_ -Oreson Daily_ _ Emerald \\ ri I nrsd.i \ Nmi'llllirr 1'IH'I KtiUrnc. (Jicj’nn Vnlumi' ‘I I \‘umI>t-i hi) _Inside_ ■ Sister city crafts. Page :t ■ (Jay, Lesbian Helpline. Page 4 ■ Police Beat, Page 5 ■ The Duck story. Page 10 Southern Star Kand\ (turn trad wnali'.t tin ■ Al.ihama r\iitrs .1 1 rtnvtl 11I (imntr\ laithlids .it M.u Arthui ('unit on l'ursda\ night Alabama 1 mill' tii I ugriir ,/s part ut thru Smithrni Star hnii prrtnrming old l.nuritrs smh ,/s "l)i\ir Land Ihdight and nr 11 hits hkr "Sung nt thr Smith I’holu l>\ Mark Irn IFC overrides ASUO veto; grants subsidy allocation IU Brian Blot h t mer.tld \ssot iatr I ditor Hu* Im 111<■ i■ t.11 I re ( aummttrr miIi-iI i j in mi-milt' .in \SI () M lu nl ,m .illni .limn In thr \sl I) I liild ( .in- Suhsitlv Program during a meeting lursdav night I hr \ SI I) vrliiril tin $111.Jl! r Drums Ke\ Holds Although llir tiiminillrr vnlrd in favor nl the override. Il l uirinbris I’.ml Mn'in I li/a hrlh \rrlv and \Sl C1 Vitr President Si nil \\ \ i knit, who issued llir vein aigurd tli.it hr ( .uisr thr allot atinn was nnl lut emergent v purposes and m light ill thr surplus hind shortage llir i ollllllitlrr should laldr llir inn lion until iilhrr souri rs nl lunds i , mid hr ana Iv/t'd In addition VYm koll said tii.it hri ausr thr program has onlv spttul approximately S''linn nl its Si tu,nun budget the delii.it t imid hr invert'd until a littir when mtirr at t urate budget IiHurt's tnulil hr rollrftrd nt past loans mvrtl in llir III, h\ oihrr groups u rrr rrpattl \i i oidmg In a \ov Hi memorandum Irom Wyt koft In III ( h.iiiuinii.in lniiij.1 Swire llir t oil! ill It Irr pnoi lo llir override had a | > proximatrU SH.lMili in surplus luinls and tin sainr amount in uoalloi atrd rrsrrvrs llir I lllltl i air allot .It it ill IraM'S llir ai i minis at a rr t'slimalrd total of S I .lllltl Im all program spri i a I rripirsts Ihroughnul llir visit \\ M koll said Art ording In llir memorandum vvr havr hern issuing a hlaokrt veto on all sprt nil retpirsls rvt rpt Im rare iuslant.es vvherr a group was inpirslmg pavinrnl of a lull Irom thr previous fist al year m llir final budget hook did lint relief I llir ai Inal amount Inidgrl eti " Ill . 11111 it ii hi , Usi knit said llir mi'i roaii/ed tiiml v;«• 11«■ i. 111 \ ii mm I in i nvi'i I'liii'i vjt ■ i n n-s in till' [l.isl Will lit' III llolil it llus VO,II I.ItlSf III tlif nessls ,iilii|i|oil oiirollinoiit i.ip Unit Ituul is generated when preliminars oiiiulliiiriil Ii',; m os I,ill shut! n! tiio i< 11 ill I o i Ht 1111 no III uni ninro sluilonl loos ,uo generated bs I lit* o\li.i stinIt-1its I Ins \o,ii however Usikoll said tin- ,n Inal oiirullmont is approsimatels 100 s11hIt• 111s short oil tin- oiiiiillinoiit oa|i i touting a doll, it I Iioio is a general i mu oiii limn mil nllii o alimil tin- uioiiov that is loft Wsikotl said Ho iiood limn' I mupicto props hulls holme wo i all a I li ii ato this im mo\ Tabling this motitm would allow us to i oiisnloi this more ihcmnighls Shorn said I (Ion ! want In inako a doi ision tonight not until wo haw a moro linn gimmd Noels said ' It s gist nul hst allv responsible llowesei i i>111in111oi1 nioiiihors who tuvored tin- overrule stressed tho iiti)nnlam o ol main laming Iho program s funding This is a totalis legitimate ua\ to spend this mmies ' said 111 inomhoi |,n k Mavnanl 1 i an t soo a program that's nuno import,ml on this i ,iin|ius II this goes nmlor or is joopat ill/oil a lot ol pooplo will drop out ol si hold It . a i ol lot sail I Mans t a m im lieu (.11 and sludoli! paronl I ho subsets piugraill i moro important than ovoi this voat lint those who