Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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    Police Beat
I'ln* following is .1 list ul i ,inipus him
iTimes taken from ()ffice of Publu S«11<■ I\ .mil
Kugene Polne Department reports betrxeen
\i IV 1 I <111(1 \(l\ J(l
• rhe stabbing of .i i niversity student outside
kmkn s Copies at Ht>() 1 l.lthAve rvas report
ed to KIM) Nov lit I be student sustained .i
half ini h wound to tile lower left abdomen
during .in altercation w ith the suspect
The suspoc I is desi nbeil .is .i w bite male
in lus JOs. approximately n feet and Joo
pounds, with brown hair. He was last seen
wearing a blue i hei kered shirt and hl.n k
Fhe student and a friend reportedly were
walking along 1 ith Avenue when the student
accidentally bumped into the suspect A ver
IiaI dispute followed ovim who was at fault
A pushing mulch ensued, during which
the student was stabbed The student's friend
i based the suspei t but hist bun
• An assault on a female I'niversity student at
the Hayward f ield parking lot was reported to
KIM) Nov lit The student was involved in an
altercation with a friend of hers, another le
male l'niversity student The altercation re
portedlv n< i urred over a male mutual ni ipiain
lance of the two
• A l'niversity student was cited and released
by KIM) for shoplifting at the l 'niversi® Hook
store Nov JO 1 lie suhjei t was observed shop
lilting tyvo i assette tapes
• A I'niversity student was arrested by I I'll
\oy JO for petty lari eny of a $(>() parking pel
mil An (IPS officer observed a y ehn le illegal
ly parked in a handicapped /one on i lanklm
boulevard and confirmed through dispatch
that the permit had been stolen < )< t J I
• Ihe president of the Sigma Chi fraternity
yeas r iteil by KIM) for prohibited noise \ny ft
Ninety minutes before issuing the citation
KIM) had been dispati lied to the house regard
mg a light On the first dispatch, the offii er
observed hundreds of people inside and out
side of the building, and loud music coming
from .i live band inside In addition several
suhjei Is yvere urinating on the building
• A former I'niversity student was arrested by
KIM) for harassment N'oy 1*1 An KIM) officer
observed the suspect at laJn I'niversity St
I'he suspect sayy the patrol vehicle and
i hanged direr lion The offii ei stopped the
suspect at lath Avenue and ()ny \ Street and
requested OPS to the area for assistance Ihe
suspect who reportedly was under tin- intlu
imu i' vy as ,ii l\ i mm I hr y\ .is trespass!
The suspei t thiMi began .1 verbal .iltrri <i
tii>11 with thr olfii er s son, who hud brrn ml
ing with thr officer making r.u isl ,md sexist
remarks tnxxard thr son I'hr nffii rr real Ill'll to
apprehend thr snspri t who thru knoi kril
.ov.iy thr ottii ri s ,11111 .mil strpiin! h.ii k
• I’hr thrii ot ,i Sim real bike wheel was re
ported to Kl’l) \m tti Thr hike whu h w.is
si•! iirnl to ,i pulr .it I ith Av rnur and t imrrsi
t\ Strrrt. had its front xvheei damaged during
thr tlirft
• I xvn l imrisiti students wrri' i itril In ()I’S
and Kl’l) tor trespassing and lor being minors
in possession ol alcohol at Au/ten Stadium
\.n 1H ( )tln rrs observed thr students on thr
playing field at 1 III a iti
• \ i asr ot i riminnl mis< hief was reported to
Ill’s Sin ltt \n unknown suspect lirokr a
w ini low in ( a union I la 11 with a tree lira i it h
• Six people received Sill’s and one prison
was i itril lor possession ot a double edged
blade In ()PS and KIM) \<n 1 ' (>I’S respond
rd to a loud and disruptive party at I )r< on
• A S 1 HI> blai k leather |,n krt was reported sto
Irn to Kl’l) Sin 17 I'hr pit krt was stolen Irom
the ow tier’s room in V\ altnn ( nimptrx \'m It
• The I Ill'll ot a wallet from I'll vxas reported
to Kl’DNm Iti I’hr wallet vx hit Ii i onlamrd a
i rrdil i ard and driver s In ruse was in a hai k
pat k under a desk in a room frri|iirnted In sto
• \ i asr ot harassment was reported to ()|’S
\m 1-f I’hr suspei t repeatedly grabbed at a
I ’nivrrsttx student along I till Avenue and re
porlrdh said she was i Hilling home w till him
I lie student finally eluded the suspei t I lie
suspei t is desi ribed as a 0 loot I ’ll pound
white male in his 70s last seen wearing a dark
long ( oat
• A I ase of pulll II I in In l MU \ III I'inner I ( rule
ter\ vsas reported to Ill’s and Kl’l) Sin It
The suspei t is dt'SlTilled as a i foot III Hit)
pound white male with brown hair last seen
wearing a blur plaid shirt and jeans I hr siis
pei t is believed to be the same one in prey ions
ptihln indereni y reports Noy t and H
A suhjet t in the same loration was (pies
tinned about the mi ident I he stih|rt t denied
i ommitting the indei em y but reportedly said
he Ireipieully took walks in the i emetery
• In addition (It’S reported 2 bikes stolen, and
none recovered
Support group for gay men to meet
mi.i i i\<;s
A support group tor v;.i\ men
meets this and evers Wednes
dav night at 7: It) at the
kninoina ( t■ r11«■ i 111) k mi aid
St This weeks s top it (let
ting to know You
Students lor (.hone meets
tw u e todav i roil I 7 10 to H 10
p m and from a to t> Ill p m
Hotli sessions will In- ill KMl
( entun Room II
The Orphans a film about
the fate of Soviet ( liililren or
Vi *%/ Hand ( Jnlfun(
j «f CONSIGN j
I <|i<«ltl(> < lolhmq mv* In l sin nlil J
* K« lilt llllw f US V* ll* II 1 Ic.UlilHl oul J
I V * Mil « lost Is Or Jlisl ( DIIII hlnVkSt I
I llll«MM|ll mil UHUHU' shop I
I C .ill Mornings lot Afipt I
I 344 7039 '
IO b Hon. Sil.
