CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICES 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT AM acn must t-A paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established For billing ar rangements please rail 696 4343 ' stop by the Emerald Classified Offu e 300 EMU RATES Three line minimum charge it 14 SO for the first insertion and $3 00 tor consecutive insertions St SO per line for the first day and S' 00 per line for consecut ve days the ad is run without c harge 100 CONNECTIONS WRITE AND TEl t me the Type • •« with I may he him- Responses h Send to Eligible PQ Bo* n91i gene, OR 97440 105 PERSONALS CHUDs Sorry I missed all that bonding slaft retreat stuff Have a happy Turkey Day and start thinking about Holiday festivities Your Party Coordinator Oh Scott Do you need some Kleene* lor those nosebleods ()NGRA Tui AT l( )NS RACHEL & DEVIN ON YOUR { NC A (»I MIN' DIN AND FELL WERE SWELL VEL Thank you HIj- ► s if -. O ' »>’ I i. • i iii. I mi God Bless f rom Alpha Red Oh1 +K* Thank you for the initiation breakfast W<‘ •••.! , ,ii pn- ated the d '>wt*. and being able to share the morning *rth you1 Love Delta Gamma GREEKS' Today • the it, • ' your order envelopes from last week ! ■ ; «' f > WALLY HAPPY 2 1ST JOSl IN M HOPE YOU MADE IT THROUGH THE NIGHT' HOHN lOVf DOCK. KAT A RINN ER HEAD & HILYARD HOUSE GANG BBU 1 ' ' ' i .. Turkey day and always remember i that Rob >s the biggest turkey of j tf‘t-r i i ive ya Wender K \n MARY S. "HAPPY TURKEY DAY" YBS JoANNE KL You guys are first Nile Let s do it again ne*t year Love Delta Gamma NOMINATION'. WANTED I H OUT STANDING WRITING G T f Dd , n.r GTE in English Composition help you become a better writer0 Hen* s your annua OUTSTANDING GRADUATf STUDENT TEACHER OF EXPOSITORY WRITING awa'd please write a letter of nomination and send d to the Dirt tor ot Composition English Depart m«nt ltd PlC Nominations wdi be PLANNED PARtNTHOOO smears .nfection checks birth ■ ontro! & counseling Days <5 evenings Cali PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 667 8651 115 TYPING ranrre A TMF WORD SPECIALISTS A; ; . *• ‘X, ■ IBM ; ^'p Dtsfc i ‘ ResumevEi!«ting CINDY 484 S4S4 CAROLYN 344 S287 & 344 7231 Direct your .ippetite . to section 285 K FOR IN VITA HONS BROCHURES FLYERS ros i i: k s AND m o r i: LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS TOO EMU 686 5511 ! TYPING UNLIMITED IBM o' ; iMi •• G'rt* 24 Hour Stf'v •• J .li Am* JO THf TYPING pro 6B3 £088 QUA | T Y IBM WORD PFK'K I SMNG 14 YEARS f * PE RlE N< I JUST MY TYPE Pr.iterss'onal Typing Servo t? Mary MS m>■»*. .tMer *>PM laser word processing ' i c‘i". i'iiii"ifi. h I ■ ; IBM \ i .ippni»Mil N'-.i Robin 344 07S9 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Alsu Aord pro- vumg editing Free pichoi/iJeiivory Honda 936 1892 ftlbUMES S' AND -R a Mir.' - a»4duair approved 'oreiai -barge U :«• WORD I'HfX KSS I NO 343-0*Jr>«J ‘■x*tra » ftwarr (ifiv*r«l r.a APPI.F CP H IBM MACINTOSH ULSKH PH I NTINC 132 E Broadway Suite 102 Word Processing M i t. ' 10pm Grad Approved WORD PROCESSING RETIRED UNIVERSITY SECRETARY ah fyf «*s of papers Edit p. ► up and deliver Jean 998 I8fc4 INSTRUCTION MIC ROCOMPUT l R PROGRAMMING JHASi III • ’ A \ R • »•**.!*. ’ . V *• M > • < ■' I ookiliq l«»* 4 brllri hlkf * 130 FOR SALE N I • ' tnko * •• M • K i,. »*< » Hh 484 4488 F famed Patrick Nagel Sunglannen f , f , .• i r M- ' iravf mensagr RUGS FOR SALf H foot ov*» %2*>00 12 foot ova! S IS 00 Both Oregon DucM.G-«« w • «* a .il F acuity Club 1 3th and Un .rr vly 8 .1 Af^k Vi NU i HI A i M «v * * t •• ' - SUH U4 *804 WON Of. R HdHSI • a if--. k..«•-,» h4 • !•■ M Jl f P CJ/ VH ,.l • • ■ iso BICYCLES CANNONDALE ! k body re.l lettering $WOO J i »dtu«* tje-S* off**? .