_University_ Survival Center fights to save coastal areas B\ Bri.m Blot h I mer.ild \ssot iate I ditor Students from the I’niversitv Survival ('enter are fighting to preserve Oregon i oasl.il lands and waters through a unique state task fort e Tilt; Oregon Ocean Kesourt es Management I ask lone was set up in I‘IK7 untlei Senate Bill li ttl In gathe.l pulilit input on coastal preservation issues and develop a plan to imple inent prt itei lion law sin 1‘t‘lO About la I'niversilv students attended two puhlu forums hosted bv the l.isk ton e in the past two weeks to voice then i outerns about coastal preset vat ion Survival ( enter member 1 t.i11k ( )rtIvv av said the task fort e is dev eloping an initial draft ot a preservation and mi prt iv einent plan that will be ill! plemented I hrough v ai ions pro jet Is law s and regulations It s great bet ause the vv 01 k shops allow us to see the pen pie w bo are making pul it v be said "Thev reallv wanted to know what we were saving The draft is a ( omprehensiv e plan outlining goals and itlenti tv mg areas ol i oaslal lands and state anti national waters to be protei led I he draft i overs is sues ini biding conservation, animal habit.its. oft shore mm mg and oil drilling, water quel itv and fishing regulations ' This tint ument i ov ers ev rrvthing involving tcsmtn rs vise oti thr (hrgon < o.i■'l (hd ua\ said It s here to keep thr li.itiii.il lirmitv .mil rrsourc rs ol I hr i Oils I lilt, ii t ()rilu ,i\ i (iinmrnilril thr tur ination ol thr task Itinr anil its stand* mi preserving delicate i i last.11 arras ami n i III I itr I Ins is sonir nf thr imlv leg islaliini nt its t\ pr m thr i min tr\ ," t lulu a\ saitl Thr Suniv.il (aider groups that Ii.nrlrd to I mi oln ( al\ last urrk look a strong statin' on prrvrnting oil shore ml ill illing nil tin- ( hrgon and Washington coasts Ordw.iv s.ilil I hr\ also advocated llir i l rat ion ol a national energy plan that w ill tin us on altrin.i tivr energy soon rs lilt' time lor lossil furl us age is gone." Ordvvav said It's timr to tnovr on Survival (lenter rrprrsrnta tivrs also rn oiuiiirnilnl thr task Ii ii ( r i ill lud. a i onsen a lion representative on a com milter that u ill later hr respon sible for implementing the pro tri lion plan In addition, the dratt calls tor controls on ocean dumping drill net regulations mi reusing animal habitat butter /ones rs lafilishing marine p.uks and r\ amining thr role ol tourism on thr (fri'gon i oast "They ir try mg to hnllnni r rc onoinii and nn ironinrnt.il concerns, he said .emu Thanks for your support! EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT IT... EMU CATERING for all your celebration food needs Office Pei ties Keceptit ms Dinners. Inrye end smell Decorated food trays to yo Parties of all types and u/e’U do the dishes too! for more information phone 686-3718 ask for Dennis or Bradley You’ll be surprised how affordable EMU Catering Services are! A cut above the rest... Haircuts 25% OFF CARE’N FOR HAIR Ml 1.13th AVI CUOCNI. OR 97401 (303) 445-4422 OPIN 7 OATS Wollf lannmg available by apboinlmenl w/coupon Reg $13 00, now $10 00 ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through Doc 31. 1989 ESPRESSO ROMA 33% Off One 8 »/. Coffee and a Muffin for a Buck! (Reg. $1.50) 825 < >tk' |VI I'llslit K. 13th • "\\ here people meet” nu‘1 t vpircs Dee IV I'WJ Not valid \v ails oilier ollci Students! Faculty! Staff! 40% OFF Deli Sandwich of your choice with purchase of a beverage. (Sti vi* $1.10) Not yood with ■ my other offer 1 spires 12 Id S') 40% OFF Skylight Oriental Entree with purchase of a beverage. (Save $ 1.25) Not good with any other offer 1 \pires 12 l(> H9