_Sports_ Duck runners finish second behind Iowa State Iowa Stale's lop ranked men's r rnss (ounlr\ learn i proved the pollsters right Mon da\ he taking the national title i in the \( A A meet in Annup oils. Md I fregon. ranked No J in the ! nation, finished second, pist eight points behind the IA i tones in vvh.il turned out to he a two team rare tor the title |ohn \uttall and lonah hoei h ol low ,i SI.ite finished 1 Ain the meet to par e the dvr limes Oregon's highest team finish ers were Brad Hudson at eighth place in a time of to it 1 1 with Peter 1 rinser a anti Pal I fuller at 1 oth and 17th. respectively, to round out the Ducks’ top lit) finishers Iowa finished Inc meet with 0-1 points followed bv the 1 hit ks w ith 72 I mm there scoring dropped dramatic .illy with Wake forest and Wash ington at third ami fourth with 2 lll and 22 1 points, respei In r I v Oregon entered the moot con tidrnt after its historii swoop at llio Kogion H moot 10 d.ivs ago lint tho I 2 finish lor the t A i lonos in the rai e proved too mill h for the I fucks to uvei come Nuttall a senior from Puts Ion I uglnnd finished the 10.000 motor course in 20 10 Vi Knot h a native ol ken\ a finished secoml m 20 12 00 (ierman Beltran, a na tire ol Venezuela who runs for Alabama, finished third with a time of 20 t t lovvii Sl.ilr's i )arn*II Smith finished 1 lilt overall, ami sev rnilh among tilt1 154 learn par ticipants The (Ai dunes plat ed live runners in the tup J ) till idlers in team competition l'> edge the I Kicks Aiming the runners compel mg mdi \ idually the top timsh ei was Louisiana State's Tern FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11*17 • 50-400rr enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344 7894 344 3555 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus * tMJNDCRIAMP * SRtAT TOR PARTICS AND BIRTHDAYS 'CVIDEO ALL GAMES WOW WITH NICKELS 5 GAMES ADMISSION 1 50 STM STREET PUilIC MAMET mgym EUGENE •EI1-EM4 Iiurnlnii. who finisheil fourih ivornll in JO -to ' i Ihornfon. iko Null.ill is ,i ii.ilivt' of I’ti's on, Knglanct Bob Kennedy of Indiana v In i won I In- mi i* Inst \ eai is .1 reshman, w .is (ho 111 si l' S minor across the finish lino ,it iflli m .1 tiino ol Jo 1! 10 Othoi (fro^on finishers wore lorrani o Mahon at J ill Damn ope/. at ) tth Stove K11 hauls il tttlh ami I in I’otorson .it ' ini Orruun was attempting in u in it-, filth national till*- 1 hr 1 tin k ivi'ir NCAA I h.impii■ m i ■ i ' i t'l t 11 * * I .lllll 1 * * Villantna s \ n ki Ihilirr ui>n thr miiiih'iiA title imering thr i (Hiti mriia i ihirsr m 1 i i*i hii In trail thr \\ ilili its tu thru first ever tram championship Hither s tilin' was the tastes) in nine \rais ill women's i ompeti lion \ illamiV a ptill rit lllfrr worn rn in !ln> lop .’0 with Kathy I i.ini'x finishing 11th overall ninth among loam iuinp**titlon ami Soma () Sullivan timshmg jn overall. tHlh in team i ompe Ilium Oregon's Sti'plianii1 Wessiil tin- loin’ Dm k l ompi'lilor tin isIiimI aHtli with a lime ot I ill Ha i hr \\ ih als Imishi'il w ilh ‘Ml points lolloni'il h\ Ki■ 111ut kv w ilh IfiH points \ illanm a plat i'il Ih11-i■ nmnets in tIn* top .’ll m train i nniprtilmu kiniltu k\ s \ alone \|i (!m ri ii plat nil stu mid in the Tin i' in a I line nl li- ’t. H lie ti'iulitiK nmet i It.intpton Mi i lirlli' I lekkels nl Indiana till i In il lliml ill In III V.’ Susan Bliss nl Missouri plat ml li>u11li overall in 10 II H I Best alining thosn i iimpelinv| mi an iniltt uliial lia SIS FOOD VALUE I960 FRANKIJN BI.VI). \I)| MINI l(t< Win Ml\ I K Wkl l\ III \ I). GOOD THROUGH 11 23 89 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY SAVE UP TO on items at _ _ FOOD VALUE COOL WHIP 8 O L 45% off 69$ 1st two (reg $1 25 ea ) RAINIER BEER 12 12 Oi Cans 10% off 1 $479 ♦ dep (rfg $5 39 • dep i PEPSI FAMILY 8 16 Bottles 65% off -- 1st two (reg $2 99 • dep .coupon.———— COORS BEER 12 12o/ Bodies 30% off $449 ♦ Ut;p (req $() •! ) - ili'P MISSION MACARONI & CHEESE 50% off 4/$-|00 (reg 53c ea | P«aiaiaB«COUpOnauHiMa| WHIPPING CREAMj Quality Checked '. pinl 65% off St two (mg 59c ea ) — coupom EGG NOG Quality Checked 32 0/ 9% off X him] $1 09) MD BATH TISSUE 4 Rolls 40% off -\i) 1st two irey $1 59 e.i ) r nCOUpOlliiaiMHiBj 91 S I C & H SUGAR 1 lb 45% off 3/s100 1st three I I L (reg 65c ea ) coupon ANDRE CHAMPAGNE 750 ml 25% off 2/s500 (reg $ i 39 o.i ) CARNATION TUNA 7.5 o/ 35% off 2/si00 (ret) 79c ea I coupons IGA BREAD 22 5 0/ 35% off anT Jin 'I IGA (reg 53e ea) couponi