Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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• Ivory Trading Sportswear
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PtlOll) l»\ S|c\ r ( .ml
Wanauri \l Irnkins (rii{ht). \rl Moser and Kill) Hailry iiprnrtl Veit Max s t.nrrn Iasi Wrdnrs
</.n pt cium;, mark i in; I hr rrtnrn n I .in nhl lampus landmark.
New Max's opens in old location
H\ S.im Siherstein
I morale! ( mill iIhiIim
\eu Max s l.ivcrn opened for
business l.isl Wednesdas ev en
ing after live months id leno
rations and legal battles ovei
the issuing id its liquor hi cruse
\ei\ Max s I "ill I I till Ave
line stands al the sile id the
landmark Max's tavern whic h
i I used in \lav billowing .1 dis
|Ulte Iwtween the buildings
owner and manager lire bar
had been prepared In reopen
under new management in late
Neptemlrer Indore a Itx al
neighbor blind group voted III
oppose its applit at ton tor a liq
nor In enxe
In an ( >11 7 Icllt'i In (In' ()re
yuu l iquor Control Conunis
sum. tin1 U i'sl I Jniversitv
\eighlxjrs Assoc iation .iskt'il
tli.it tin- \rn Slav's liquor li
cense applii ation In- (li-nii'il on
tin- grounds that enough t.n
crus already existed m the
noiglilMirhood, and that not
enough spaii- stood between
lli<- bai and tin- n-sidi-ntial
apartments in tin- art-a
l lii- letter also i omplaini-d ol
adding to an atmosphere ( on
dm tier to transient at tivitv and
unpleasant liehavioi assocdated
with these elements," and
boisterous .11 ti\it> " that
could spill out on the side
u .ilk and street
\\ I \ \ hoard member Shan
non McCarthy said (lie | otest
was "an attempt (o ns laiin tIn
residential atmosphere ot tii.it
bloc k
I lie ( it\ ol Ktigene how e\ i'i
iound Iho VVl N X complaints
were not valid, said business li
cense specialist Denise Speke
and tile i it\ endorsed the appli
cation on Nov I
I he Old ( then issued the 11
i ense earls hist w eek and mi
U'ednesdas evening around
ti.lt) a former employee
walked in and bought the hist
beer," said New Max's mating
el XI Jenkins
Tin just glad it’s open.'
said Jenkins, w ho i I.limed to
have lost two months of income
because of the delays licit s
all water uildei the bridge
I hough there Wert' no condl
lions put upon tlir bar b\ the
i it\ but Jenkins lias promised
solin' changes in tin- way New
Max's will bn run. Spyke s.ml
rimy were getting kind ol
loud.'' bn said oi Ibi' bar iindi'i
previous management I’m
not going to run tin- plai n like
it was belore I've hired a lull
linn' sound man (who xx ill) be
keeping tile sound .it a reason
able level - that's bis only job
\evv booths and seats an ex
pandeil stage, and returbished
heating and plumbing systems
also give \ew Max's a new
look lenkms said though the
bar's original "feel" will re
The plot e is such a tradi
tion. it's a historii al pl.u e.
lenkms said "(Restoring the
bar) is definitely something I
am really committed to and
have take a lot of pride ill "
Heyond the usual telex i.xed
sports and rm k iiiusn attrai
lions lenkius said he plans on
hosting ai oustic and expert
mental at tx "everything
from countrv and western to
punk" on vveeknighlx and
more i onv entional blues or
rot k performers on weekends
"Peanut Night," featuring a
r>5-pound barrel of peanuts
and <i weekly dart league are
also planned