Protesters released, won't be sent to jail By Hon Walker Emerald Associate Editor All 20 demonstrators ( barged tor their Kl Salvador protest activities at the Fed eral Building Monday have been released from federal custody. Representatives from the local U S Marshal's office as well as federal protective officers who made the >u rests, would not give out in formation about the cite lions, arrests or demonstra lion. The arrested protesters were charged with unlawful ly obstructing a federal building entrance, said as sistunt federal attorney Deb orah Dealv Browning. Of those arrested. 12 were arraigned and 14 were cited. All 29 protesters were re leased Monday afternoon Charges against two minors will not be pursued. The 12 who wen’ arraigned will be sentenced l)et . 7. The maximum punish ment for the offense is six months imprisonment or a $500 fine. l.tvil rights attorney David Atkin said the protesters were cooperative and peace ful when they were arrested "In true Gandhian style, they felt it was important to get arrested and take the consequences." Atkin said. Federal officials indicated Monday that they would not ask for the protesters to spend time in jail. Atkin said Instead, he said, pro testers might bo able to carry out their penalties by per forming community service, in the form ot work for .1 government or nonprofit agency. Don ('lark, spokesman lor the General Services Admin istralion in Seattle, said the 2<) demonstrators were charged alter failing to dis peise at the request ot a fed eral officer, and 17 of them were then released Thi: remaining 12 were held in custody until Mon day afternoon because thev had refused to divulge their names and addresses to au thorities. ('lark said The demonstrators were among Mil) who began their vigil Sunday afternoon A number of them spent the night in a shantytown in front of the Federal build ing. and lhe\ planned to block doors to the building Monday morning. Federal authorities knew about the protest, and the entrant es to the building were kepi lot ked which is a normal procedure in such cases, (dark saitl Although c ity police ofti tors also knew of the protest and were on standby Mon day morning, they made no arrests, said Public Safety Department spokesman Tim Hirr "We were advised there would bo ct protest and t iv11 disobedience,” Birr said However, he added that foil oral protective officers of the General Services Adminis tration made all arrests "The protest was on feder al property, il was a federal matter, and federal authori ties elected to take on the matter themselves." Birr said. A bill supported by Kep. Peter DeEazio (D-Ore.) passed on the floor of the House Monday, a bill that would end I I.S. aid to the El Salvadoran government and send money instead to inde pendent relief organizations said Matthew Kimble. Wash ington press secretary lor Del'a/.io. Delaziu also has cosponsored a bill intro diit ed m the House Mondav \\ liii It i alls tor an end to t S aid to El Salvador un less a nnmhei ot i omlitions are met. including govern ment and judii iar\ reforms as well as a ( ease tire in tin civil war. k imble said UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( ()\lh SEE ('.S' \ 1 ()l R SEW UH \ TIOS! • lOWISI AIRKARI-.S ANYWHIKI • I'l RSONAl I/I D I'KOf 1 SSK)N M SI KS K I • INS I AS I I l K All I’ A SSI S • SirillAI \NI) Y( )l I H I SKI S • IN URN A I ION AI SM DI N I tAt H ANGI 11)1 N III Y ( \KI) • AM I K \K • | AS I ( OMI’l II Kl/I I) K1 SI K\ \IIONS • < (iN\ I Nil N I tAMIU S I (H A HON • IK kl I 1)1 I INI KA 683-5577 rol l I K! 1 I WX) KKK H()l KS X IKl m x H> M I \| l \1 \J()R ( kl 1)11 ( \kl)S \( ( I I’l l I) C ontinucd from Page 1 floing to m.ikf li.izaril gti .UVil\ I'he I'niversitv delaved an nouncing that chemical dump 111^ pnssihh oi i urred on the re scan h park site lie. ansi' tin' i hums were on!\ rumors Wil liams said Hit' western imuI ot the rt* scan h park wliii h is leased to llic Faigene Water and I lc< trii Hoard, the soccer field, and the Silva On.hard area are among several areas to he assessed I U I li reportedK uses !’< It (polvi hlormated hiplnmvll oils • uut i reosote to tr«“.«t power poll's on tlie propertv \\ illiums said Pile Silv.i < )n li.iril. (lie east end ol the site, tnav have lierlm ide or peslii ide residue from its previous use .is .1 i om menial fruit orchard. Williams s.iul l he soccer field is where Williams s.ud holes were dug and glass and metal > out.oners were deposited h\ the i liemis lr\ department Williams said the first phase ot the project would i osl aliout Still.(Hill. ,mil ( mild lii>>t tliroo or four months \ soon o for funding Ihr studs hits not vi'l Ihm'h dolor lilinod. ho s.iid Investigators from I K Squior Assoi ialos Ini will t.lko Wiltol .Hill soil SiimploS illlll niiiIso \ isii,il inspoi lions of .id j.n onl properties 11s |i,irt of tlieii .iii.ilvsis during llio Inst phase \ n-porl vs ill ho prop.irod on w .11 lion the I hiis ersits should tHk fits Mo'tKMAIil- sol cs i —^^sTOP^ i •o :0 r. ST' ^.temottc W54HU m pvt-* W ti>IH>>n*» " ■..Hii <>»>“' 01 I>« <»>* ("K tupfi'W ui U*»t ,K. 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