_University_ Requirements change for J-school admission B\ Stephanie Holland 1 meruld Reporter The I ni\ ersilv 's S( liuol ot InurnalIsm will change its ad mission reqnirenients begin ning i.ill lei m ot l't'tt) to lietlet ■i( i onimodiile its students \s six iate De.iii Karl \est\old s.lid Monda\ 'We're not ini leasing the re qiiirements to get in, we re gist going to a dillcrelit s\ stem to getting people in he said The new svstem will add .1 quota to limit the number ot students admitted to the school ( uirrenth the school admits almost ever\ student w ho 1 0111 pleles 'III 1 red its. has a I hover sit\ (11’A ot at least J ill passes the Hmgliage Skills Diagnostic Test and passes the lour lower < 1 i\ isiou 1 ore i nurses w ith at least a li hOdl’A In addition, \estvold said tile si hool has initiated a new rule that requires students to have 1 I graded 1 'niversiU 1 redits dents vvith the highest (d'As tie said It I tie quota is target !li.in the lllinitiei ut students ,i|i|il\tlu; students u ittl ( . 1'As lieliex ’ >•1 xx ill he .11 ( opted I tie <|Uiit.1 vvllit tl will x .11X e,u ii term depending mi tin miinhei id ,i’. .nl.ihle prntessors is net ess.ux In limit inert roxvd mg in the si liiinl. s.iul (.leg Keihei. assistant dean "I slit J dent serx u es We re preltx mti( h oxer whelmed XX' 11 h students nxei here he said "lie xx.inl In m.ike sure xve keep .u i uiiimn dating the students xx e do .n i ept I’re-registralion and eulort e merit ot major status ini t ertaiu i nurses have helped ensure that seniors graduate students and others who need muiuluto IX i lasses ret eixe them (list These restrii lions are still not enough to t ontrol the problem, kerber said I ntori mg the quo ta to limit the numbei of stu dents admitted ... status eai h term xx ill help Next (.ill students w Ijii satis tv these requirements will not lie automatic 1 he said l he\ must ,11>111\ and he at i opted hetiM’e they mn\ enter the si hool to t.ike enurses necessary to lullill graduation requirements "We're vv in Link on ,i s\ stem In self! I the host .ipplii .lilts into our si Inii11 il we do not have room to handle all those that npph ." \estvoid said Students who ap|il\ and w ho have fulfilled the liasii requue ments w hde 111,nut,lining a 1 "at ( d’A v\ ill he ai ( opted into the school It the quota is smallei than the number ot students apply inn loi admitlani e the joinnal ism faculty will choose stu I hr joumiilisin school s t.u nils (Id nil'll In nlopt till' 'junta restrii tion l.isl \fill wlii'ii ruins wen' lining i hanged .is tin' I 'nI vi'rsit\ i iinsiiiiTt'il switt lung to ihr semester svsti'in. \estvuld said Kai li term. the sr.hool at ( om III! II I,Ill'S .ihuut 1.000 sludi'iils tiom hi'shman pri' maims to graduate students hi' said "Inumalism is ,t popular ma jor, kerbei said It attrai ts bright students Mans people u ho enjoy writ mH i house journalism as a pro Cession her ause. m addition to providing an outlet lor writing, it gives writers opportunities to make i haiiges m sot iet\ Neslvold said Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. Featuring: It&ly, Matrix, Coiorly, Kenra, Framesi, Paul Mitchell. ' 25% OFF our regular copy price!!! Tice Copy Shop Between Patterson & l one Right on loth! 539 E. 13th 435-6253 BETTER BODIES ^^ZZZZ Total Fitness Centers ' MORE SERVICE, MORE FACILITIES ... LESS PRICE WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING AT OUR GATEWAY FACILITY! « • Voice integrated exercise machine S free )ht equip • merit • Unlimited Aer< >t n classes ma tri level Aerobic Studio new video aerobics • Ni'w Wc)lt! Tanning Beds • Hard Bodies Calc & Salad Bar • B‘ idy f at An 11y• ■ i•. & Nutritional Counseling 100% OFF MEMBERSHIP FOR ONE FULL WEEK 3270 Gateway Rd Gateway 726-5220 In Today s most modern health & fitness centers Jusl present this ad CALL NOW FOR INFORMATION! 3875 Main St Springfield 746-3533 40% OFF Any Hair Care Product Quality Hair Design & uoior corrections 50 W. 13th • 686-1435 Good Through 11/27/89 • Then look for our Tuesday coupon.