Sports Bowl ( ontiruu'd from Pago 1 Huu I "At 4 1 ~i tins afternoon. thr Independent i' Howl annnunt rd Oregon thr number uni' i linic r of their i ommitter to plnv thr I hiivrrsitv of Tulsa ill the I let 111 lildepemlrtli r Bow 1," deliver s.iiil ,it a press i oiitrrriK r held in thr Stadium ( duh room .it Autzen Stadiiim ''()tl u i.d iin mils i annul hr extended until ti p m Pat d it lime on Saturday he said "We have no indication that it w ill hr anything other than the l'nivrrsitx ot (hegon. him r\ er.” I'hr Oregon Allllelit Dr partninil v\ ill reportedly re tt'ivr $:>()().000 tor thr game hut no other tinani i.d details \\ere (list losed The invitation ends a long period ol frustration for Oregon head i oai h Kit h Brooks who took o\ ri the program in I o "I am obviously extrrmeK pleased for our It it it ha 11 team Brooks said 1 think we have an out standing team an exciting group of plaverx who have done a lot ot things for Oregon t< it it ha 11 and their ..mplish incuts tliis season, not nnlv in games we won. hut in games we lost were deserving til post season ret (ignition.'' he said "I'm not totally sure it's sunk in yet." Brooks said "( Un ions l\ it's been a struggle to gel this program to tile level of post season p!a\ and be in a post I ion to get t onsidered I tin a bowl game )" t hitler Brooks, the I)ut ks u err o .in 1 ‘111 land I 'If. but tailed to set tire a bowl berth I ast \e.u ( begun started out (r 1, hut lost its final li\e games ,tiler suflermg season ending injuries In (|ii.irterl)ai k Hill Musgrave .inti Intel).it ker Mark, kt'iirns All the disappointments i mildn't i om[).ire ss ith the lion Brooks fell Moih),tv I .till ]ttsl ln kletl In death lot them partit ul.irls the group nt seniors It.tie done so mans Ureal things not only this," he said "hut lot the last four sears lor the 1 ntversils of ()regon This (tills a stamp ot legill mat s on the resurgence ot lire HOli tooth,dl ." lirooks saitl "Seven and lour should do it hut I don't think it does it as emphatit alls as a boss I game dot's "Unite hnnestlv I think sve ssere s ets , vers fortunate in re t roiling several sears ago svhen this class t ame in together," he said "It's a combination ot pl.tvers from tour and tise sears ago and I mm the junior t ol leges The I lot ks has e 2 l seniors on this sear's rostei and dies are among the best to ever pins at ()ri*gt>n k I lerek I tis 11Ic is the all time leading rusher and st orer in Oregon histors and bet .tine the tilth best rushei in I’at ifit It) histors last sveekend lie did so ss it hoot red shirting lens Olice. ss ho also pi.i vt*<) as a true freshman, is the school record holder in ret eis mg vantage and the I’at Itl ta reel ret ord holder in punt re turns and punt ret urn s ii tinge Senior guard (diris llusko started all I i games the I hit k • have placed over the last foul lorn to Bowl, Page l'» LIP SyNC II BEGINNING WED. NOV 29th CHECK FOR DETAILS!! FREE FOOD (Nightly from 4-8prn) 5 0 % i OFF ADMISSION WITH THIS COUPON LIVE MUSIC (9-2am Mon-Sat) 535 Main St. Springfield 747-0307 GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-We $3.50 m 492 E 13th 686-2458 «S« Lose 10 to 14 Pounds 687-0590 50% OFF Poly Propolane Underwear Reg. $24.00 each Sale *11" For Tops or Bottoms % Similar to Pn lure Shown We also carry the largest selection of performance rainwear MOONSTONE • HELLY-TECH MARMOT •COLUMBIA PATAGONIA Bring U of O ID Get 10% off Always lVFKENZIE O U T F I T T E R S l 79 W. BROADWAY VALLKY RIVER CENTER Mon-Sat 9:30-6: Sun 11-5 (Reg Canter Hours) Students, Dairy Queen WE TREAT YOU MGHT Single Deluxe Burger (Now 99<, Reg. sl54) good Nov. 21st Nov. 2>()th Dairy Queen Wf TOUT YOU MGHT brazier (>reat thinkers— come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats the University Bookstore In the Book IK’pt Similar to Pirtuffl 'ihnwn