Sports Basketball to start Sunday Hie Oregon men's basketball team opens its regulat season Suntla\ with a game in Arkan sas with llte nationally ranked Ka/.orbacks The women open Saturday against ('.rambling in the Auburn Classii in Auburn Ala The men split two exhibition games, losing to the Canberra Cannons and beating High Five Amerii a Tuesday The women beat Salvation Army and Simon Fraser for a -’ ll rei ord in exlii bition play The Ka/.orbai ks ranked as high as ninth in the pre season polls, return lour starters trom last year’s Ja-7 team that lost to Louisville in the second round ol the \( :.\A tournament Those four starters are led In t> loot -1 senior forward l.en/ie Howell Howell averaged 14 n points .imi seven rebounds per Knine lor Ark.mints last season Sophomort' fonv.inl Todd l).i\ averaged II pou.Is .mil lour rebounds while soph umore guard Ice M.tvbem .i\ eraged slightly less th.m It points while handing out I assists per game Senior i enter Mario ( redil a\ eraged 1 1 4 points w hilt* shooting better Ilian tit) percent from tile held Arkansas, a pre season tavor lie to repeat as Southwest t un ference champion, is (.ink lied h\ Nolan Richardson, who sported a 77 4t> ret ord at \r kansas at the end ot last season I'he Oregon women, ranked -Mill in the nation, open with (banihlmg while tournament host Auburn starts with Kastern Kentucky McCallum player of week Oregon plat.ekii ker Oregg \lc ('.ilium |>11 ked up the l“.n it it-10 Ooiifereni e speiml le.ims player of tin- week for tile see onil time this season afler the Din ks 10 2 t win over Oregon State Mi llalluni bei .one the first Oregon plaver ever to si ore 100 points in a season In si oring 12 points against the Heavers Mi 1 allum i omerteil three* ot three field goals and three eixtra points against Oregon State I his season Medallion broke the school rei ord for field goals in a season and lias tied the s< hool record for extra points m .1 season headiok into the ()ei Hi Independenc e Howl Other players of the week were t N(tailhai k Kic k\ I rvms on offense and safelv Km Kuril er of I '( I A on detense Krvins carried 118 times for 17H yards in UNO's 10-11) tie with l ( I.A Krvins also caught three passes for _M) \arcls anil rushed tor over 100 yards for the eighth time this season Turner made 10 lac kies for the llmins in the I St game anil also had two interceptions and broke up three other pass Tournament Time Dawtin (lli.u ruin [Xo ti) s/uArs \n/nini (lin ing hint I ritln\'s m.ilih l 'luirmiii s /»/.n //ns sr.isnn hrlpnl thi’ Uni k', In ./ 21-8 muni ,nul ,i hrrth in tilt' \( \ \ hnuihinwnt. I’uiritu> ,i/k/ s;/rs /»j/ ihr i>.inws ti ill In■ .iinunini i'll Sunil,i\ I’linln li\ \l.iitm l liicl ■!Mai:uwiiiaiiimuBiiiiBimBitiiaii!ii ! SPRINGFIELD | SCIENTIFIC * SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm i " 726-9176 1 1124 Main St. I Springfield niaiiimiMMitimiiaiiimiiiHuiiai"|w<> «*&* ...,\*fl' ,,?01 ;eo'voP ^»« * NOEL NOTES $3.00 for I 5 words (6 pt.) (Additional lines at regular rates) DEADLINE DEC. 7th at 1:00 p.m. * Print all information clearly* Message: Must be complete. Information used for office purpose only*. NAME:_ _ PHONE: ADDRESS:_ ZIP:_ ___ If of words: ______ Box $1.50 + Art $1.50 Total Cost:_ Choose Bright Red Art