_Inside_ ■ Sonia Johnson speaks, Page 5 ■ Gangs in Eugene? Pages 8,14 ■ Class teaches job skills, Page 13 ■ Ducks beat High-Five, Page 16 _ -Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald I'llcsil.u \ I >\ cmbt'l ‘ I . 11 IH‘1 Ini’mc l )rt‘gou Volume ‘11. Number )M Chemical waste to be investigated by firm B\ < hris Hounelt f meruld Assoc iule I ditor file 1 'niversitv luis a< quired the servic es of a Port land-area engineering firm to conduct .in environnienl.d impact sfud\ of ,ire.is within the Riverfront Re se.in li dark possibly i ontaini lulled willi hazardous m.ilen ills I),m Williams I niversilv \ ii e president tor adrninistr.i lion .innnimieil ,il .1 Mondav afternoon news t onlereni e dial the I Iniv ersitv dei idetl to m vestigate rumors ihiit certain ureas of the park were exposed to hazardous materials during the PlhOs Moreener. Williams said tile irsiMii h park would not hi’ .i! fee ti“d it iiuy hazardous malm a Is .ire found ' If fhrir arr i oiil.imin.ilions there thim the f'liiverstlv will have .1 n's[ioiisihilil\ to remove llii'in Williams s.ud I donl think whatever we learn there is likely lo have any diri’i I un part on our plans lor develop ing llial site Somti ol lhi‘ i humic uls dial worn m tisi' during the (ills in i ludcil nitric and sulfuric: ,ii ids, pun bloric at id haloi arlions and trai l' heavy metals. Williams said As the development began to he more ol a reality it seemed to me that we needed at that time, to find out more about what was going on Williams said "It's just a mat ter ot priority and timing "\\ r pit ki* i I he litst timr Oregon w.is In .1 him I, il dr (e, lied Sniilhern Melhodisl I 'niversils -'1 H in the Sun lorn lu Himl, Page I Twenty-nine arrested in protest of U.S. military support of El Salvador Bv Kelvin Wee Fmerald Assot idle Editor Twents nine people were arrested and charged i\ 11h disorderly i ondui t Mondav w lien the\ harrii ailed the entrain es nl the Kugene I ederal Building The protest, which effectively shut down the l ed eral Building lor more than four hours, was a i ontinua lion of Sunday's rails denouncing the United States' ei onomii and military support for the Id Salvadoran government "Were here tor as long .IS il I,ikes It s nut business .is usual luil,iv ' s.iul University student Phillip Xerbu when he was asked how long the him k.idr would last Xerbu said the protesters were demanding an end lo all I' S aid to HI Salvador; a < oinplete withdrawal ol all l' S militarv personnel from 111 Salvador; that the HI Salvadoran government enter into negotiations toward a polit ii a I solution tor all m HI Salvador: and that the people guiltv ol < oiumitting human rights v iolations in HI Salvador he brought to nistii e I ailing short ol that. Xerbo. an active member ol the University ol Oregon 1'iliversitv ol HI Salvador Sis ter University Project, said the protesters would not budge Protesters began their him kade ot the building at 0:40 a III Hv II a m . more than hall the federal employees were informed they would not be allowed to pass through the picket line At M 05 a m one ol the etn plov ees who already was in the building held up a sign telling other employees lo leave and i ome hai k after 10 a. m left Slier, an aide to Congressman Peter DeHa/io was one ol main who w ere blot ked from entering the building Slier said DeHa/io s support lor the issue did not 1111|11 \ .in iinnitMli.it>' fiulorsi'mi'iit nl thr him k.iduin ol thr building lit' 11 )i • |- ,i/ii i| iloi'sut s ti | i|m >rt mil.mini ,n him .mil .is .1 mi'inhi'i ol lus si.ill I <■< ho lh.it opinion Slinr s.iicl Anothi't i'in|)lovi'i' walkt-d .ironml tlm I'ntiri' hnilil mu onh to 11 m I mini' ol I hit t'litrnni is open "I fir*?I lh.it it s ms unlit to no to work." said l.i'n-d Sri ri't.ns Harh Yothers "I don't mind tin? tai l that lhi'\ 'ii' dfiinonstralinn. hut I just think thus re linitmn tlirir oss n i ansi1 Many of the other employees went not .is u 111 ■ iiy> to talk Most i itoil not knowing enough about tin* situ.i lion m l l Salvador as thr main reason I m however \vi*ri' able to In' i oasi'd out of their slit'll "I'm i ompletek against our involvement in I I Sal vador loo. Init 1 don't see bow llus is going to t hange aintlimg said (amnic Scolla. a (ilS (ioordinator for tin' federal govcrnini'nt l lif lirst .uri'st took jilai e at H 1 . a in in Iron! ol tin' building's High Street entrain e when Hniversily student Rob Margral was hauled oil by I HI agents Margral an n< live member of the 11)1 TiS Sister I in versity Project yy.is released at about 1 1 10 a m after being i ited tor disorderly i undue I "Our intention eyas to get arrester) Margral said after he was released "We really wanted to force the I to I k e to have to take that step Many of the other protesters ei hoed Margrat's sen 11 nil* II t s "I'm hrrt' today to slop military ‘>><1 to