sotoil against Iho oven tile said tlies also support Iho program although I lies did not toid a need to allm ato tho monos iniinodiatols Irmn .dreads depleted lunds 1 support tho i liild i are program whole heartedls \ools said Sumo people think that just hoi auso s\o don't ss.tnl to ,dim ato this monos iioss that we don't support i liild i aio and that's bullshit It is the must impoi taut program on i ampus I would have been more i oiuloi table il they would base ss ailed a week ol so and i on sidorod tho proposal Wsikofl said It a done deal I ho issue now is how i lose ale wo treading to (1111111111.', out ol monos Magazine content effected by ads Bv Stephanie Holland f merald Reporter Sell ( ensorship in magazines i aused b\ editors tears ot pos silile revenue loss from tobacco i ompanies Is .1 major reason win populai women's maga zines do not run artic les relal ing i igarette smoking to i am ei deaths m women a I'niversiH prolessor discovered through research l liis selt-i ensorship is sul) tie " said l.auren hesslei ,isso i late professor ol journalism Tin not lr\mg to sa\ some bigwig gets oil the phone and m.ikes threatening remarks (to editors) Kessler said ll editors are com erned about tobacco com panics pulling ( igarette ads from magazines that report the health hazards ot smoking, edi tors mav also worry about los ing other ads "The potential threat of the loss of that kind of money had Lauren Kessler .i < lulling etlei I I believe she Said Toba< ( u < ompanv Phillip Morris owns (ieneral Poods whii.h is a major advertiser in women’s magazines Kessler said K | Reynolds owns Nabisco Brands and Del Monte Poods American Brands owns Aineri i .m lohai i n ( o Sunshine His i mis Andrew jergens 4 i .llll l'l k 11 It'll I I 1)11(1 Wlllll i'll kessler analyzed (In' ailviT tismg .mil i ililnri.il iiinli'iils nt six women s magazines trmn 1‘iHS In 11IH7 lu iiiiinilur .uni ilisi nvi'i vx Ii\ llicv 11111 not rr port mi tin' coimec linn between i ij4,irc111• smoking .uni i am it ilraths in vvmnvn 'Till generally interested m and have devoted must of my researc h to outsiders vim os that don't get 111 tin" mass ini' ilia." kessler said Sim said slii' i hose to si in I \ (osmopnlilan, (an id House keeping. Mademoiselle. Mi (adl s. Ms and Woman's l)a\ liei.uise the\ are the largest i.ir culation women's maga/.ines that also employ health editors Turn to Kessler, Page 12 WISTECwill reopen Minimum operating costs donated B\ ( atherine Hassles (merald Reporter The Willamette Si icn< *• .mil lei hnnlogs I i■ 111 • ■ i sshii li i losed its doors in August title In .1 l.ii k ill funding noss lias enough unities tn rftipen in I ehruarv the museum's i'mi u Inn direr tor .innouin etl I'uesdns ( amtributinns I rum intlis iduals ln< al liusinrssrs .mil 1 it\ .mil 1 minis government have mailt* it possible lm tin* private, nun profit si imu 1* nmsi'um lm .itfil .it 2 llltl 1 millennial Hlvil In reopen I .1111 mis sms pleased " director Deborah Mil .irts said "Ur vi' .11 hies ed .1 lot in .1 short tmm ss ith .1 sits small si.ill hot our ssork has just begun Thr .imimmi I'limnl 1 .mm thr morning aftrr l.aim ( mints ( ommissimiers s oil'll In grant VVIS’l Id $10 HIM) to tiring llm total ainminl ot cnulributions to the museum to S'ltt.ooo That amount combined ssitli prnjci led I'l'tn revenues, is euuugb to 1 user 7pert enl ol a minimal operating budget lor one year said I’eter Swan. sice 1 li.mman ol the WISTId hoard ol directors I lm hoard ol direi tors had determined WIS l id ' needed to raise 7a pen enl ot a minim.il operating budget of $12H .000 hs Motuias m order to reopen Turn to WISTtC, Page 12