Community I'hiitn Im \mlt* K.uuiii Curt Ihompsnn .mil In.mir hi It mi nl the in-nit iters nl ( I’.irtner s. hope In promote < ross-i u ml erst mill inn hi tenturiiu; i r.ills /rum huifene's sister i Hies Store sells crafts from sister cities By funis foseph fanoruld Reporter Idealism is not something usually .tssorialed with tile retail business However. ( ar\ Chomp son. co-owner ot a new in>port store in west Ku gene, said the store loi uses not only on selling i rails I'mni other i ountries hut on i loss i ultural edut alion and understanding (llohal Partners. O'/t)' Van Utiren SI a store vvhii h sells i rails trout laigene s tom sister i dies and other 'exotit places' opened last Wednesdav Thompson said We thought we d try something idealistii he said "We want to enhance i mss cultural ideals and connect with other people in the world We want to see d we as \meriians. i an help out people on the othei side ol the world said Joan ie Mellon t O-ow liei rhoinpson and kleban along with Wendy ( oy le the third partnei began working on open ing the store about a year ago Meban s.iitl Both kleban and Thompson bet .line interest ed in importing goods from laigene \s sistei t dies after their three ve.u involvement in setting up the Sister (aty Program kleban said I lie Sister ( at\ I'rogram affiliates t ities in the I S w ith other t ountries around the world to promote understanding and respet t aiming nu lions laigene s lour sister titles .ire hakegawu Chinju. knrea Kathmandu Nepal, .mil li kutsk t'SSK ariordllig • *» the sistet i dies Inn i hure (lovlc let I the 1 N m \ | >i 11 tn travel In the sister l ilies .mil other pint es m Asia gathering unii|ue art anil traditional haiulii rails klehnu said She went nut into the i nuntrvside to Ir \ and find whit'll were marketing native art and looked Ini iepreseulalives tn help send the slutl tn el . k leliail said Kvenluallv the\ want In bring artists from different countries here to do work oi set up ap prellliceships to keep some o! the dvmg art and haiulii rafts alive I'hniiipson said Mthnugh (doh.d I’artners has no tnrinal altil iatinn with the Sistei (lilies I’rograui lliev hope to help the program Some ol the mniiev made from tile store w ill go to help the program's c nm niitlees rhnnipsou said said the business also serves as a re snort e for people to make and sell elhnii malts We want tn send as money hai k tn the soon e as possible She said they do this by rutting nut the go hetvveens as often as possible lliev go tn the i ouiltries themselves and buy the produt Is vvlm h leilui es the money going In people othei than the artists lorn to Imports, f’age 1.! l. __ ()rvf;on Daih _ _ Emerald I' II |lv« 11 H > ujrm IhtfiMi '•’4111 ’ »•. • ; i'.i^ ! i 1 • ; «;f• nhe<1 M •••»!.»> ' 'h.'wnj f(lim ««t'k arnl vac at tons by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University I Oregon t ugene Oregon The Emerald !■« i>eratef the University with ollucs >n the • f ?r-.■ f >*, Men •■>•■» i t t ut ••. i Miomtu" * the A\%« tied I.* t | fun t‘,} private »-■ f ty 7 he vii'.ia hil r©m< v.ll < >r use of ; aper 5 »s pros e> ~u table by law E ditor ’ ■ i • • Managing editor £ ditonal £ ditor Oraphic* t ditor £ ncour l ditor A - »• ,V'W'vU-' M ,-fc > KHv<* W«?f r ono* Sport« l dtlof Supplement* { clitor Nigh! f cli lor I 111 IN* I. IV V ' Tracy Sumnpr Dart A Jrtcfc*i©fl Ahi <• VVr>• -«*i• *» Associate t ditors Community M n* Student Gowernment/Activities • i Higher Education. Administration H " Features Reporters > A ’ * ! 11 . «" , • * A . ’■ • . I • ' • 1 Sivusmd Ah «» Thornton Photographers r t * •’ Advertising V ■ !>• »•!*• t «; * r • M i., i V A, . A - , M.ttft',’ I.- Jt Mr., ‘•.mm P.i»? -• J f Sh.»r -n Kristi Sfother \ dward Wen> » Production 1 • A ' , p ,»*r BaM. ’ i‘ • ; I non Lotus Lhtkl Carol Oopp Jim Finch Vvott*' Gill. Jonnifr*! H i i .■ J f . hi” .1 ’ M l'." Wf- ly M ' A•••;«■ * K P.i .* Anna i.i'ml St hotmr T»*d Shoplnr Jonnitr • Stark Jnnmfi*' Thomas Jennifer ViaU* logrul White General Stall Advertising Director i- Assistant to tho Publisher . Production Manager M Advertising Coordinator < Classified Manager Accounts Receivable (Circulation. Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Giaphu Services '-Ilf ton - Conklin Dan ijivrd Han sun trgtnia Pearce irk Alice Can i ami lie r Smith oil k.mi ,• WiHi.ims h«6 SSI 1 888 4343 888 371.' 888 4381 I mfv lw.ui fill) Ifcmld*- fl.H II V> kiMtf i.’.'U 1•*.«*%»» V* 1 Winter Wonderbed ltd You won't y>et snow in your drapers with our sled bed it lias under Ired storage a lifetime warranty, .u»l it's exclusively ours lake it home lor a sonyi' I- (‘j'-VjlM »«• *Mt n KSWHM.S M >K \l< H -IKS I IVINi, 10 Ml Will.imrllr St VL’ 1702 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON It's Henderson again, sir... He always faints at the sight of yolk." EUGENE’S ONE AND ONLY! AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE BE SURE TO ASK FOR IT! In 12 oz. Six Packs or Draft.