Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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The man behind the Duck
By Paul Halvorson
Emerald (ontributor
ior iIh uicist |>atl sophomore Si nil
Sntiel is .1 lvpic.il I imrrsih student
llr\ taking I I i leilits this. I,ill .mil is
still iinsurr nl Ins m.ijur Hi- lives in tin*
ill ill IIS .mil likes In parts Ills interests
mi linli' placing llie pi.urn .mil wall lung
And like inanv tniveisily sindenls.
he lias a pari lirne job
Ihil Snlwl s jnh is the pari Ili.it sep
,trains him Irtilli llie nther I ' (Mill plus
I 'niversits sindenls I .ist Mas lie heal
mil 10 oilier sv.mtto lie llui ks svhn an
sweruil an ad ill llie (Jrego/r Ihnl\ I inn
•ilil Ini a |nh that re<|uires dressing up
in a hn.ivs’ hard In hre.ilh in dm k mil
III and mast.nting at the ('niversits s
lunlh.dl and men's haskelball names Inf
Stiliel applied lor llie job he. aii.se he
fell it would .dims him In dn ulial he
likes best making people laugh I was
voted i lass i low n in high si liuul Sub
el said I like In entertain
Sobel spent pail nl his stimmei at
tending inasi ol si huul I here lie was
taught the important e nl keeping Ins
1 )ui k dent it s a set i el Sobel adhen d In
this i title fur a while but says lie runs
free I \ reveals Ins other idenlilv In
friends and familv AH parenls tlnnk
It s neat and m\ Iriends tlnnk il s
i uni
The Ducks persmialilv parallels Sub
el's appruat h In hie I hat s une reason
win I like on |nh it ilelinileU pmliays
some nl ms I hnr.lt tel islii.s in life I
don't e.ire ssll.tl nthei people think I
like to i unsitler nivsell as mie who atl
v ni ates nulls itluahsm
Celling In lias el around the country
|m tree with the t heel le.ldei s Is alinthel
bonus that keeps Subel a happs dm k
As is ins light prat til ing st hetlule
llie i.beerleaders realls prailue a hit
like three hours a night. (bull what i an I
pi ai I it e "
Hul Subel is quit k to point out that
playing the l)mk is harder than stn
dents imagine
A Ini nt people think I It'S I t all tin
lli.it just get 111 there anti at t like i
tool he said | Hut) it lakes an elHH
mous amount nl physical stamina anti
energy In be t realist' tui three or tour
hours dies don't know svhat it's like
"It S k i nt la like you're in sum ms u
world You know a lot nl people are
looking al smi and sum just sweating
ami smelling (and sometimes asking)
\\ liv am I titling this '
Unlike the toot ball and basketball
teams. Snlrel has no set plays You just
try In be spur ol the moment keep
your mind open and t realism, make kids
happy hug 'em
The Dm k s number une Ians are the
t liddren anti Subel appret iales then al
leginnt e
It's lull to see lillle kills smile and
go crazy. anti tall you Donald or wdial
user Sobel s.utl Hut at promotional
things il can be a nightmare hike one
time in fiend Oregon I did fins Kot«irv
Dm k r.ii c .iikI il wits .(I .1 park ami 1
had no one with me I was just on my
own and there were literally 40 kids fol
lowing me pulling my tail, getting in
my wav that was a lough Iitt 1«= gig
Solid s had some rough on the field
experiences as well lake the foothall
game at I 'niversilv of Washington
I totally taunted their fans I walked
In their student section when I really
shouldn't have, and I had this dog
i all lung outfit and I was just really an
lagoui/ing them had Solid said
"(Hill) it was ,| gle.lt feeling to have like
I - (}()(l people him at me I was |lisl
going This is neat
That same game Sohel got tai kleil In
th e me miters of the I'niversilv ol Wash
iiigton s hand, after he n< < idenlally hit a
tnemlier on the ilun with the Oregon
\utzen stadium is the Dm k s territory
ol delight There lie doesn't have to
worrv aliout evi i*ssive verh.il aliuse or
phvsu al ut.uiglmg he said Adding that
Hi.ily dangei in Aut/.en is the drunk
en Ians w ho lend to unlicr essarilv rough
him up hut never too had
In lai t Sohel s.ns he enjoyed it when
hored l iiivursits students hoisted the
Dm k all the wav up the sleep stands ol
Atil/en Stadium a good ad vard lioost
\ sell professed spoils fanalii Sohel
said Iie111g a masi ol has taught him the
business-side of sports
I've always been a spei l.tlot anil it s
leallv neat to he hehiild the si enes and
really see what goes on. and how seri
mis athletics is to some people tile
gon is |llsl like tittle W lllks lull the one
thing I re learned is the media is gist
amazing they gist never slop lie said
\fler graduation. Sohel said he might
want to get a |oh in sports admiiuslia
I ion
I think lining the mascot would look
giiiul on .i .esiime
I'tiiilo In Sl«*\( .ml
l lir Dm /> < /iccrs mi .in .ilnuith rl.ilnl i rm* il .it thr ( ii il It nr i{.imr
I’Hitlu l>\ MjMiii I Hirl
I hr Dui Is srts up his own shot during .1 haskrthall
I’holu (>v Marlin ffnrl
Scott Snbel. as the Dink. enjoys mixing things up txith specta
1 S'
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