Encore! Furniture as art is an 'Obtuse' state of mind Randles' work is surprising and offbeat B\ Juli«- I )e< ker I liter.ild ( iinlnluilix l! * hiti ti m it lit not it'- tin new furniture ill the I \H I lie det or inav he .1 little e\ lieme however. with hntdil |i.nnt-s|iliitlereil loil (tbtu>r (Ihstrm ljoni>iii .uni featuring tlif ivurk nl Mike Randles I Ilf exhibit is presented in “25 Years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 \!< )\l > X'l S IHKOt (.HI KII ) X'l S Luncheon Specials Chicken Laksa 3.85 CHINA BLUE w/Vork Chow Mein 4.00 RESTAURANT ( \r\t In l ot ( ) lioakstntt‘ iru \ i iih i i \ m ij comun< unit w tin tm? .serene Outturn I Alliance Institute whir l) i Iniiris th.it obtuse oh ■.Irm tionism is iif yet is nut i liiriii.il ilisi rplmr hut .1 stair1 ul mind sui li .1 st.it.. nf mind is sin prising in tin' i usual viewer who is Imii'il In i niifrimt this • rili(|U«' ul mm ielv's material ism and cummerr ialism I'rii r tags in thr hundri'ds ul tliuus.inds d.uiglr trum tIn si• abstracted ul)|i’( Is .riiri describe tin’ nosed mrdin lu tin' [mil'll ti.d Inn er It is duiihtful. however th.it ,il sin h |irues .i Inner will he lutind mi .i universitv campus It is pruh.ihle th.it nut m.iin students ,ne shopping fur .in .u tillerr shell converted into .in end t.ihle tut ,i mere SI7 > (MHI i .millest ii hs made out nf p.uut rullers or .i Howling It.ill He.id series fur their living-room shell Hut in this i use it dues not hurt In w induu shop The wurks are mure than in triguing, even w hen purr has mg such ohjer Is is nut a i nnsid eraliun Handles refers tu himself as the of lit lal interpreter nf the u nils and idols ul the Post \.-u Age and the armature is a compelling and ret intent theme described In Handles as one ul (he simplest hitmda ■■■ I'liolo l*\ M.ir k N 11*i m \ < aliliaitr 1‘ati h dull < rut ili\ .mil tiddh lillrtl t hairs arc part ol Mikr Kandlrs Obtuse (Mistnu tinnisui art sliouini; tin tlis pla\ m thr I \ll (,allrn I inns from u Im li In mow I hi'sc i rcaturi-s of wood and bronze ,iii- made willi gri'.il skill and < raflsmanship and l*rovid< a ( mmimn base from hit li bandies builds bis High Performance Sweats Guarantccd to run 5long years 20% OFF ON TWO SPECIAL RUSSELL DESIGNS DISPLAYED IN STORE ll it's long-distance performance \ou want. gel Russell Athletic’s sweat pants, sweat shirts and pullover hoods. Thes're guaranteed to stand up to five full years of wear. But thc\ re nun mg out fast. So come In toda\ for the best selection. Otter ctUw\c So\ 2' ik\ 2. i os*) CHECK OUT OUR WIDE SELECTION OF RUSSELL ATHLETICS SWEATS-AVAILABLE IN ADULT SIZES SM-XXL RUSSELL ATHLETIC SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT Main Floor UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331 works Intermingled u illi mu li liirnis .ire other works of .1 curi tins nature Xi'u Ages Shamaim Divin ing }*;ir.i|)iif*i-mi 1 in parted from tin tote bag ol the Lmpirical Metaphysician are bones His played like medals in a velvet lined bov above which hangs designer fossil series ami an as sortment of linv bones arranged like spit es on a kitchen tat k (labbage I’ati h dolls are at tat lied to painted crosses wearing buttons with phrases sin h as ' Id the Max " next to which is .1 sign that reads '( rm dy today (iabbage Patch es are out there |ust lying around w ait ing " Also mi haled in the i ollet • ion is Lord Rufort Mumfiml Augustine iennyriM's Shoe hast yyitli a detailed desi rip turn hanging above n explain ing that it yvas created lor hen tivrill s favorite smoking slip pels and yyas only given up hu publii y ieyy nifi after the house pet a Pomeranian i ailed I idly mauled and hopelessly muti lated his left slipper Randles has been prndm ing three-dimensional works lor the p.ist Jl) years and say s he is .1 "mu« li better sculptor than brain surgeon, treating causes is mm h more interesting than flirting v\ ith symptoms Ills i mu erns are "with hu man kind at this ( rilit al jum lure in the planet's history and the individual's resignation to being part of the publii one, Randles said We as ,i species reckoning yy ith this falling ot the i nsimis, yu- have forsaken rii lies lor dol hirs Without cognition this process goes forth blameless and mindless and also unob served Randles' yvork is rich in imagination and 'rii h in its craft Regardless ol their prii e tags, these works are well worth the time it takes to ponder them The exhibit will be on dis play in the EMU Gallery through December 15.