_Community_ Program teaches skills to disabled Job experience stressed B\ |ant* Stelli* t nierald ( ontrilnitor Taking out tile garbage ts not ,i job most would find i.lialh'iig ini; but to (’ll list \ Wilson, just liiiviuj4 .1 job is t‘\t it mg. W ilson is out* ol lout people with developmental dis.ibilitit's working .it the KMl ’ .is part ol .1 (ioinnumitv lilassroom pro grain, who listed taking out the garbage and washing dishes as some ol then favorite tasks on the job I'hc Lam: t .iiu< .ition Srr\ h r District began thf program in September to tear li voting pro pic with disabilities by helping them lind and keep jobs m the community The 14 students come from all over Lane (!ount\ . and meet eat h morning .it the downtown AKt bingo i enter hut do most ol their learning on the job "It's almost like a < lassroom w ithout walls " said Marts Sheehan, supervisor ol the high school trainable mentally re larded program The students who work in I hr I Ml' earn .1 small wage mil .1 her lum h in return tor three to lino hours ol work |>et iJ SW/ff \mrttt .> * * i \mriu .1 % 9 I Hrsl S fllri 100'* of ^ Titles to 4 choose from TT Kmi4 TREE of LIFE All Special Records i with tfiis < oupon only | I $097 mmt (liu hides above titles) With this coupon get a cassette for .99C .lust ask f«i C <»tu rtssi-lli* Offor good through 11 >O SW Nt i limit SHARE A RIDE WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN V PIECE OF YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION? You can, at U-Lane-O Credit Union! I nlike olhei lm.iiki.il institutions, Ciedit lannus ,ik- not lot piotit I hey c\M only to servo the Imaneiul needs ot then memheis When vou ie a memhei ol 1 I .me <). you are also an ownci. vvhieh eives sou the opportunity to sliaie in the dec isions ulteeimu yotn credit union I l.nne-O is the l niversitv ot Oregon's ereilil union, set vine the lmatk i.il needs ol I ol () students and employees sinee l‘>>h Come see why we re ealled nOn “the Best^ Bunk in l ow n“ uo ( rt*ciil I nion I III) A Ktrr> I iigcni*, ()K (.H7-2.M7 NCUA CIRRUS UP TO *70 OFF! Your Balfour College Class Ring I)on’t miss this golden opportunity to save on a Balfour College Class Ring! • $30 OFF 10K • $50 OFF 14K • $70 OFF 18K Hurry! Offered fora limited time only! RLAI ISIl( DISCO! M S \OVI\LI.A I LI) I’RK LS rim; days NOVEMBER 20-21 10:00-4:00 CAMPUS CONNECTION 720 E. 13th Balfour. _ < V C ✓ >ti/i/i//L < */y*///// Recycle This Paper