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" I his is not a t hange in direi lion We are go jng to limit! on the existing tinmii.il ion It is important lot the uni versitx to take a leadership role on issues like this tie salt! rile l 'riiversitv neetls to work on let imling anil retaining mi norilx tat ullv ami students as well as (onlinuing to he setisi live to gentle! and ethnu issues on i aiupus Brand salt I Wo need to reflet ! tin1 ijrnvv ing diversitv world " nlo llr.ind said \ \ * * need to make ihr I imciMl\ sensitive to ( ill tores .mil people of different Ii.ii ki’iminds purt of Ins plan to stien>>lhen .iltirm.iliv<■ .it lion polic \ Hi.iiid brought in Iliane Wonn over tlic simunci to lie.id tlic .iffirm.i)live .11 lion till it ■■ Hi.mil .ilso more tliou duo liloii tIn* .dlirm.itivo .n turn hud)>cl this \o.ir from vvh.it d li.is hooii in ici oiil vc,,rs .mil in i reused the staff ol tin- .dtlrnm live .11 I ion oil II e from lour and ,i hall niemliers l» nint*. ot w hi< h iwo arc part time \\ imp has also hail the level iit responsibilit v nl hoi nllii.e elevated In being made a mem Iii I nl the presidents dire< I stall. Ilrand said She will he involved \\ ith the planning proi ess nl the I nivorsilv She will he integral part in all we tin Hr.mil said A planning group has been appointed that w ill have the job ol developing a university-wide pirn ess lor planning goals and strategies loi attrai ting and re tabling a multi a ultural tut ultv. stall and student body Ilrand said I lns i iminii11i*t‘ i*- mvnl\ rd in tin1 planning pint ess of at (iniirilivi- .)( linn, but not in lilt* .11 In.il < ri'aliun ul .1 plan. Hi.inti said \lmnsl !i pen fill nt the stu dent population at the I nit er sil\ was made up nt minorities ill iall of IUHM the I'niversitt News llureaii said on a press re lease Mure than > I pen enl nt the student population at the l 'ill versilv in tall nl 1‘tttH was made Up III women, however, ul till' entire faculty population in tall nt 1UKH. If7 percent were wuin en. and less than 1 pert out were from minority primps llie oft it e ot allirmative ai lion w ill lut us on lour man dates recruiting and enhant ing minority representation among Diane Wong student si.ill .11lcI l.n IIIt\ jcroups; c.oni pi id in e; invested.i lion; .mil Idi u 11\ . si.ill .mil sin dent Induing. Wong staled in ,i press release Altiniuitive di lion u ill devel op training programs toi l.n id l\ . st.itI ,md student groups on ( dlllpus lo help tlicm develop sensiliv ilies dud pr.u Ik .d strdl egies in dll .ire.is ol affirmative di I ion. Wong sdid We v\ .ml to make sure III.it there .ire no implicit harriers .it the I 'niversityBrand s.iid ' We Wd111 the \\ hole world I" lliulerstdiul lh.it people ol ( oloi .ire welcome Hr.ind s.iid he is dlso i.onsid ering .i propos.d lo enhdiK e the .it livilies ol the t Jit it :e ol Multii ultur.d Aft.iirs llr.uid hopes lo use the olfii:e lo re i mil minorilv sludenls .mil support them when Ihev come lo I .1 111pils 20-40% off one of 3 services will get your car in shape for winter. 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