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Phillips s.ikI Wore Irving to break down li.urieis of isolation m the guv ( ommunilv to give people .u ( ess to help Phil I ips said the I lelpline of fn e has a stall of 2r> phone SECRETS FROM AROUND THE WORLD FOR SURVIVING THF CHILL OF WINTER. In the tour generations we've I'm en roast ing premium, whole bean coffees, ti.e Boyd family has come across many a winter coffee recipe. Some quite good And some downright bizarre. l or instance, one ancient Finnish recipe calls tor adding a strip ot tish skin to your coffee after brewing. Yet another, from nra/n, directs you to pour strong, niaiK cot tee into a cup packed with brown sugar. Hut, no matter wh.it recipe you happen to enjov thi^ winter, there's no finer cottee to make it with than our Red Wagon Gourmet C ottee I he very finest of the world's prize cottee beans hand-chosen by the Boyd family of experts. I'rnmiini rik»h'il ivtlcf* hir tour generations ~1 SAVE 50« Or m\ 's valve au k Or on anv varielv oi whole bean Red WaconliourmetCoftv oik1 pound nnnmiuni purehase reijuired workers and 111 other volun tens lather uni* nr two profile are answering phones during the line's hours, whir li .ire t fi m to 8 a.in. every day The line was opened in July .liter rei riving a mail liiiiyi grant of $8,000 from tlie t;hii ago Re source Outer, which Phillips said is sort ol a gay and Irsln an I inted W'ay The grant helps pav for an Him number that the Helpline offers statewide, plus a spe< ial service which allows deaf pro pie to communicate with Helpline volunteers through a l elei ommuuK ations Devil e for the I leaf m.ii hine These and other Helpline services will re ifuire ongoing fundraising ai tivities. Phillips said Phillips said that 1 It) men i ailed I lelpline number |tiH t 2428) in ()< tober. tw ice tile number of women who called Overall, she said, about one-fourth more men have < ailed Phone volunteers work any of three shifts during I lelpline hours Phillips said The major it\ of calls come between 4 p m and 1(1 p in . she added (liir of the most i ommon is sues that i alters discuss with volunteers is the problem of "coming out of the closet and expressing their sexualilv. Phil lips said \ person's bisexual it\ comes up as an issue a lot Phillips said "People will call to say their married, but they've always been attracted to their own sex and they want to know what that means Phillips said heterosexuals also i.dl the Helpline using it to inquire about friends or tela lives w ho are gay "Many of the gays and lesbi ails w ho call are dealing with isolation and depression Phillips said "We do referrals, events mlorm.il ion. w here to go to have lull. II they re disabled, we give them disability aeeess informal ion I biiversily senior Stii liael I’eelei w ho is in dim tor elf the (,ay and Lesbian Alliam e ((LM.A) on i ampus. woiks three to six hours a rveek as a I lelpline phone volunteer Peeler said that during his lirsl shift in Septembet I thought I'll only work throe hours Hut the phono wouldn't stop ringing, and I muted up being there seven hours Peeler, who is an English mu jor. said lie's talked with nailers about a wide array of issues from loeating the local gay bars to dealing with parents who won’t ai i opt .1 teenager's ho mosexualitv "One guv said lie’ll broken tip with Ins ox-lover and was just sitting around, real do pressed." Peeler said "I spoke with him about an hour-and-a half, to the point where the conversation started to lighten up a bit Peeler said lie's spoken to several callers who were con sidering suit ido "I've heard they told their mothers they're gay and their mothers aren't talking to them.” Peeler said "Or that their roommate wants to kill them Or that because they're in the t Inset thex have to sneak around ami have sleazy sex "If I don't feel good about where the t aller is headed. I'll sta\ on the line as long as 1 can." Peeler said "We actively part it ipate in listening to the caller, making sure we know the\ know exactly where their situation is and what lile\ can do. I ligure that most people who take the time to call us will be willing to go to great lengths to work something out Phillips said most of the t alls have come from the Eugene and Portland areas, anil th.it she is t ontm ting newspapers ami stations in small towns around the state seeking then cooperation in promoting the servii e "He ha\ e a small public itx budget, but we are able to pul t lassitieds in many of the straight papers." Phillips said A harder task Phillips said is getting radio and television stations in the Eugene area to run a ptthlii servile announi e men! loi I lie I lelplme "I've written to .ill the sla lions." Phillips said "Hut as tar as I i an tell, not one has run the PSA We've had to rely on livers stickers, referrals, am thing we can to gel the word out.' It you arc looking tor this image . . Cosmopolitan Wculcmoiscllc \ 'omic Rile I ha\ e \\ hat \ ou w ant, cream e hair>tvlin;4 hv David R Fletcher at Studio 340