Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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Law school tuition
increase necessary
All (In* fullin’ I’erry Masons who plan lo attend law
school her*’ will soon have to go through mure <»f a trial
just lo gut through school
List week. the* Stale* Hoard of llighur Kduoation ap
proved a trill which will increase tuition le-e*s by 2.'* per
e trill for in stall* students ami fit) pi*re:e*nl for oul-of
slati*rs. Thir plan will affect only now sludonls lo the*
se hoot and will start next fall
So tin* total tuition hill for in staler sludonls by
I wlnrii till* pi.in is e.oinplololy in pi.n o, will he*
St.'Milt a your e.ompan*el lo tin* S.t.lMi lhi*y now pay
I or the lucky out-of-stnle student, the v<*arly foo will
go from the S*1.7I»M they pay now to a grand total o!
S7 iifpi by 1 'I'll! (Juili* a hofly ini roaso, v\e•'11 s.iv
So what’s the' roason lor this hike hi tuition fere’s'' It
eiimos down to a matter of emergency action. This
summer, the' American Mar Association threatened to
lake away the school's professional accreditation,
mainly hi*e ause the school is poorly lacking in library
lunds ami faculty members The additional monies
11erin the tuition hike*, which will provide an extra
$274.125 per year, will go toward more library hooks
and periodicals and possible salary increases Im the
Although we aren’t ( ra/.y about the excessive tui
tion increase for out-of-staters, it seems the action had
to hi* taken for (he school to maintain its rpialily. The
proposed fees would make the University prices com
parable to those of the University of Colorado's law
school, which charges $7.(>00 a year lor non residents
However, the University's law school is already
poorly lacking in minority students This hike will
make it far less likely that underprivileged students
will consider our law school. Ironically. President
Miami recently pledged to strengthen the University s
programs to assist minority students and to work to re
cruit more minorities lo this campus.
So with the extra money the tuition bike brings,
the law school should sot up some sort of assistance for
minorities entering the school, such as a scholarship
fund. Such an action is the least the University can do.
if it is as serious about attracting more minorities as it
says it is.
If no plans are made to assist prospective minor
ities in the law school, the University might as well
plead guilty lo doublespeak. And it can be assured that
we the jury won't show much mercy in such a case.
With every new account of S500 or more, you get this U S. senator doll
to have in your pocket..."
Commercializing hot springs is a bad idea
t)(■)>•• iu!injj on hem you look .it it natu
i 11 hot springs i .m hr thought of as rithri a
peaceful serene spot loi spiritual growth or
a killt'i plat r to parts hauls
These Isso opinions ohs iousls conflict
ssitli rai h other, and problems arise as a re
sult I'he (u>ug.u Reservoir springs, loi ated
about fit) miles from Kugene. has been at the
i entei ol suc h a controversy latels In the
past seal thefts assaults and drug use base
increased an estimated 21) percent in the
area So the t’ S forest Service is planning
to rest rue lure the operation ol the hot
springs, but thes aren't sure to svbat extent
as ot set
Plans for the springs range from a slight
c hange in the present minimal supervision
to i omplete cDiiiinrri i.di/.at ion ot the attrac -
lion 1 he forest Service teels th.it some peo
ple don't feed c nmlortable going to the
springs, because ot tin* so-called "couit
terc ulture" the plac e draw s
It we fingernails c an t be ac c epting ol its
otlbeat c harac ters we’re in major trouble.
seeing how w e're known to have quite <i sui
plus ol sin li p(>opl(‘ The problem that needs
to he addressed is not the ee< entrii 11\ ol the
visitors, hut the i riminal ai tivit\ th.it oi.c urs
in the w nods.
Commerc iali/.ation ol the springs, such
as restru ting visitation to daytime, prohibit
mg nudity and i barging admission, would
he a big mistake on the part ol the Forest
Servii e To "c itiI\ " the natural environment
would most definitely detract from the
springs' primitive beauty and spirituality
The Servii e needs to instead take ai lion
against the criminals who are spoiling the
lun lor everyone else Increased supervisory
patrols and more severe penalties for law
breakers at the spot would be steps in the
right cl iret t ion
Hut by no means should the Servii e
commen iali/.e the springs The prospei t ol
going there to have a peaceful, esoterii ex
perience would be all but ruined We might
as well just save the trip and sit in our bath
tubs w ith bathing suits on
The fence
( )|H r again 1)111 student gOS
eminent leaders have shown
lii.it Ihes .ire mi apahle ol t.ik
mg .1 dt'limlivt' st.iml on .m\ is
sin- Sun r they i nine into ol
liir ur ha\a heard mils rhelo
i it ami tin* empty promise ol an
open \SI'() government al
ssnss available lor thr students
I nun not supporting St I )'s
grievatu a against thr t IA to
\nds ( lark s w islrs vsaslis
stand on tin't i l l I- i uni l at t sse
hast' sin'll Ins nrst'i rnding al
tuntpts to sound good appease
all suit's and tin'll do nothing
I wonder it lit' has any hi'
liftsv ( oini' on Alois gut oil
I hr hull r'
iiuinili'r Hills
Whirling dervish
Tom I’as nes Irttrr "Mis
plat rd faith" [Kr^istri Chian!
