Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1989, Page 20, Image 20

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20%<° 50% 0FR
100% Cotton Sweat Shirts.$5.00 off
50/50 Tops & Bottoms.Now 10.95
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hog $21 95) while supplies Iasi
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sullied < ol ton t hi ou 1111(s to
dri oi <ite \ out home 01 ,ip,n I
menl. ('ll i (i i n«) 11 \ pi i( ed from
$ I I .99 to $34.99 these luqs
,ire now 40% oil w ith this
( oupon! ( omr to t hr li.isket
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C onlinucd from P.iK*‘ 1
rd Ini nmmit i ivil disobodi
i * mi i . i i list t In- (mill n*s nf ! In •
I ' S miviT'limi'lll
I omior I 'nivcrsilv sludcnl
Inn (nilhrin was inn* uf the Iasi
thri'i- prnlusliTS to l»' arri'sli’il
(.Hillin' was lali'i i ilml for tin
■..lllii* ilft'iisi* ,i* (In nllii-r pro
li'sli'is ami rfli-asnd
I was lhi>ri‘ In maki- as
slrntli', a st.ilr-mi'llf .IS I i mild lo
tnv i;nvi*i nnii'iil. In' said
I hf\ (an S tin that in mv
(niihrit* said In- it*!! tin- t uni
i mu it > I \ was supportive oi tiu*ii
prnli sl uij<. front the loial pn
lu i- in li'di'ial fitipiini-i's to
drivers of i ats passing its. In
(anifjri'ssinan DoFazio. l itis
loads linn to noli* that tin* foi
i*11;n poll! \ ailoptni its III** It'd
oral ^ivernnieiit doesn't n*pri'
son! tins i otninumlv hu said
In addition. other I mversiK
students i liarged were Hriun
I loop \n ill.is \ an Aelstvn
Andrew \V11 Iff• rs I i.ink 1 nli I)
Krill I rist.id Knri(]Uo Arias
Matthew HcikjIm h Andrew
YYviini' Brian Bntnius. Phillip
Zerlio. (fill Dichni'l lom
lligbrs Kevin (I'Brint. Marius
Si oil iloh Hull .mil Daniel l.a\
Ilovvever. nut ,tll protesters
uric there lo ui-l arrested
Mitnv said thev were I In• t«• In
show their siipiiort lor the pro
. v\t* stand in soliduritv w itli
e\ ci \ hods ill M Sals adol
said 11 ii la I ori'son a I'niversi
tv student and tlx* I ntversiH
Ilcinoiials On I real h iioiini.il
t hainvornan
ii■ 11 \ S fiber! . a member ui tht'
Committee In Solidarity with
llir ( eirtral Amcih .111 People
and .1 s idel i nes prntestei, said
lir was there heeailse nl Ins
( (ill( el H loi the people lie
know s in I I Nnlvador
I alleiuled a meet mg in San
Salvador about three years ago
where I met several of the pen
pie w ho w ere killed rei oil I v
the |esuit priest and the union
leadei Sillier! said "They
were tin' type ol people I was
brought lip to idoll/e In see
(hem killed w itli guns pm
( based from im tax dollars is
totally infuriating
1 le said the I' S govei nitient
has not been telling the truth
about its activities in I'l Naha
dor Sillier! added ih.it tns in
trillions w ere to trll tllr truth .it
this (liMiicuistr.ilion
Protesters were not ttlr onl\
people who i ame out in sup
port ol tht; demonstration I.o
mi attornev David Atkins
turned up to help thr protesters
who wrrr .1 nested h\ prm idmg
them w ith free legal 1 uunsei
it s my personal belief that
all atlornrvs and other people
in the legal profession have ait
obligation to donate a slibstun
tial amount ol their time to
public causes hr said
At about ! 1 a.ni.. alter more
than lour hours oi protesters
bloc hading thr building \tkin
came with news from the I' S
Magistrate's (Jllii e lor those
who had not vet been arrested
lie (old thorn th»* word hum
the Magistrate's ()lli* e was that
the\ wonlil not have to spend
time m prison. Ind would in
stead pi obahl\ he lined
The entire episode ended at
about 2 p in . and charges were
filed iiist all 2‘t of the pro
testers ( )l the 2‘l i itations
were gi\en to 1 -4 v\Idle 12 oth
ers were given a group arraign
incut I he 12 arraigned will lie
senleni ed on I )et 7
C mtlmucd from P.»Ki‘ 1‘>
bowl game in do years vou
have lo no mil .mil sell your
Iciiiii Hnioks said I think il
,ilso helped tli.it some other
11soiis losl on S.iturd.n
Hut i ertitinl) Mill Mvrne .mil
Ins efforts m contacting people
were instrumental in our se
lei tion. he .idded
I lie help Hlooks Spoke of
(.line from several other learns
atlel Saturday S games
Florida and South I amlina
both Ilacked out of the Indopon
linn i' Howl due to ioiifli(ts
with final examinations Baylor
was ( onsideied by the Indepen
deni e How l ( ommittee but lost
lo low l\ Kii e to eliminate it
I hat left kentiK k\ and Mis
sissippi, who also could have
drawn a lot of fans to Shreve
port Hut the W ildcats were t> f
and have a game left w ilh
ninth ranked Tennessee, and
the Bulldogs are i '< with a
Kiimc It'll .it Mississippi, who is
lit',itlt'tl to the Liberty Howl
1 Ilf Indfpf nilfin f Howl
liked kenlui k\ lull u.1111 f11 ,i
If.im sin h as Oregon. who
i.oini's in with lour wins in its
last five games
Athlf I it In kf I Manage i
I hint I lolsapplf annount eil
lfi.it tickets lor the Inilepen
ilttni f Him I would go on sale at
‘l a m \\ filiifsilav at the I 'ni
\ersit\ In kt-1 office
In kf Is lor the game are S.' 'i
anil llolsapple saitl thf Athlflii
Department is putting logelhei
a tour pai kagf through lot al
travel agent ies for [teople want
mg to attend the game
The Mi/.lou leie\ ision net
work holds the broadtasting
riglils lo the Independence
Howl, but I If ll\ ei said the
game will most assuredh he
shown m Oregon and could he
shown i ourtesv ol the ()regun
Sports Network
5 P.M. to 9 P.M.
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