i IbO l. I Ith [
| brUrrn Mill Hr Miqh I
i__cur ar save_l
phaned h\ World U.u II will
ho shown tonight .it 7 in Studio
A ot tin- Instrm tion.il Media
( enter Tin* presentation with
Knglish subtitles is p.irl ol the
Russian di'p.irtnii'iit s Kussi.m
1 dm Series
_Kt als_
'/Tie Tnlvmark Movie is tin
titli* ol .1 how to video to ho
presented h\ the the Outdooi
I’rograui today at 1- 10 |i in in
KMt Room 1 1
\evMiian ( enter Itt'iO I rnei
aid St is holding its Thanks
giving Liturgy I Mass) tonight at
7 in A mm i.11 w ith rH resit
mi'iits w ill billow tin- mass
lliMillinr lor submitting It
als to tin’ l.mrrulil front ib-sf,
I Alt Suili- lull is noon tin- 11<i\
fictori' pulilu .it ion I I .1 Is run
tin- (lav ot tin- i-vi'iit unlttss tin*
event oi i ins bi-toil- noon
I'li-.isi- sulimit I t <ils tin- il.i\ In
ton- they an- In run only.
Notii i-s ot i-v i-nts w itli a do
nation or admission i barge will
not In- .ii i i-|ili'il (ianijius
i-vi-nts mill tlinsi- si lii-iliili'ii
ni-ari-st tin- |iiililii alion dale
will In- given |iriiii11\ Mu- Ini
tUiiltl reserves tin- light to i-dit
notii i-s tm KUimm.ii and sl\ lr
VOLVO Owners
Alpine Import
' /Service^Vp°d
Offers a FREE Safety Inspection
Springfield * 12th & Mam • 726-1808
Call lor appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED
Mu VOL VOc^pecra/isf
\U >\l) Vi s || Ik'c H (.III kill I \\ s
Sweet and sour
Chicken w/
vegetarian Chow Mein
Ja Jang Mein
[ / 'sl.lirs \r\t to l i 1/ ( > /»< k s/i»/(
H7‘l I Mth i 1 ( ,'H fj
★ ★ ★ ★ NOTICE ★ ★ ★ ★
Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving)
Nov. 24 Friday
Nov. 25 Saturday
Nov. 26 Sunday
Your Student Health Center
Urgent Care Service
is open from
Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia
Binge Eating
Crash Dieting
Laxative Abuse
Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive Dieting
When you're ready
to quit
we're ready to help.
Just call 686-7372.
Kilting Disonlt'i's
IVo^ram at
Sacred Heart
I a. n i
I offer only good with
iBetty. Marla, and Kathy
1511 Lincoln.
Willamette Towers Bldg
ujstomi/pd for your hair type
n )*•■ if - ;itif tr«\»U'd f tif n .tv t ♦ p*tr.»
starting at 39.95
I.■■■■■■ Illusions * 345-1810
j December 1989
Wo invito you to onjoy (he same authentic
Mexican food nour now downtown lot ation
(lO'mcny l i(;', ad.i i ' .Of vc.'j autnor's M> ■ i'
cuisme 7 days a week Example Chicken Cam:tas
Camitas do Res Chile Verde and Chile
1110 Sunday-Thursday 11 11 Friday & Saturday
Now Serving Cocktails
i Musi
| present
d coupon
2 FOR 1
par party
| Good for comoinanon omner >3 /a manmum creon you pay inc oinercnce
Not Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go
Offer e«pire«k 11 30 89
2650 River Rd 689 5621/635 Broadway 344 1091