| STUDENT SPECIAL • Large Soft Drink (In U of 0 Schedule Cup) • Small French Fry 3! avaiiaDie m. •aK’asi r : RIB r : ' ' V. > ’ . • * ; Expires Nov 30. 1989 GOOD TIME. GREAT TASTE. GfrtATj rwoftE Fillin 6 / The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (1 2”) One- Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (.lust ask for the Special) 95 (Add’l Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. < i : ODE •• j- - ! i . Kn:f v i ODE n T 1 . Fmrr.i. ! &6E Orwgon Daily Emerald d)DC ~*r*wjon Daily OOC Illy I ODE ODE rag • Da • Imral I ODE r«gon Daily : ODE --'j : ■» Erii«»ra. ; ODE • -j r. I .:»■ ba-n.j ODE >aqon Daily Emerald ODC Qrooon Daily National_ Senate decries killing W ASI IIN'(; I ()\ ( \I*! t he Senate voted H'l to (I tuesday tor a resolution condemning < nhtinuing violent emit all sides in Id Sal vudor .old um inn l<> recolisidei I ' S .oil d tin* killers of si\ Irsuil priests .or not brought lo jiistK r 'Until I hr I MIA llrtlisl )»I i«-rr i I l<»s) .md thr Salvadoran govern inriit iniisl take strong .i< lion lo end I In* violence lli.it both sides ■ rm I.. Inn r l.ikrn against thr iiiiioi ml population s.iid Srn.ilr \l.i|orilV I r,nlrr ( .rorgr Mill Ill'll. I) Maine The non binding resolution < nine a dn\ alter f 'ongress refused lo all.ii b am resliii lions on ibis year's $IC> million in I S. milil.ir\ aid lo I I Salvadin heeding l’resideni Hush's argument that sm b a mm e would linden ut the nru government ol rightist president Al Iredo I i is| lam linl Senate Minority Leader Hob Dole, K kail., noted that voles I ike \ esterdav stall be m i si ntn preted. " and added Ibis I' solution makes . tear that ivr deplore all violence in III Salvador, vvhethei it i miir s I nun tin- extreme right or I lie communist let I I’lie i liniments were indicative ol a growing restiveness in i ongress with I' S poln \ Inward Id Salvador I lie .. isn't what we think ol (he rebels " said Rep liar id ()be\ l)\\is . whose Appropriations subcommittee writes foreign aid legislalion I hi' ipiestion is wdial we think ol the ability ol the existing potii \ lo sm i eed The very lai I that the rebels have been able lo di i lb is all i-i ten veals ol supporting I lie Salvador govern ii milt dem onstrates lo me lh.it that government is not nearly as in control ol the military situation as they have i in I it ated \dded Kep Dan (lie kiii.in, I) kan I be extremists on both odes are driving tins country into the sea And in the meantime. I S citizens are starting to get affected by it file president needs In personally gel involved to gel a i ease lire in plai t• I lie Senate resolution was similar to a resolution passed a day ’ 'a i In a by the House and slated 'unequivocally'' that it the gov eminent does not make a good faith effort to apprehend and prose i tile the murderers ot six lesuit priests and two apparent w itnesses I be Congress will carefully review and consider the question ol aid In |-.l Salvador I lie military and those w ho may have been involved in some ol these violent ai ts should understand dial we're not net ess,in Iv going In In writing a blank i bet k in perpetuity and it s ex tremely important that President Crisliaiii understand this said Sen I Imstnplier Dodd I) Conn Congress may lind it necessary lo < ond it ion or curiaiI Inlin e Salv adoran aid be said the resolution also asked that the Hush administration report In t ongress by I rb i'll on the status ot the investigation into those deaths Dole said tuesday s guerrilla attack on a San Salvadin hotel lealluined (.ongress dei ision not to slap limits on the military aid fin < 11stiam s government As I In- Senate v i ile proceeded polii e ton iblv removed .several protesters from the visitors galleries who began shouting com moots against C S polii v Ihe entire gallery was i I eared foi the sm ond time tins week something that has happened only twiie before in tills I eilftlt V Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts, Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable puce Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday FISH CHOWDER, Green Salad, Cornbread.$3.75 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus J HALLEY'S COMET ALLAhtt BR05 COFFEE 45$ (80/) 55$ (i2oi) FREE half 81 half Aoo»» 'torn tr* DO BooHMOfC