JEVsng Chsrry Palcco 25% OFF,.,. Fashion name brands at a fraction of the retail price Fop quality resale women's clothing 62 West 13th St. H e also buy and consign quality clothing ( all 344-(>X4l • Hours: 11-5 Mon.-Sill. (IoikI throtii'li iVumlvi N |oso il- itaumnl& bci r YOU HAVE TO HEAR IT1 WED NIGHT JAM ★ EMMETT WILLIAMS TRIO ★ Special U of O Student Appreciation Nii>ht 40 % OFF ★ Dinner Specials ★ Plus All Other Student Favorites ★ With u of o II) Conic Down Willi Your Friends and Be Merry! >r c s t a u r ti n t & b a r— 99 W. 10th (Dow ntown) at the Atrium 485-2263 _In-Depth_ Ganging up on gangs IU Alii e Wheeler I meraltl Managing I ditor hdilor \ nolr: J'hr liilloa trig Is I hr \4’t mill ot a fi \ op.t it In Depth mws vuimininx Ihr gang issue in I ngcne I.unn\ )a< ksnn runs a Minor tty A If airs program at tin- Mai I .arm School. a slatr juvenile mstilutlun lor male juvenile dr luti|urnls oral Salrtn I hr pro Kt.ini priniariK winks with youth gang members who have hrrn srlltrni rd to srrvr tlllir at Marlbin'll hn attsr ol gang rrhitrd ( mnrs |a< kson is from I os \tn:r|rs and is a former gang tnrmhri hunsrlt Hr has hrrn at Mai I arm lot right years and start rd Ihr program hn attsr. yvr nrrdnl a program that was really going to make these guys lake I inte to look at u here they are going Originally only black youth p.irlK ip.iicil m the sessions, lull the program expanded to liuire Ihiin 711 kills hl.ii k white hispanii . ( ups. Moods .mil Skinheads .ill ,n.lively par tii Spate in the voluntary pm gram |,K ksmi .ittrihutes gang in volveinent to family dvsfuni lion, exposure to i rime and violent e. the r ommunity "s ei o niiinit development a negative environment a lai k of positive role models and an inadequate job market These factors com bined i an i reate a sense of hopelessness and low sell es teem The arrival of < r.u k on the drug market gave gangs a way to make a great deal of money With i rack i or nine these kids now hay e an ei onomii four lion They i an make a lot of money and acquire some of the things everybody yvanls |.u k son said It is really attractive to kills yy ilh that kind ill bar k ground ! lion. I , and Ifeandre. 18 both Ma< !• n residents and former gang members said gang ( rack dealers do not usu