* r*p!«*:J l 411 JO* iso SOUND SYSTEMS 170 RESALE CLOTHING LAA DEE DAH Resale desujn#? Ethm? • lulhmg and 46/1 bttJ 2329 W . »» 1 1 ‘ T M| NOUOAV rn<- -1 t?nbj>>. ». ,1 *dh lomelMng for yOUf W4fd?Ob« from Hi?*g (Jh«r?y E’ju*. ♦* b.’ a IJTH no OUTDOOR RECREATION TELEMARK UO OUTDOOR PROGRAM PRESENTS AN EXCELLENT HOWTO VIDEO "THE TELEMARK MOVIE" WED NOV 22. 12:30, RM 23. EMU FREE 686 4365. 195 TRAVEL 2 ONf WAV TICKETS tf.'J?" i San f ram ; LOl Angle*. $7b«a-ri 1223 9592 195 TRAVEL ?io OPPORTUNITIES w A N ’ », * A>d *ppln a lion) using p*• ru- mttly *n and miami to t>*» enrolled at i«- »•-’ tirrif* Winter 4nJ Spi "g lerins A Strong ;l. 4Kt*rnic rm on! anil th<* ability numbers ,«'*» a must Apple ants Should send I tetter of appb Ilion re S. f(! Jim Gilmour University of Or ,.g. ft | wg,M»e ()M '1/4-1 I I formation all 686 i.'.M AA { or AMAZING PARMlMf JOBS AVAIL ABU < The U <*f O Tele fund needs enthusi Ml I; Ifw ..•••, I I *6 00/hr , art teed plus bonuses If interested j an 686 14 u or slop by 2001 I faun | lin Hlvd Sun ThufS between 2 and 10 j I'M ?15 HELP WANTED ¥ Mi A WIN T f M BR{ A k AMO*. -.-I •■•alt 'W '• be ;• -J . - a • ■ * , *dh Kids m a sport or re* re at ion set tiny Dm. \H?2 andor Dm 26 29 Must t>« 21 ' Apt i, al the YM' A immediately 2066 Patterson 66*> 3622 2 GTF’S WANTED ??5 APTS DUPLEXES AID! R WOOD 1860 ALOi R ST Studio and 1 2 3 bdrrn apt-, available dry Oil street parking $.J1‘ #.9S Jennings & Co BEYOND THE .imjtnafy these -dud* hfj.r edar paneling st . >»-d gia*. 343 3302 to See *28S JENNINGS & CO 22b APTS -DUPLEXES St AM , AMI'. ' , A-n.f 1 ! • >46 I nUo«t> V i* > V- , Ml >■ N ) Mt >M lJ» S . OM Hlr»«l 04> ■» 4»4 W2 ov«•". 2bb DORM CONTRACTS 260 ROOMMATES WANTED l ( AN m| ’ MA! UHt M MA H MALI ROOMMAU WAN HI) ?/o MEETINGS Episcopal Campus Ministries Wednesday I n,rnny I m 2ib EVENTS GRAVt S HI CORDING SI HVICI IProduct AIL US OUR BUSIN! SS IS SOUND Mr oms ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • • TH| BJJOO WUL BC OUN ON n«AW«SQJV1NO the a amp tNootlmx DtVCOiWT ittOWS IA. V» ’ i Well SO ^ knATtHO UOON ■ |( An*i«tf When Harry u Met Sally H k_ -—-* ?go ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT UNIVERSITY THEATRE SECOND SEASON PRESENTS ALICE IN WONDERLAND AN IMPROVISATIONAL ADAPTATION OF THE NOVEL BY LEWIS CARROLL, CREATED BY THE MANHATTAN PROJECT ARENA THEATRE TICKETS AT ROBISON THEATRE BOX OFFICE 686 4191 S3 50 GENERAL PUBLIC $2 50 STUDENTS Need some typing .»■.M'.Unc* Head cl.v.'iiltcAlton 120 785 FOOD & DRINK The NEW MAX'S IS NOW OPEN 795 MASSAGE & BODY WORK f HI RAPFUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGl Jl ANlNE VAN VACTOH l M T Phone 4M‘» 8921 Af FOROABl I 300 COUNSELING PMOBl I M\ I" I hr i i. fO C n\ . . SlfiClIy • iJi- i .ii 44Bh 3,0 NOEL NOTES - NOEL NOTES COMING DEC. 11th With your friends or ttio HAPPY HOLIDAYS with a special greeting DEADLINE: 1 PM THURS.. DEC 7th Holiday .|M $1 *»0 Am «|ft reij even .if! mm &•PMiUdfl & CHINE St “ RES1 -\(JkAN I * Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs £» Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs MThllOO 7 OOt Sa I I 00 4 30 Closrd Sundays Hours: Upstairs M rh 4 30 10 00 FSa!>00 10 30 Clowd Sunday ♦. -f’r I iBIlllBliliBlll FC1TONS & FRAMES! for the student, of the student BEST PRICES IN TOWN Check us out ROCK SOFT FUTON CO. Call Amelie 345-5678 6:30-9 pm Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson n's. ItS A MIR.AO.E T GLAD to HI. Mi \ IT NPrl Ct HI PERSONAL I tOOti MATH GRWUT IS BACK. TO NORM A! ’ N & tW « ' MOM ’ IU - 4- * H,1 rtHAl *. VlJ« PROAS', RtUEf 50 a IN * UTTVE WUIt) tXWM B'5 5NS51AO Of UP' Y~^ Vtt ou