.r
nie Murrx with 1 > Sophomore
Oliver Stiller starting at i toilet
111 plat e ot senior Mario ( uedil
seoreil 17 points and grabbed
si\ rebounds
lunior forward Ron lluerx
making his second appearance
ol the season ,titer sitting out
last season alter two all ohol re
lated arrests scored I I points
I he I lie ks were led bv guard
Kevin Mixon with la points
Senior forward Keith Rev Holds
ami senior i enter I i n I hum
i tupped in IJ e,n li tor tin'
Dinks while junior forward
Kii hard lau as added It) points
and five rebounds
Sophomore guard [errell
Hrandon. making Ins debut for
the Hoiks alter sitting out last
season be< ause of I'roposdion
tH pla\ ed onl\ I f minutes be
tore fouling out w ith two
points and one assist
Mthough the I hn ks w ere
beaten badlv bv the Ka
/orbai ks Oregon i oa< h Don
Munson (who drew two teehni
i al louts tin arguing i alls w illi
tlie offii ials) had some positive
i ommenls about liis team's
plav against the toll i unit pres
sure ot tin- Ka/nihut ks
( till k Ills did .1 lot ol good
tilings Munson said. I
thought We rebounded beltei
than we had in the two exhibi
lion games
"With the mexpeneni ed
kids we had out then- it wasn't
that had I didn't think tie
1 hese k Ills W ill get beltei
bei ause thev’re good kids and
they 're w illmg to w ork at it.
he said
Munson said the loss ot (ban
don who drew Ins fourth lout
e.irlv in the Inst hall, hurl Ins
team's plav but wasn't the de
Duck grapplers post win
Oregon s wrestling sipiad
posted .1 i t 'isvmosei Stanford
tin Saturdas night .it \ti Arthui
( uui! lo up its ret orrl to 1 I m
f\i< itii to (ionferent <■ ar tion
.uui 2-1 overall
The Dm ks lost in only one
weight ( lass while tving in an
other lo pin the vie tors over the
(Cardinal I.eading the \\as for
Oregon ssas sophomore Dan
Vidlak and senior Joe Kissone
Vidlak. wrestling at 1 lit
pounds shossed sshs he ssas
the most valuable ssrestler at
last sear's Pm It) meet scoring
a lei hint .(I tool os er |osh I lem
ing After ,u i unuilating a 20 d
ails.ullage Vidlak si orerl the
ter hint al tall ss ith i a 1 remain
Kissone had the onls pin lor
the Ducks al Hit) pounds hs
pinning Ron Pens at the -1 02
Alter Vidlak's opening mnti h
svin for Oregon the Dm ks
i iiasled along to easils put
Stanford asvas
lason Jones at I2t> pounds
and Koh Stone at 1 U pounds
follow fd up \ ill Ink "s w in
|oilOS Mini'll .1 2(1 10 will UVI'l
I lave Now li k iHld Slone di'lr.il
ed Josh l.vlc (I
Si oil (Jlenn, at I 12 pounds
li.iil an easy lime ol il and
I lave Sue ks posted all I w in
OthiJt < )i«g< m w ms came 1
from Pal ( inig al I ill pounds
(ieorge Johnson, al I ">H pounds
and lain Slrahni al heavy
(mug and Stralim posted
lougll I 2 wins over fames III
nelie and I rent Smith respei
lively while Johnson Inal Mall
lopham. 12 4
The only Stanford v Il lory
was posteil In Mark (irahain at
ll>7 pounds yy lio defeated Ini
Messner hy an H-l> si ore The
( animal also got a tie al 177
pounds yy lien ( urt Stralim and
Steve Huddle de.lliloi ked at
The 1 )U( ks return to .u lion
on Friday y\ hen they i ompele
in the Fas Vegas Invitational in
Lis Vegas \ev The lyyoday
tournainenl y\ ill i mil hide on
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< iding l.ii tot in the game
I \ working ill will against
tlir pressure know log u li.it
they were going to do and then
losing Ii'iii'll so earls wr
gist nrsrr 11-.i11\ liail it lor the
game Monson s.oil
It definitely was a big la<
tor. In' s.mi I lint wasn I tin
ouli mile ol tin- gaint" I'm sun'
\l kalls.ls I in 111 'i I to a ijllli k
JIMi Irail tind lirlil all III point
trail al i'l II lair ill tllr first
halt hrlorr tlir Dm ks wrnl on a
tl J i on to i losr tin- half! iinr
lor tlir game Oregon hit JO
at i ' shots Iroin tlir lirhl lor 11
pen.rnt shooting \ikansas
shot i In Iroin tIn1 floor on Itnl
ing nine ol jo Iroin three point
(Irrgnn onlii'hoiiiulrd tlir Ka
/.nrliai ks I 7 J t hill u ere out
sioird J? 1J hum (hr -free
throw line
\ kfv staiisin for tlir gamr
was turnovers (iregoii i ominil
led J'l toi tlir gamr i ompaird
with 1 l loi \i kaiisas
Dm k notes I lo n don i '.'it
any easier for the I lurks this
week Oregon hosts sixth
lankrd Arizona Thursday I hr
W ddi als air i oming oil an
MJ 7 i will over defending na
tiimal i hampion Mil higan Tlir
Due ks I lost \i i/oiia Stair Sal il i
Her vr Ir this paper
mi i mi i ii ii k \i ioki \i i’K i si \is worm k
HI Kl I M.l Ml Sl( ( < INI I K I
in i nm rrt
( I.nulla St hmnlf .sings viv ul storms of
proplr thru luvi's ami lossrs full ul
humor ami i oropussion Shr vvravrs
trathhon ami innovation as shr sfrug
V'lrs It • ha lam r thr Ion « ^ «i| vv hllH-SV
ami tlrspasr W hrn ( latnlia sings a
song it s!a\s sung'
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mi; i ik room
I III I KH \11M( )KI \l I MON - I \l \ I KSI n (II OK! (.ON
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II \1 I ADI I K Ml Sl( ,.l I II 111 NIKI I I 1*1 III II M VKKI I
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iHi’lh i>rt \iniiiln'its iu// />< unt il in Kuwitin with swutlliiin tuts irtinslninm i
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