_Sports_ Netters take Wildcats, stopped by Sun Devils B\ AshU*\ C onklin I merald Sports Reporter After riding the volleyball seesaw to tlie lop I ri (liiv night the Oregon \ ollcv hull team tell off ll S.itm (lav night The Dm ks took .1 major step in hosting .1 firstrouml \( AA nmlt.h ll\ sweeping Arizona. H> It p, ii. in |t> I ridav Hot on Saturday Arizomt State ( inning oft a three-game loss to Oregon Stall on I rt <1.1 \ swept C Jregon 1 a I if tall till Tile Dm ks finished the regnlat season 10 H in the I’ac tfii 10 ( umleteni e ami 1 H overall, and w ill now wait to hear their fate lot the Nt \A lourn.intent Pair mgs ami sites lor the first round of the Nt AA tnurna ment v\dl he antunimed Nov .in with lust round at lion to he held Nov to to I lei 'We pi si were oil in all far ets ol our game Ore gon t oai It (let rv (iiegoi \ said aflei Saturdav N mail It We did do a mi e joh ol lireaktng out. hut i ollld not maintain that Mu hide hrebsbat h s kills p.u ed the Dili ks i atlv in game one hut the Sun Devils hung lough to pull w ithin i I Krehshach's and Denise Kuhn's plav al the net helped (Iregon run out to an 1 1 > lead hetore At i/ona Stale i ante hat k Dehhle Penney and Noelle I rnlrich i omhmed lor three servit e ai es and good net plav bv the Sun I levils tied the si ore at 1 1 II Alter .1 Iniie )Htre\ servile .lie- (Hit the Dinks 11Ji 1^11 .Arizona Slate mdied (our strain!*' points tu I.ike tile opening game it was mitt It id the same si file in games two and three w here Oregon would jump out in lro.nl early and the Sun Devils would < nine lut k I nr the will Oregon jumped out to a .o lead in the set ond game but Arizona State st ored seven straight points to hike a 7 A lead en route to a la II game two win (..irrit* three was equally disastrous lot Oregon as it jumped out to a a 1 lead behind the plus ol hrcbsbai It and Stephanie Snyder before the Sun Devils made their run I'lat le h isio sparked the run with a pair of kills as Arizona Slate took advantage ol several Dm k errors to go ahead 8 a Three Mindy (low nil kills and two ( begun altat k errors pushed the lead to 1,1 ti and then 14 I'he Dm ks si o red lour straight points to pull w i 111 • in I I II hut it wasn't enough as Arizona Slate won tall \\ It lie ( a i well led the wa\ for the Sun Devils with 14 kills (begoty was impressed with the entire Arizo na State line-up i Siiei \ord is a her k ol player (iregory said ol the Sun Devils' All American eandidale Hut aernss the hoard they play very well (In I 11 day it was a inverse hi! n.it ion loi the Dm k s as they i ame hat k to post yy ins in games one and three after falling behind in one ol the most e\« ding nwti h i s lii be played in Mi Arthur ( ourt lately In thi' lirst game Ihr Dinks ,in11 won Hi 14 on .1 service .ii i .mil kill In Melissa lerzian. The Dm ks hail things .i little easier in )>iiiTie two behind the outstanding defense and attacking of ler/ian and Mindee \darns, who led the wav in a li ft w in In the third game the Wilih .its jumped mil In a 7 I lead bold lid the play of Caylin Combs and Kristi Col son at the net Combs and helk W'aage then paced the Arizona attai k to lead 14 7 belt ire the I tin ks came hai k Attei pulling within 1 1 11), a |otfre\ kill and two l ills from Klehshai h lied the si ore at 14- 14 File game stayed nip and tuck and the Wildcats appeared to have an advantage at la 14 and serving tor the game hut the Dm ks held on and won on a l er/ian tip kill and an Arizona attai k error It s a good feeling to win in three because we have a lot ol respei t tor Arizona. l erzian said after the mall h AVc all know we have to support and en courage e.u h otliei out there and that makes us win in tight situations ler/ian led the wav lor the Dm ks w ith 1 tt kills and also had It digs Adams, with ID kills and 14 digs, had a lug game tor the Ducks as did krobsbnclt (Ig kills IK digs! and Dawnn Charmin (14 kills 14 digs) 1 2b /o OFF EUROTOTE weatherproof PLASTIC CARRY cases ftssoiled Colon 25% >OFF AU 1989 1990 academic CALENDARS ItMfctwB mrouqh N<* At9«« \ . paOEOUOS . 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