Editorial New standards for J-school no surprise In the l.ist six months, we've seen a huge mi lease m the amount of higher education stories Myles Brand as the new University president, legislative cuts in the budget, harder admission standards, and the possible closure of Portland State. Hist to name a few This week, another story was added to the list: a i hange in the admission requirements for the l 'inverse tv School of Journalism. While this doesn't affct t the entire University as a whole, it does come as a shock to a large amount of students And as you could probably guess, most of us here are either in the journalism school, or are trying to get into it Arlminislnition officials aren’l changing the re quirements to gel in. per se. They're just changing the w.iy applicants are a< < epted Under the i urrent system, almost everyliody who completes ‘)0 < redits. has a University (d’A of 2.5 or better, passes four lower-division tore (lasses and passes the Ninguuge Skills Diagnostic Test gets into the journalism st hool Hut under the new rules whit h will take effect in (.ill tern) 1000 school offn nils would set .1 limit on how many students could be admitted lor exam pie II 200 spots were open, but 250 students appls ba se alls the school would act opt the students with the top 200 (il’As The reason given Im the 1 hange is overcrowding hike the rest ol the University, the journalism school suffers from too main students and not enough leach eis and classes l*o us. thr journalism sc hool is ln*tvv(*cn the prover hi.it rock .uni a hard place Tin* m IiooI is overcrowded; no one ( an dispute that tat t for proof, go stand in lint; lor a journalism ( lass during registration. Watch how mam seniors are there, waiting to get into hash classes sin h as Reporting I No one likes to see people who want to he journal ism majors not get into the program. Hut (add. hard facts and inadequate budgets are forcing the University to make cuts across the board forcing a quota for in coming students on the journalism si hool is just one mesh I'm surt* th.it many of von .in1 .tl tins ver\ momt'iil Ir.inti i .111 \ st m n lung Itu your t.ivoriti' pens with ilit- .uni ul writing \niir tiu n li'llns in whit h vim'll kindly remind mo of the fragility of nor rights to free spent h and press Kolas! I have no inti'iition ul Ihroatoiling am ul our "in alienable rights ()11 iIn < mi trarv mv purpose is to en< our ago you lo f\on iso your free tlnm of spoocli so as |o answer the following i|uestion Will you tolerate woman hate in wortl print or deed on voui t .unpus' loci Dict’lcman I'hilosoptn Accountability Wo recently learned of the ASl'() i losed meeting |)oli( \ at then regular staff meetings As student government leaders from within the Kugene Coin Wi IFC: say yes to child care's needs lonight the Incidental l ee (onimittee will review .1 special request submitted In the (!hild (!.«r«* Task Force to the sum ol more than $10,000 The money is being re (|uested to cover a 1UHH-BII defic it in the ASl () (,'hild ( are SuhsicK Program Last week, the li t I approved the request, which the ASl () latei vetoed I he ASl () c ilc'd lac k of funds in the spec ial request budget Live of the seven II L members will need vote* in favor cit the request to override the veto dent Association and the Oregon Student I.o!>!)\ are working to increase? the at e essihil it\ ot child can? programs for students It a< cess to child (.are is such a concern ol our student government and student lobbyists the ASt ’() should show its support In giving the suhsith program the monrv it needs To some it ma\ seem like a lot ot momn to dish out Year after war, espei iall\ when the program goes over budget, hut many peoplt? do not understand how valuable the subsidy program is to student parents at the l Jniversit v rhc l.isk tnr« t* ( laims tin' liftic it resulted frmn int reuses in the number uf eligible fam ilies. increases in payout rates, increases in maximum subsid\ eligibility ceilings, an under predu linn ut w inter and spring subsi d\ lusts, and l\ll st.itl accounting errors which were not discovered until aftei the regular budget s ear The subsidy program has run over budg et in the past, and the A St 'O is not pleased w ith liaving to make < outilined adjustments In their i ampaign Andy ( l.irk and Si ott U si kul! i laimed tiles would be strung slip purlers nl i hild care programs Student lob by mg groups siii h as the I nited State-, Stu (.mid (..iri! (.nsts am (limning. A lull time slot in the KMl! Child Care program costs about $275 a month That comes to more than $2,000 a year just for ( liilei (.are Cast year students voted to increase their student lees lor the suhsidv program I he students have said they support the program and they have put their money behind their words. ASCO should try to find the funds in their u( ( ounts to i over the defic it It may be a lot of money hut it is for a worthwhile pro gram that helps to ini lease access to edin a tion tor a group ol students who already have a dittii ult road ahead of them. Letters_ mumtv we Here ven mn i filled about \vlicit access -.lii drills .it llir University h,ni‘ to tin- di i ision making pun css mi tin'll studriit government ll.u IIIH closed meetings .il lows students iui opportunity within ,i dei ision- uinkinn pro i ess to hold the dec ision milk ers iic i oimt.ihle It students .md the press do not have some structured access to monitor or .11tec t polic \ or pronr.im dec i sums, then they .ire lieinn <>< lively ext holed from the gov eminent they hind The current sy stem of closed meetings does not allow lull representation of students by the student government Stu dents have to he able to do uiore than observe the final de i isions ol ASl'() in the pages ol the om: Student accessibility and ac c ountability ol their appointed dec ision makers are more im portant than protecting those dec ision makers If the ASl JO is afraid of what student opin ion might be about what goes on in thr mcnlings lhc\ should n‘c\.unmr Ilnur .ibilil\ to rcpie scnl students And\ Harris President. \SI.( ( \nd three other ASK (. exec utives Wrong Shannon Oliver, i o-directoi ul llir Student Campaign lor Disarmament, objei.ted to the presence ot the head eartogra pher ot the CIA on campus. Inst ,i correction At least three posters gave Ins name, t runk Kdmundson. and his af filiation. His visit was not se i ret Olivet believes that it is wrong for departments .1 mi the ()l!ii e of ( .inn Planning and Plat ement to nffei students the opportunitv to speak In l-IA representatives about jobs I be lieve that it is wrong tot anyone tu tell students wlin Ihev ina\ or may not talk to 1,