University Johnson offers perspective of feminist world, beliefs H\ Mi< c I hornton f nterald Reporter Author . and starting over ,nttting tlif strut tuif ot tilt' world dot's not prov idr a good plate loi women to thrive the world is m a state where it reallv t an I lie list'd Johnson said 1 think it s time to start over from st ralt it I Vo pie are waking up and Imiling Ireetiom because half tile world is becoming tree "Uc have never seen a worn an at t free in this world she saitl "We neeil to get ourselves as free as w e can Johnson saitl she would like Sum.i lolinson In have a new world t mated li\ pioin*i*ring women Her world would *itler infinite \ ,n iel\ and freedom for e\eryone "We art* the pioneers ol some sort ol new politii al. sot ml ei onotnit new w orld |olm son said I’ltmeers walk lor ward into the darkness I hat s the true pioneer spirit when will i all walk into the un know n In order to oiler i omplete freedom, there is onl\ one rule lohnsou would ai i ept in the feminist world Her rule allows people to do whatever the\ want 1 In live with women who (In they in tin .ill tlw lime Inhnsoli said \\ c need freedom to figure out w it me,ins to he ourselves In support the feminist world, lohnson said the natural law ol ahunduni e would pro \ ide enough lor all I .11 h per son contributes a share which i reates more than enough tor the i (immunity "When vou put everything together It does not |ust add up It does not iust expand ex ponentialh It explodes |ohn son said It we do this together there will not he just enough there will he an abundance she said lohnson said living in free (loin will allow women to dis { over more about themselves 'We need treedom to figure out what it means to he our selves she said We can make a plat e on this planet for a worm'll s world H J o 8 RECORDS 258 E 15th 542 7975 Bo Diddley Can!!! Open until 6 ^>un Thur*. and open 'til 8 fn &5at Backstage I).im t' K- Theatric .il Supplies Fashion Clothing & Aerobic wear -Natural Fiber 20-40% OFF M'ltM Ini items Imm CAl’KXlO • BARYSHNIKOV MARIKA • CLIMATE DANSKIN dud more. S.ilt- end * Ii HO Mon Sat MM) SMO Sun 12 4 41 \\ . Bwciclu ii\ • I)ou ntou n Mull hS() Jo71 Inside Taylor’s Tavern 25% Off Any Dinner Item Dinnei courses with red beans and ru e and corn dressing Creole Smothered ( hit ken.$5.50 Creole Smoked Sausage.$5.50 C ajun Meat leaf $5 25 Blat kened Red Snapper $5 .SO I ish Creolr* ...$r».75 Shrimp ( Southern reolr* S 5 9 5 I ri<*11 I ish. $5 85 I dtinq Off I hr* l and S 5 2 5 Served Ix'ivu-.-H > s Mon Sat (io<«l tl»t«'i*«|h N 19S‘) Try our unique food at l.ugene s only Cajun Hestaurant! w*a,e ROLLING back to the 1960s Bowling 40% off per game Nov. 25th & 26th (only 60c per game) EMU Recreation Center Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00am to 1 1:00pm 9:00am to 1 2:30am Noon to 1 2:30am Noon to 1 1:00pm