Regional_ Lawmakers back monument bill \\ ANIIIM. I'Q\ Ai’l A lull i mating the Newherrv Volc anoes Nalional Monunient south e.isl ol Hand m i entral Oregon has linen intm (lined h\ Rep Hob Smith and Sens Mark Hal held and Hob I ’a. ku nod The three Oregon Repuhln ails inlrodm ed the measure in the House .mil Senate on Mnnd.w The hill has the support ot Rep l)enn\ Smith K ()re Kep Ron VVvden, IVOre and ta.\ \ed (ioldsi hmidt. a I Jemoi rat I he national inoruimenl would streti h trom New berry t rat ei . the caldera ol a dormant roll ,i no _! i miles southeast ol Iteiid. northwest to lien ham I alls on the Desihutes River It would .mi i ompass t.J (100 at res The monument would he the biggest ot three national monuments in Oregon and would he ad ministered h\ the I S I oresl Serv a >■ I lie others are the It OKS at re |oh n Ha \ I" ;| Reds National Monument and the -1HH ai re Hieion ( ave-. Na tional Momimeul 1 hey 1 Stu.irt Harrell ,1 pin trorn ilend who de\eloped tlir idi'.i ol proli'i ting the .irr.i through design,it ion ,is ,i 11nl1011.1l mono inuiit rhroughout the dr.ilting ol this lull I have insisli'd on onK one thing that ail Oregonians with ail interest in this legislation and who wishi'd In 111' a part ol it hr 1 in hull'd in the pro 1 ess Huh Smith said "While others talk about multiple uses 111 land designations this local group has ,11 tualh done it I latlield said Hie legislation would compensate geo thermal rurrg\ interests uhith possess leases within the iratei In ev hanging them toi leases outside the monument hoimdnfv It would estali lish an advisorv courii il to advise the sei relarv ol agru ulture on preparing an initial management plan lor the monument Hoh Smith represents Oregon's Jnd (singles sional llistrii I whu h int hides lies, liules ( 01111 l\ Company outlines gorge hauling contract PORTLAND A trucking i ompiinv lias defended .1 1 im trnveisial plan In haul garbage through the ( ailinnbia (huge In an Pastern ()n*gun dump (larv (addherg. executive vice president ul jack (ii'av Transport liu told I ho Publit Utility ('cimmission nil Monday the company planned In bus now tiiii tors and -.pci dally do signed. leakproof 1 ontainetx Im the job A lit) vent SJtllS millmn 1 nil I rant yy itli the company In haul Portland area garbage In a new landfill al Arlington has sparked strong opposition trom citizen groups and gorge < 0111 munities west of Ailington Unties have argued that the < ontrai I uitli the \I**tn>pt«liliin Nervit a I hslrit I plat es an tin needed hurden on Interstate Ml .mil post's .1 to tourism in (In' j»t»rj4r* |.11 k ( Irat must obtain .1 pel mil Irnm the i omnilssmn In meet its contract with Melm u hu h 1 alls Ini the 1 nmpnin to begin hauling garbage to \i lington in lamian The commission plans to make a ilei Lstoil h\ Dei 11 said Allen Scott healings olfi In other testiinon\ Mmulat Metro ulticials ileteiuied the agency s hid prot eilures and said the Inn k tratfit would have little etfei t oil I M l I he ( initial t ret pi ires the conipanv to make ttl two war trips .1 dav mitiallv mi leasing In ii i trips a ilav in I'im 1 vvlien tin- si |ohns l.itnlt i 11 m Pint I,mil i loses III addition to llif i mnmis sum permit |ai k (dav must se t lire land use permits lor star; inn areas m Higgs and i'lie Dalles Ilie staging areas are needed bet ause drivers vv ill not lie aide to make two rimud ti ips to Arlington within the lederal 10-hour limit ( a ddliei g said |ai k (.lav was i imsideiiiH: several other sites loi staging areas in i ase present plans lei! through Iml he vv olild not lev eal aetllal loi a lions \s w e gel these staging areas sited we go under at tai k he said 1 DESKTOP PUBLISHING • IBM COMPATIBLE • USER FRIENDLY IBM Computers 5$/Ilour l$/l’a"e • i ».\(; i:\i a k i:k • \t;\ti ra • cored draw • ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR • WORD PEREECT • SCANNINC SERVICES • DAS HR PRINTER • COMPUTER CLASSES We sell new and used Computer Equipment. Professional service on a Personal level. GRAPHIC INNOVATORS. «. 26 £ 11TH EUQBC, Oft 97401 (503) 0834434 * tMJNDCRIAND * GRi AT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 54*Uintn AlLGAMtSWORF £VIUCU WITH NICKELS GAMES admission m so STM STREET PURLIC MARKET EU6EHE • M3 I4M j GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-We $3.50 II = 5j 492 E 13th ■ M J ^ 686-2458 Lose 10 to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Only Cost is Food. 19 Years in Kugene. 687-0590 RESUMES Get a 14” 1 ITEM Plus one 16-oz. PEPSI N AMI ADORESS 687 8600 • 1432 On h.«rd One Coupon Per Pi/?.i • Expires 11 22 89 dec. 7th, K pm, $12^5tn*esenx»<^ tickets available at the hull box WSbt. ■■■■■■■■■ office and all hull center outlets or charge by plume (>87 5000 presented by flood ?> Jim McDermott and Jon Niedermeyer (Two recent (J of O Graduates) Want You To , PARTY , With (Js At Our « NEW < 1 NIGHT CLUB THANKSGIVING WEEKEND ' ► LIVE , ' v r REGGAE ► »»»»»»^ »♦»»♦»»»»» FEA TURING: THE HER VE v »» »»yj j'* ^ *Demetri’s ^ r - , 824 SIV First (formerly Aldo's) > PORTLAND, OR /