Oct II) altr mpts to refute
i liargrs that i lainis tor "( aid s"
rMstrni r arr irrational
I ikr a ss Inrling thus ish
i hiirmng divinr liuguistu s
or perhaps a ilers isli divine
whirling < hurning linguistics
I’as nr spins torlh ol ahslrai I
words into an argument ol little
siihst.ini e
Psvi lmlng(. physiology. mi
< iology >111(1 |illi!(■•-.<i|ili\ mil
tu mention Imgmstu s ap
pm,ii lii'il u illi integriU pm
viilr revealing insights lulu I lit'
n.ituri' .mil iiiiiim nt i om i'pls
like 1(1(1' lll',Ull\ glllllllleSS
mih i'i il\ trust uti intuit ion
i'\pci U'lii i' Ix'lii'l kimn ledge
1111111 mill t.uth .ill uiikU
Ii\ nr iim's in .m I'llnrl In pi.ii c
the i mu epl nt llml Im'VoihI
iiiii le.ii Ii In examine .mil e\ ,il
Theologian I hetrii h
IIIilllliii'tfel I Tile Meaningless
nl Metaphysics"! .mil plulosu
phei l.udvvig Wittgenstein
(‘ I rai lus laigii n
Philosophic us" | rei ogni/ed the
exploitive nature nl sm Ii argu
l’a\ ne tails in iiu Imle the
theological definition of "Ka
tionalism" the view that re
jet Is the religious si riptural
revelation and superiiaturalism
In assert that reason .done is the
smut e tin religious know ledge
Rationalism led to deism,
which inspired the Knlighten
ment and mam ol our Pound
ing I alhers
Tragically. the side i mu epl
ut merit 111 Pavne's leller is the
philosophii al definition ot
"Kationalism" soun e of am
silt i ess he has ai hievnd or ever
will ai hied' left unheralded,
as In an opportunist!! lover
intent on following a phantom
Hill'll. I lx* gendri ol whom dr
spile lillilli .il evplil itlirss
I'll vim; takes rrsrrv.il inns in dr
i hiring I'ri haps l'a\ nr saw a
bearded l.id\ .it llir ( in us''
l lir must .11 i rssililr and rn
lightened i iiumirnlai \ i apalilr
nl treeing rradrrs ul llir mvllis
I’avnr espouses is Crorge II
Smith’s Atheism Tin- i asr
against (aid' (I’rnmrlliriis
ai I ( ( and Kugene pub
Hi libraries
Hrrt I'rvba
Milan Mini h’s arlii Ir i um mi
ing llir i lusurr ul Alpha ()ini
i run Ih Sorority i rralrd a srri
mis misi mu option that nerds
lo hr i Irarrd Former i liapter
prrsidrnt. Leslie Kuhv. was
paraphrased as saving AOI'i
i losed because of finam i.d and
'' internal problems
I alter in in the artu Ir. A()l’i
International Assistant Director
Mri k\ Pena was paraphrased as
saving AOI'i has hern "mom
tored i losrlv for internal i hap
ter operatiun.il diltii ulties
These two statements ate incur
rn t
Alpha Sigma Chapter of At
pint Omicron Pi elected to dis
continue as a chapter because
we drr uliable to financially
support ourselves I'ln* t h.ip
tor s lift Nnn was m no wa\ in
fluent ml In ''internal pro!)
Icms. simply bet .nisi' we li.nl
Ruin told ini' sin* was inis
quoted in order to Ininy> sun
metr\ to Him 11 s storv And
I'en.i admitted she contused ()i
egon Stale \< ll’is u ith our
i liaptei I nlortunaleh that
i liaptei had undergone restruc
luring and is being monitored
In At )l’i International
Alpha Sigma has not had
problems ol this maniiei sim e
t‘t(i t In tail our chapter has
won several awards from In
lernational ini hiding e\i el
lent e in informal rush and
i hapter relations
At tualh a mistake like this
is not surprising The assump
lion that something must he
wrong with a sororitv that is
smaller than other sororities is
popular among Creeks 1 would
like to take this oppnrtunitv to
sav that .\()l’i did not want to
bet nine a big house
We loved being a t lost
group. our essence It was this
essence that kept us together
amid vie ions rumors, unl.ui
stereotypes and prejudices <ii
rei lt;d against us simply lie
i ause we i hose !u lie A( )f’is
^ vette lellerson
\( )l*i alumna
Green the grass
Noting Mi Steve Seiller's
i uni urn for the grass here on
i .impus (01)1 Nov 10) brings
to mind other dillerences our
i .impus hears
All of the \ in k\ leaves that
tall on the ground m the tall
and the trnshv way the student
hoik dresses should also evoke
i oiii ern in the aesthetic alls
minded student (let real'
Our c ampus lai ks proper
lighting lor safety at night
handii apped ac t essihle huild
ings and decent hike racks
When \ou see the differences
on our campus, you should re
ali/.e him green the grass really
is on your side ol the i unipus
Kric Neiwert
_Letters Policy_
The Emerald will attempt to print all letters contain
ing comments on topics of interest to the University
community. Comments must be factually accurate
and refrain from personal attacks on the character of